‘Chicken Little’: Gabe Vasquez refuses to debate Yvette Herrell

In a recent development in the race for New Mexico’s Second Congressional District, tensions escalated as Republican candidate Yvette Herrell and the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) criticized Democrat far-left Rep. Gabe Vasquez for his refusal to participate in a scheduled debate. The debate, which was to be hosted by KOB-TV on October 16th, would have featured both candidates, offering voters an opportunity to hear directly from the contenders about their policies and campaign positions.

The NRCC released a statement labeling Vasquez’s decision as “cowardly,” using strong language to accuse him of avoiding accountability. The committee referred to him as “Chicken Little Gabe Vasquez,” and claimed he is hiding from New Mexican voters due to his stance on border security and law enforcement issues. Delanie Bomar, a spokeswoman for the NRCC, stated, “Chicken Gabe Vasquez is hiding from New Mexicans instead of addressing his extreme policies and behavior. Voters deserve so much more than the lies and cowardice from Chicken Little Gabe Vasquez.” The statement from the NRCC also highlighted past controversies involving Vasquez, pointing to what they described as an “arrest record” and his use of a racial slur in the past, though these allegations have not been independently verified.

Meanwhile, Herrell’s campaign released its own statement, expressing disappointment at Vasquez’s refusal to debate. Herrell emphasized that voters in the Second District deserve to hear from both candidates so they can make informed decisions. “Gabe Vasquez refusing to debate is a slap in the face to the voters of the Second Congressional District,” Herrell stated. “It’s disappointing that instead of defending his extreme positions on defunding the police and softening border security, Gabe Vasquez has chosen to hide from the voters.”

Herrell confirmed her participation in the October 16th debate, stating that she is eager to make her case to voters, even if she has to do it without her opponent present. According to Herrell, her presence at the debate is intended to provide transparency and show her willingness to engage with the public, a move she believes Vasquez has failed to reciprocate.

The lack of a direct debate between the two candidates raises questions about how effectively voters will be able to compare their positions ahead of Election Day. While Vasquez has not yet commented publicly on his decision to decline the debate, his absence on the KOB-TV stage will likely be a point of contention throughout the remainder of the campaign.


14 thoughts on “‘Chicken Little’: Gabe Vasquez refuses to debate Yvette Herrell”

  1. I think Gabe is gambling that despite his refusal to debate Herrell, Democrats in CD-2 will still blindly vote for him. I hope this is one bet that he loses.

  2. It appears that democrats either won’t debate unless they get their way or find it is better for them to hide in the basement so people don’t get to know what the are really about.

  3. Gabe is a weak man.
    Weak men have weakened New Mexico by electing weak leaders of both genders. Now we have hard times… (sound familiar?)

    Men, wake up and stand up! or get comfy in that girdle…

    Do Better New Mexico!

  4. Gabe has a yellow streak up his back he’s a mamma ‘s boy and also a baby killer did his parents have any kids that lived?

  5. Vacillating-Vasquez again showing his abilities.. NOT capable and no huevos!! He knows Yvette will wipe the floor with him like a limp rag doll.

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