Heinrich all but confirms he’s running for governor in 2026

New Mexico Senator Martin Heinrich is setting the stage for a likely run for governor in 2026, signaling a shift that could push the state further to the left. While Heinrich has not made an official announcement, his remarks leave little room for doubt. When asked by the outlet Semafor about a possible gubernatorial bid, he coyly responded, “I don’t really have anything to share today.” This non-denial has fueled speculation that he’s positioning himself for the role.

Heinrich’s political track record suggests he’ll bring a brand of far-left policies to the New Mexico governor’s office. Known for his advocacy of expansive green energy initiatives, Heinrich’s alignment with progressive climate policies is poised to shape his campaign platform. He’s expected to use his potential new role as the lead Democrat on the Senate Energy Committee to bolster his credentials as an environmental hardliner. Critics argue that these policies place ideology above practicality, risking energy reliability and driving up consumer costs.

Senator Ben Ray Luján, Heinrich’s colleague, underscored his influence in Washington, recalling how he urged former New Mexico Senators Tom Udall and Jeff Bingaman to remain in the Senate for the good of the state. “I think very highly of Martin,” Luján said, but many conservatives question whether Heinrich’s influence has actually benefited New Mexicans, given the economic impact of his policy priorities.

Heinrich’s record is dotted with extreme statements that have raised eyebrows. From his calls for more stringent environmental regulations to his support for “equity-driven” economic policies, critics argue his positions cater to the farthest edges of the Democrat Party. 

His past support for curbing traditional energy production has drawn fire from industry leaders, who warn that such moves could cost New Mexico jobs and increase residents’ energy bills. He also primarily lives in Silver Spring, Maryland, where he moved his family after being elected to Congress.

Some speculate that Joe Biden’s lame-duck Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, a former congresswoman, could also enter the gubernatorial race, creating a potential battle between two far-left heavyweights. But for now, all eyes are on Heinrich, whose maneuvers signal that his ambitions for 2026 are already in motion.

With New Mexico’s economic future at stake, Heinrich’s potential run is likely to spark fierce debate. Critics argue that his far-left policies could push the state into deeper economic hardship, while supporters frame him as a champion of progressive values. As Heinrich himself said, he’s focused on “what’s best for New Mexico,” but for many, that’s exactly what’s up for debate.


24 thoughts on “Heinrich all but confirms he’s running for governor in 2026”

  1. The GOP really needs to step up it’s game for a WELL Liked and Well known person that has New Mexico citizens best interests at heart!!!

  2. “Some speculate that Joe Biden’s lame-duck Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, a former congresswoman, could also enter the gubernatorial race …”
    Heinrich and Haaland possibly fighting it out for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination? What a dream come true for Lt. Gov. Howie Morales! A three-way split in the vote would most definitely benefit Morales’ chances to win the nomination.

  3. Let’s hope New Mexicans wake up and quit hiring lovers into state offices!!! At least this time the person won’t be voted in for their sir name.. Hiney-lick turned his back on NM when he headed to the plane for Washington!

  4. Once again New Mexicans will be faced with the choice of comrade A or comrade B. Both marxists both from the same communist party unless the Republican leadership somehow starts to exhibit true leadership. Breaking the stranglehold the liberal marxists have on this state will be a Herculean effort that needs to encompass all segments of NM society. Political education is needed badly to keep the same oppressed people from voting in their oppressors. We also need election integrity, something that’s been lacking in NM for decades! Then we need to disregard the lying mainstream media who’s job it is to create personas for corrupt Marxist politicians. In essence sugar coating a tu-d.

  5. We don’t need another liberal a…hole to finish ruining our state. MLG along with every single person who voted for her should be ashamed of what she has done.

  6. God have mercy.
    Heinrich does not live here, how is it he can be a senator for NM? He should be impeached and removed from office.

    Wake up NM or our state will continue to go down the sink hole.

  7. So the socialist party aka democrats go from a little dictator to a man who has lived in Maryland since being elected, wake-up New Mexico he doesn’t care about you, he’s in it for himself and no one else, The dems switch from Tiny TyRunt to Maryland Martin

  8. Nella Domenici asked him at debate if he was running for governor, he wouldn’t answer. It was all planned out. He is weak and dishonest.

    1. I wonder if Heinrich wants to be governor and MLG wants to be Senator 🤷🏼‍♀️ switch spots to keep the corruption going in NM.

  9. Truly an outhouse primary election if people have to choose among Heinrich, Haaland, or Morales. Hold your nose as you mark the ballot.

    Yes, the GOP should start grooming someone young and dynamic who doesn’t smell as bad as the three above. But with a new GOP party chairperson who worked under the old party chairperson, I am reminded of that song by The Who and don’t have much confidence.

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