Dem NM State Auditor Maestas has bad news for wasteful Lujan Grisham regime

In the fall of last year, New Mexico Environment Department Secretary James Kenney and a division director undertook a costly trip to Australia, with taxpayers footing the bill for $30,000 for their two flights. 

This expenditure has drawn scrutiny and criticism from the state auditor, who labeled it a misuse of public funds and a breach of state regulations.

Democrat State Auditor Joseph Maestas addressed a letter to Kenney, highlighting that the trip’s expenses were inflated due to the officials upgrading their seats to business class. 

While economy class tickets would have cost approximately $2,000 each, the business class seats purchased were nearly $15,000 each, leading to a 600% increase in costs. Maestas described this as a “clear case of waste of public resources” and noted it violated state policy.

“In seeking and obtaining airfare rates at greater cost than otherwise normally allowable, NMED management inappropriately applied private business standards for travel and overrode important preventative internal controls. Specifically, NMED Out of State Travel Policy 07-04, which was last updated in 1996, requires travel be taken in a manner that optimizes NMED resources, and Department of Finance and Administration travel guidelines requires the utilization of the lowest fare available,” read Maestas’ letter.

Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham also attended the Asia-Pacific Hydrogen Summit in Sydney during this trip. She announced a partnership with an Australian company to establish an innovation hub in New Mexico.

Lujan Grisham has been well-known for her taxpayer-funded jet-setting across the globe, from Scotland and the Netherlands to multiple trips to Washington, D.C., funded by New Mexico taxpayers. 

Secretary Kenney did not grant an interview to KRQE but issued a statement explaining that the business class upgrade was to ensure a full and productive workday upon arrival, which was crucial for the summit’s effective participation. 

He acknowledged the need for stronger internal controls and mentioned that the Department of Finance and Administration would introduce a final travel policy for state employees soon.

“The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) upgraded to business class for extended international air travel to allow for a full and productive workday upon arrival. This was essential for effective participation in the Asia Pacific Hydrogen Summit where the Governor and NMED secured and announced a $100M investment in Albuquerque by Australian-based Star Scientific. The NMED acknowledges the need for stronger internal controls, and the Department of Finance and Administration will replace its interim travel policy with a final travel policy for state employees next month,” his statement read. 

Read State Auditor Maestas’ letter here.


16 thoughts on “Dem NM State Auditor Maestas has bad news for wasteful Lujan Grisham regime”

  1. This does seem like an exorbinant cost even for business class but, if one is especially tall, it would be extremely uncomfortable to sit in coach for this very, very long flight. If their trip required these public officials to be up and running for government related business shortly after arrival then the upgrade may be justified though not at this cost.

  2. The media continue to pander to unelected syndicate criminals masquerading as government. We need to stop suggesting that there is any legitimacy to the New Mexico( syndicate) “Government”. Stop expecting anything from a bunch of theives and murders running a racket. Stop wasting energy on challenging them. Get to the bottom line the New Mexico syndicate” not government” is a complete fraud. Give them nothing and spread the truth.

  3. As I person who has traveled coach to New Zealand, and then back on business class, I can attest business class is much more comfortable. But why do these politicos in search of green information deserve that? Were they essential to the junket? Or was it a really nice vacation at tax payer expense. I bet the latter. Maybe the state should buy a jet so MLG and her cronies can travel in real style.

  4. While in the military I deployed in coach, upon arerival, I spent 48 hours fixing a weapon system required to keep people alive, if the Soldiers can do it our corrupt state government can do it. All participants should pay back the 13k or the governor should be forced to pay it all. But like when she grabbed a moms crouch, nothing will happen, just like Hilary and Joe Biden, no consequences.

  5. Seen a lot since 2015, corruption so deep anyone will drown, just like DC! We are the people, they work for us, 4 the the sake of all people who live right, that is. We need to educate ourselves on the Nation’s Constitution, the State’s Constitution, our Civic or Cival Rights. Rick Green teaches Nation’s Constitution he appears frequently on Flashpoint. Most of our Senators and Representitives only live here temporarily, Legislators too, they are not from here. There are some good ones out there and we need more! NM born and raised well, not on the streets like MLG but in good homes with good morals. We need to clean up NM. period.

  6. Seen a lot since 2015, corruption so deep anyone will drown, just like DC! We are the people, they work for us, 4 the the sake of all good people who live right, that is. We need to educate ourselves on the Nation’s Constitution, the State’s Constitution, our Civic or Cival Rights. Rick Green teaches Nation’s Constitution he appears frequently on Flashpoint. Most of our Senators and Representitives only live here temporarily, Legislators too, they are not from here. There are some good ones out there and we need more! NM born and raised well, not on the streets like MLG but in good homes with good morals. We need to clean up NM. period.

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