Heinrich bleeds supporters after he throws Biden under the bus

On Friday, Democrat Sen. Martin Heinrich called for Joe Biden to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race, a significant shift following his previous, more reserved statements regarding Biden’s cognitive abilities and political future.

Heinrich praised Biden’s accomplishments, stating, “Joe Biden is one of the most accomplished presidents in modern history. He has led our nation through unprecedented challenges with unwavering dedication and profound integrity.” 

However, Heinrich stressed the urgency of the current political climate, emphasizing the need for a candidate capable of defeating Donald Trump, who he described as an “existential danger to our democracy.” Heinrich concluded, “While the decision to withdraw from the campaign is President Biden’s alone, I believe it is in the best interests of our country for him to step aside.”

This call comes amid growing concerns among Democratic lawmakers about Biden’s age and electability, particularly following a poor debate performance against Trump. Heinrich’s statement aligns with a broader narrative among some Democrats advocating for a fresh candidate to enhance the party’s chances in the upcoming election.

In the comments of his post, leftists accused the Democrat senator of “bending the knee to corporate interests,” with one commenter writing, “You just lost a long time supporter! I am 1000% behind President Biden!” 

“Yep, nothing like a corporate Dino to recommend peoples vote should be discarded for the oligarchy.  Well, they did allocate $34 trillion for themselves,” wrote another.

One constituent added, “I am one of your voting constituents. Please stop.  Support President Biden.  He CAN win. But you need to get behind him instead of failing him.  It is NOT In the best interests of the country for him to withdraw.  Primary voters chose him, not donors.”

“Unfollowed. No more campaign contributions,” one wrote, while another far-left Democrat concluded, “I couldn’t disagree more. President Biden can stand on his record and his accomplishments. He is going to win unless all of you white Senators abandon the base. It’s looks bad no matter what your perspective is. This looks bad.”

Heinrich, who is running for reelection against Republican challenger Nella Domenici, faces a tight race in New Mexico, a state that is poised to be highly competitive in the upcoming elections. Domenici has criticized the Democratic Party’s current leadership, citing issues such as inflation and border security as failures of the Biden administration.

As the political landscape evolves, Heinrich’s call for Biden to step down highlights the internal struggles within the Democrat Party and the high stakes of the 2024 election.


18 thoughts on “Heinrich bleeds supporters after he throws Biden under the bus”

  1. Heinrich cares nothing about Biden. The only thing he’s worried about is losing his race to Nella Domenici. It was so nice to hear her name mentioned at the RNC convention. She has a decent chance of flipping that Senate seat!

  2. I chuckle to myself whenever they refer to Biden’s accomplishments. Just what accomplishments are they referring to? 10 million plus illegals aka future Democrat voters? Disastrous pull out from Afghanistan? Record inflation? 34+ trillion in debt. Yep, those are accomplishments that I would not want to flout!

  3. he knows that Nella Domenici is going to beat him and he’s just trying to play along with the DemonRats that know they are history.

  4. I don’t think any Democrat can come up with original, coherent comments. Thay babble on with the same talking points. Trump: “existential danger to our democracy.”

    Not hardly. What they really mean is: Trump: “existential danger to Democrats.”

    1. When dems say democracy they mean their democracy, which is 50+1 versus 50-1,
      known as mob rule..why America was formed as a Constitutional Republic…the Founders knew this danger well .

  5. I wonder what might be inciting assassins…
    Maybe it’s extremist propaganda? Like stating Trump is an “existential danger to our democracy.” Classic communist though, always accuse the opposition of what you are doing – it is obvious that trying to bury a political opponent both legally, and now physically, is the real threat to our democracy.
    This clown should be held accountable. Too bad the fbi doesn’t work for the people of the USA…

  6. These democrats should have been put on notice when their extremely poor decision making became deadly in 2021. It only took a few weeks for those of us with common sense to see their incompetency. The existential danger is in the ‘drama’ these dems seem to need to make their vague weak. We will wipe the floor with you in November.

  7. I scratch my head in disbelief that anyone – even idiot DemoncRATs – can look at that decrepit, demented, corrupt fool & expect the party to not only keep him propped up, but that they themselves will VOTE for him….

    It is fun to watch the internal implosion of their own making though.

    1. What a brave soul our senator is. The coward waited until the ground swell reached unimaginable heights before he jumped into the discussion. He’s a punk!

  8. Heinrich is a threat to our republic. He has absolute zero integrity. Will kiss anyone’s a$$ for another nickel.

  9. My question is: Biden won the primary for the Democratic nomination for president. That process was done by voters going to the polls and voting for Biden. Now his peers want him out including Heinrich. Is this true democracy? Are the votes are no longer valid because the elites want him out. If I were Biden supporter and I voted for him in the primary I would be as mad as hell for whoever is trying to negate my vote. Is that democracy?

  10. What a back stabber to his own President who has supported him! He has been doing this to citizens of New Mexico for years and it is time to vote him out. What has he done for the state of New Mexico I ask?


    .” Heinrich concluded, “While the decision to withdraw from the campaign is President Biden’s alone, I believe it is in the best interests of our country for him to step aside.” I believe it is in the best interests of New Mexico for Hind lick to step aside.

  12. Hiney-lick doesn’t do anything nor stand with anyone! He is all about himself.. He turned his back on New Mexico the day he got on that airplane headed to DC! Hiney-lick is a piece of shit! Domenici will take the election and hopefully she will ruin him!

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