Following a tragic mass shooting at Young Park in Las Cruces, where three individuals were killed and 15 others injured, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham expressed deep frustration over the limited public safety legislation passed during the recent 60-day legislative session.
In a press conference held in the Cabinet Room, Governor Lujan Grisham highlighted that only a small fraction of the 270 bills addressing crime and public safety reached her desk, stating, “I cannot ignore that we failed to adequately address the public safety crisis in our state.”
The governor emphasized the absence of productive debates on juvenile crime, noting that even a “weakened, watered-down juvenile crime approach” failed to pass in the Senate.
Despite holding numerous town halls across New Mexico to gather public input on crime concerns, Lujan Grisham expressed bewilderment at lawmakers’ reluctance to act, asserting that “accountability is missing in New Mexico and has been for quite some time.”
While acknowledging the passage of a minor crime package and several “behavioral health” reforms, the governor recalled a previous commitment from lawmakers to do more, suggesting that the session’s outcomes did not align with that promise.
Lujan Grisham criticized certain legislative committees for hindering progress on public safety bills, referencing statements from committee chairs about intentionally delaying these bills.
The recent shooting in Las Cruces, involving multiple shooters and resulting in numerous casualties, has intensified discussions on gun violence and crime within the state.
In response, Governor Lujan Grisham is considering convening a special legislative session to address these pressing public safety issues, emphasizing the need for input from district attorneys, law enforcement, and affected families. This would inevitably include more gun grabs, which would be a detriment to the state’s citizens.
Republican leaders have expressed support for a special session focused on crime and healthcare. However, House Speaker Javier Martínez cautioned that such sessions require substantial preparatory work to be effective, stating that rushing into a special session without adequate preparation could be “a waste of taxpayer dollars, and quite frankly, it’s a waste of people’s time.”
Senate Majority Leader Peter Wirth echoed this sentiment, emphasizing that “special sessions don’t work if the bills aren’t cooked.”
There is concern among some that under the guise of addressing crime, the governor may attempt to introduce measures that could infringe upon the rights of law-abiding gun owners. Proposals such as the “Gas-Operated Semiautomatic Firearms Exclusion Act” have been introduced in the past, aiming to prohibit the importation, sale, manufacture, transfer, receipt, or possession of certain gas-operated semiautomatic firearms and large-capacity ammunition feeding devices.
Additionally, there have been discussions about holding the firearms industry accountable through litigation related to “unfair trade practices,” a concept that faced challenges in the previous legislative session.
How about Lujan backing g the blue?
A lack of LCPD contributed to Friday’s shooting. Back the blue, MLG.
The key is enforcement. MLG, let the police do their job!
She will take law abiding citizens weapons but not the ones the criminals have. I believe most criminals don’t buy guns and therefore don’t register them. Most criminals either steal them or buy them on the black market. The state won’t take their weapons away from them, because they don’t know they have them, leaving the citizen at risk and unable to protect themselves.
I agree with you Jose! Only law-abiding citizens are impacted by these ridiculous and unconstitutional gun control laws.
Absolutely true!
Support Law Enforcement. Reinstate Qualified Immunity. Eliminate the Open Door policy allowing suspects to walk without Bond. Eliminate Concealed Carry Licensing and Provide for Constitutional Carry. Lower the age for Juvenile Offenders to be charged. Stop requiring LEOs to ask Mother May I to arrest a juvenile. If they commit an arrest-able offense, then lock them up as you would an adult. Keep your hands off the 2nd Amendment
Well said — you speak for me and probably the majority of law abiding, taxpaying New Mexicans. Please listen, Gov. Lujan Grisham.
Completely agree with you!
Just trying to take our guns away and using this as excuse
MLG talks like she is an outsider looking in at the problem. She is the Chief Executive of the State. her lack of leadership in the first 50 days was noticable. Only during the final week did people hear her on the radio demanding something be done. There were efforts to get things done Governor. Your party tabled the Juvenile justice bill that was a crime bill, then pushed a cash payout bill for juvenile offenders. She should have stepped in immediately when the 4 democrat women tabled the first juvenile crime bill. but nothing happened. As you do nothing to address crime, your gun bills aim to make more law abiding New Mexicans criminals. This wasnt a 60 day session, it was a 60 day siesta. If its something other than raising more taxes, the democrats in SF are AWOL. NM is really suffering under this leadership. But the voters refuse to institute change and bring in new faces. We dont live forever folks, we need change and we need it now.
Don’t need special session- just enforce the laws.
Keep guns out of the hands of ALL demoNAZIs and crime will automatically drop by 90%!!! Stop ALL firearms ownership to anyone identifying as a demoNAZI or any genders other than M or F. Mentally disturbed people Should NOT have access to firearms!!!
the democrats defund the police movment has had severe consequences. Didnt our state legislature take away qualified immunity from the police also ? but they kept it for themselves. Democrats demonized the police and here we are. Our protectors are few and far between. Law and order, we miss you.
Hard to have an autocracy if the peasants have guns. Once again MLG and Gabe Vasquez are using a a tragedy to further their agenda. Vasquez used his campaign account to address the situation.
These leftists wanted to defund the police!
Vasquez ran on defunding the police.
Punish the bad guys, leave me alone.
She’s grasping for straws, this is her last hurrah . Trump, Supreme Court, I’m curious where this is going. 🇺🇸
Too bad that LCPD was so short handed that they couldn’t shut down the unauthorized car show. Too bad enforcement is not a priority in NM.
LCPD simply WILL NOT do their job to protect the general public! They will not put a STOP to unlawful gatherings and then use the excuse that they are understaffed. They knew this gathering was taking place and should have nipped it in the bud when they had the chance to do so, but instead they chose to ignore it. Its sad that Lost Causes NM has become such a wasteland of crime and infestation of lawlessness. When you elect democRATS, you wind up with this kind of leadershit!!!
The mass shooting is a preview for the upcoming Billy the Kid sequel “Young Guns 3.”
the New Mexico legislature need to tell the POS Marxist governor “NO”. The Governor bio says she is a catholic, well she cannot be a baby killer and a catholic at the same time. She cannot be trusted. The pope is also not a catholic as he believes abortion is ok, so we can never use the term
“well is the pope catholic?” because he is not.
Here’s a novel idea: ENFORCE THE LAW!
A writer remarked “leave us alone and punish the bad guys”. Well to her (MLG) we are the bad guys! Anyone wanting normalcy, liberty and freedom are to be dealt with severely. Step one is disarmament of the law abiding public leaving us defenseless against the criminals that they have allied themselves with. The democommies pretend to be appalled by all of the crimes being committed but they themselves set the wheels in motion for this travesty . As previously mentioned, removing qualified immunity for law enforcement and defunding them also has contributed greatly to the lawlessness that ensued. Law enforcement cannot recruit quality candidates because of it. Don’t think it’s all by accident, this plan has played out before in Cuba , China and Russia just to name a few. The neo Bolshevik’s citizens disarmament plan is very evident. Be ready for the fallout!
The event was characterized by the media as an unauthorized car show…when in reality…I believe it was unlawful people holding an unauthorized gun show. And it wasn’t the first time. When you keep doing nothing about unlawful behavior, the unauthorized car show turned into an unauthorized gun show. It was also characterized as an “altercation between two groups of people” and it was also called a mass shooting. I suspect it was simply a gunfight between two gangs.
Nothing makes me happier that the useless piglet wants to waste more taxpayers money because she didn’t her way – NOT!!! My guns have not jumped up and killed anyone.. GUNS ARE NOT THE PROBLEM!! It’s the NO MORALS lawyers and no cajones judges who insist on revolving doors at the jailhouse! Put the punks AWAY and quit trying to steal citizens rights!! AND again, the sooner Loserjan is dragged out of the roundhouse the better off New Mexico will be!!