Heinrich and Vasquez silent on the extreme Harris/Walz energy plan

Since Kamala Harris emerged as the presumptive Democrat nominee on July 21, following the ouster of Joe Biden, U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich and U.S. Rep. Gabe Vasquez, both far-left Democrats facing tough reelection races in November, have yet to comment on her energy platform. This silence is particularly notable given the massive role that the oil and gas industry plays in New Mexico’s economy, contributing $11.3 billion annually and providing employment for 100,000 residents.

Despite the pressing concerns from their constituents regarding Harris’ stance on the Green New Deal and her purported shift on a fracking ban, Heinrich and Vasquez have not made their positions clear on her policies. This comes as global financial markets experience major turbulence, including yesterday, where the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged over 1,000 points.

“When it comes to issues that matter, Martin Heinrich and Gabe Vasquez are taking a cowardly vow of silence,” stated Larry Behrens, Communications Director for the pro-energy group Power The Future. 

He emphasized the urgent need for these leaders to clarify whether they support Harris’ energy policies, which are critical to the state’s economic stability and growth. “As fears of recession spread across the globe, Martin Heinrich and Gabe Vasquez need to be honest about if they agree with Kamala Harris or not on the industry that powers their state’s economy and well-being. Every day they remain silent is more proof they want to be politicians instead of leaders.”

Power The Future, a 501c4 non-profit organization, is dedicated to advocating for American energy workers. The group highlights the essential role of the energy sector, particularly in states like New Mexico where oil and gas are pivotal to economic prosperity.

The Harris energy plan has sparked intense debate, particularly her endorsement of the Green New Deal and her evolving stance on fracking. The Green New Deal, which aims for a rapid transition to renewable energy sources, has been both lauded for its environmental aspirations and criticized for potential economic disruptions, especially in energy-dependent regions. 

Harris’ position on fracking, a contentious issue, has also been a focal point. Initially supporting a ban, her alleged reversal raises questions about the future of this practice under her leadership.

Her vice-presidential running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, is openly anti-fracking under all circumstances.

For New Mexico, where the oil and gas industry is not just an economic driver but a source of thousands of jobs, the implications of Harris’ energy policies are profound. The state’s reliance on this sector means that any drastic policy changes could significantly impact its financial health and employment rates.

The silence from Heinrich and Vasquez on these issues is thus more than a political oversight; it is a matter of public concern.

In contrast, the global financial markets are currently in a state of flux, adding another layer of complexity. As fears of a recession loom, decisive leadership and clear communication from elected officials become even more critical. The remarks from Behrens underscore the urgency for Heinrich and Vasquez to step forward and provide the necessary leadership on these pivotal issues.


13 thoughts on “Heinrich and Vasquez silent on the extreme Harris/Walz energy plan”

  1. A vote for Harris/Walz is a vote for communism at its best. Both want to control you and break the backs of the American people.
    The want to take away your 2nd amendment and bankrupt the American people while lining their pockets. Just like MLG and her minions (comrades) are doing to NM,
    And enough about the so called “climate change” it is a scam and another get rich scheme for the democrats.

  2. Clare A May, retired

    Shhhhhh… nobody say anything. Let them stay quiet… no stance on oil and gas….no balls.

    No balls… no more oil and gas drilling.

    No more oil and gas… no more black budget general fund revenues with trillions of dollars not spent on anything except increasing tourism dollars for late term executions of children.

    See how that works?

    No more oil n gas…you gotta increase the general fund somewhere else to pay gooberments saleries n wages… might as well go for expanding the killing fields since they already spent it killing babies from Texas in the womb…

  3. There short term goal is communism there long term goal is Marxism. First they need to divide us, take God our of our lives and away from or children, make our children have no respect for the family unit by chasing their sexes and making them childless. At the same time crime goes up because of defunding the police, they then ask for our guns and we are so tired of the crime we comply. Then the government does what they want as we have no way to fight back, our children are on board with the government leading the way and we are too old and unarmed to fight. If you vote democrat you are the problem, you are the people responsible for our transition to Marxism. Vote conservative or send us to a hell we will not be able to vote our way out of.

    1. Clare A May, retired

      If you dare to call out an example… look no father than Venezuela…

      No vote was good enough there to remove communism.

      How have they done it in New Mexico though?

      Controlling the bean counters through majority rule… AND always replacing a democrat communist with another democrat communist.

      House, Senate, Judiciary and Governorship, Controlling just one branch in New Mexico over the years has taken its toll on freedom and liberty… but historically…The DNC of New Mexico has controlled 3 of the 4 for decades now…and 4 of 4 right now.

      Don’t forget the bean counter though… the Secretary of State.

  4. K is a Marxist/Satanist. Her “word salads” are in reality an incantation straight from the Marxist playbook. She is trying to cast a spell on the people, ever wonder why she says things in sets of 3? It is how witches cast their spells. YAHUAH (pronounced YAH-OO-AH) rebuke Kamala. (Yahuah is the name of THE Creator in Paleo Hebrew) It is the only way/ only name we can use to oppose the wickedness in high places.

  5. The Green New Deal is another way to leave Americans dependent on the government. How many true middle class people can really afford Electric vehicles? The answer is not many. Biden promised that there would be places to charge these Electric vehicles every so many miles on the major US highways by now. How many do you see. I still see more McDonald’s and Starbucks than the charging stations. Hybrids are sometimes in a few cases more affordable, but to democrats they still use gas. Our country monetarily is not ready with this inflation to buy new cars we can’t afford and charging ports in our houses! Much less can Americans afford houses in general. The far left is totally out of touch with real Americans’ finances obviously. Most Americans can’t afford anything extra right now! Many can barely afford groceries…Dems are worried about charging stations what about housing homeless Americans and Veterans!!!!!

  6. “When it comes to issues that matter, Martin Heinrich and Gabe Vasquez are taking a cowardly vow of silence,” stated Larry Behrens, Communications Director for the pro-energy group Power The Future.

    Larry, you nailed it! They are both cowards!

  7. It won’t matter whether fracking is allowed under their Green Mandates Harris/Walz plan or not. Once their anti-petroleum mandates regarding Miles-Per-Gallon requirements on vehicles continue the Biden Administration’s unrealistically high values, we will be forced out of gas-powered vehicles. This will turn the screws to destroy the oil-and-gas industry throughout the USA, in favor of Chinese Communist manufactured EV products. This plan is Anti-American, anti-freedom, even anti-liberal.

    The Harris/Walz ticket must be stopped before they truly damage the future of our country. This goes for candidates Gabe Vasquez, Martin Heinrich, and other Democrat green-mandate proponents in New Mexico as well.

  8. Clare A May, retired

    What’s going on with hydrogen powered cars? What little I hear, water is used…and water is discharged from the process.

    I hear they have a traveling range of like 1,500 miles between water displacements. 4-8 times better than gasoline or diesel…

    They, (meaning the Democrats in New Mexico), afraid that too much water will be drawn from the Rio Grande and the silvery minnow will loose its habitat? Or maybe the spotted owl, the leopard lizard…the flying ant, the bent horned moose, the bat winged elephant, the two headed unicorn, the rainbow colored dog, the waved zebra cat, the hog tied iguana, or maybe the broke dick mule deer?

    Curious minds want to know…

  9. Clare A May, retired

    Hydro power… where are you? Ahhh…I get it… it cannot be taxed enough to keep the road a float… float …get it…? water is the biproduct…water dumped on the roads… pot hole city… street flooding… If the gooberment cannot tax water…and you can get it from the tap… the Democrats in New Mexico cannot funnel the taxes into their pocketbooks and campaign wallets!

    We cant play the “pay to play” politics in NM if we go hydro on transportation…

    Novel idea… the middle class and poor transportation costs to live day to day would plummet off the grid (lol…off the grid… funny sh*t there).

    Car makers would flourish tho… Imagine if you get in a really bad car wreck… you’d get splattered with…water. You might drown in the middle of San Agustin pass or up on the backroad to the Crest, before an ambulance could get to you.

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