
Longtime Democrat Santa Fe-area NM senator announces retirement

A veteran member of the state Legislature, Democrat Sen. Nancy Rodriguez of Santa Fe, has declared her decision not to seek re-election, marking the end of a lengthy tenure, one of the longest in the current Legislature. “Truly, it’s time to retire and let someone else take the helm,” Rodriguez remarked, highlighting the emotional weight of her decision after years of service that felt akin to being part of a family.

The announcement has sparked interest among local representatives. Rep. Andrea Romero, also from Santa Fe and a resident within Rodriguez’s Senate District 24, is contemplating a bid for the vacant seat, motivated by Rodriguez’s departure. Romero, known for her advocacy on gun control legislation, sees this as an unexpected opportunity to consider.

Similarly, far-left Democrat Rep. Linda Serrato, who had previously planned to run for re-election to her House seat, is now deliberating a potential run for the Senate seat, emphasizing the significant legacy Rodriguez leaves behind. Serrato, who co-sponsored much legislation this session, expressed her respect for Rodriguez’s fair and supportive presence in the legislative process.

State Sen. Nancy Rodriguez’s official photo via

Democrat Rep. Tara Lujan, although not residing in Rodriguez’s district but representing an overlapping area, intends to seek re-election to her current House position. The upcoming filing deadline for candidates is set for March 12, as stipulated by the state Secretary of State’s Office.

Rodriguez, who has been a fixture in the Senate since 1996 and holds key committee positions, plans to fulfill her term through the end of 2024. Her career has been government-focused since the 1970s. 

Senate District 24, known for its strong Democratic lean, will be closely watched in the upcoming election, with Rodriguez’s departure setting the stage for a potential stand-off by moderate and far-left Democrats. 

All the New Mexico cities with a Safe Haven Baby Box

Safe Haven Baby Boxes (National Safe Haven crisis hotline is 1-866-99BABY1) provide a secure and anonymous way for individuals to surrender newborns up to 90 days old without facing legal repercussions, in accordance with New Mexico state law. Equipped with a silent alarm to notify authorities immediately upon a child’s surrender, these boxes also feature a direct line to the National Safe Haven crisis hotline for parents in need of support. Here’s a list of cities in New Mexico with Safe Haven Baby Boxes and their specific locations:

Eco-leftists have cooked up a new creative way for illegals to jump the border

The construction of an additional 458 miles of border barrier under the Trump administration, funded by military and defense allocations, has become the target of eco-leftists flinging cockamamy lawsuits to attempt to achieve open borders — and using wildlife as an excuse. They argue that the border barrier not only impacts human movement but also poses severe threats to the region’s wildlife by disrupting natural habitats and migration paths.

In response to these concerns, a coalition comprising 18 states, including New Mexico, alongside two environmental groups, initiated legal action against the 45th president’s administration for redirecting federal funds to the barrier without legislative approval. This legal battle has culminated in a settlement that promises considerable benefits for the environment and wildlife conservation.

Senator Martin Heinrich of New Mexico claimed the border barrier has a detrimental impact on the state’s unique desert ecosystems and the obstruction it causes to vital wildlife corridors. The settlement, according to Heinrich, represents progress in restoring these areas and safeguarding species such as the Mexican gray wolves, jaguars, and Sonoran pronghorn.

Key components of the settlement include the establishment of 24 wildlife passages and the maintenance of nine stormwater gates along the border barrier to facilitate animal movement. These measures claim to support a diverse range of species, from the endangered Peninsular bighorn sheep to various deer species. Additionally, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has committed $25 million towards acquiring a significant parcel of land for wildlife conservation near San Diego, along with funding research on endangered species. The open stormwater gates now give more opportunities for criminal aliens to leap the border.

The planned wildlife passages, designed to accommodate both small and large animals, are strategically placed to ensure minimal human interference while maximizing accessibility for species at risk. These passages are a testament to the concerted efforts to balance border security with environmental preservation, particularly in areas less frequented by migrants.

Moreover, the settlement includes a substantial investment in acquiring over 1,300 acres of land for conservation purposes. This land, previously earmarked for real estate development, will now serve as a crucial habitat for wildlife, enhancing connectivity between existing protected areas.

The settlement also earmarks $1.1 million for research into the conservation needs of key species like the Peninsular bighorn sheep and the Mexican gray wolves. This research is vital for understanding the impact of the border barrier on these species and for guiding future conservation efforts.

In New Mexico, the repercussions of an open border have been felt keenly, with illegal immigration exacerbating the challenges of wildlife conservation. The settlement’s focus on creating wildlife-friendly infrastructure and enhancing habitat connectivity is a critical step towards mitigating these impacts and ensuring the state’s rich biodiversity is preserved.

This agreement not only claims to address the immediate needs of wildlife affected by the border barrier but also sets a precedent for integrating environmental considerations into border security measures — helping achieve open borders.

Leftists already trying to downplay Dems’ horrible votes during 2024 Legislature

As the Democrat near super-majority state House and Senate in New Mexico attempted to pass loads of far-left policies, the imminent 2024 election loomed over the Roundhouse. 

Democrat political analysts are already playing defense for the Democrats who took horrible votes to increase gas prices, restrict gun ownership, and other unpopular measures. 

Michael S. Rocca, an associate professor of political science at the University of New Mexico, states that the voters most attuned to legislative activities are likely already decided on their candidate or party preferences, rendering the session’s outcomes minimally influential.

“Michael S. Rocca, an associate professor of political science at the University of New Mexico,” he told the Santa Fe New Mexican, adding, “Which means, regardless of what is going on [in the session, has very little effect on voters.”

“The average voter does not pay attention to the daily activities of the Legislature,” said pollster Brian Sanderoff, discounting the voters’ attention to bills that will inevitably harm them — unlikely.

He said that political campaigns can “cherry-pick particular votes of a specific legislator in an effort to portray them as soft on crime, for example, or as someone who voted to create a new gas tax or whatever.”

Instances exist where a legislator’s cumulative record has become a liability, as seen in 2020 when a far-left push successfully ousted several moderate Democrats over votes on key issues like abortion. These outcomes were most notable in primary elections, which tend to expose incumbents to greater risk.

The defeat of the paid family and medical leave bill, opposed by a coalition of 11 Democrats and 25 Republicans, exemplifies the potential for legislative votes to surprise and shape political narratives. Despite this, Rocca suggests that legislators likely weigh the electoral implications of their votes carefully, often voting in a manner that aligns with their constituents’ preferences to secure reelection.

The emphasis on personal connections with voters, highlighted by outgoing Albuquerque Sen. Mark Moores (R) and Jerry Ortiz y Pino (D-Albuquerque), underscores the importance of grassroots engagement over individual legislative decisions. According to Ortiz y Pino, it’s often the personal interactions and constituency services that leave a lasting impression on voters, rather than the specifics of legislative records.

Despite some “experts” and their opinions on the horrible votes taken during the recent legislative session, such as all but one Democrat voting against increased reimbursement rates for the DD Waiver, the bad votes for things such as anti-gun bills and increases to gas taxes will certainly play a role — especially as many incumbent Democrats are retiring and leaving winnable seats up for grabs.

Hamas-sympathizing socialists surround ABQ Jerry Seinfeld show

Demonstrations took place outside a Jerry Seinfeld performance in Downtown Albuquerque on Friday night as Hamas-sympathizing bigots voiced their violent opposition to Israel’s right to exist.

The gathering occurred close to the entrance of the Kiva Auditorium at the convention center, where attendees were waiting to see Seinfeld, who is Jewish and has publicly expressed his views on Israel being attacked by Hamas terrorists in the unprovoked stroke of bloodshed.

The protest, titled “Shut Down Racist Zionist Jerry Seinfeld,” was orchestrated by the Party for Socialism and Liberation. Participants chanted phrases like “Jerry, Jerry, you can’t hide, you’re supporting genocide” using a loudspeaker and displayed Palestine flags and placards with slogans such as “Hands off Rafah” and “no one is free until we are all free.”

Although there were minor scuffles between some protestors and event-goers, no significant incidents or injuries were reported. This event is part of a series of protests disrupting local gatherings in New Mexico this week.

A concert by Jewish-American artist Matisyahu scheduled at Meow Wolf in Santa Fe was canceled on Wednesday due to similar protests.

The demonstration also targeted the venue hosting Seinfeld’s show on Friday evening.

Protestor Alex McDonough shared their perspective, stating, “I hope anyone who’s platforming the racist ideology of Zionism and siding with the soldiers who are committing genocide — I hope they lose their platforms,” in a sentiment of hate, misinformation, and cancel culture. 

Zach Benjamin from the New Mexico Jewish Community Relations Center commented on the broader implications of such protests, expressing concern that “[s]ilencing the voices of artists based off their race, religion, national origin or identity. This sets a dangerous precedent. This will give other artists pause before they perform or exhibit New Mexico if we become perceived as a place where artists are welcome selectively.”

Just days ago, Jewish singer Matisyahu’s concert at Meow Wolf was canceled two hours before it began because Hamas-sympathizing staffers at the venue refused to work because of the pro-peace, anti-war singer’s support for Israel’s existence. There has been a massive uptick in antisemitism since Hamas’ unprovoked attack on Israel that began in October 2023.

Fury erupts after Meow Wolf bigots shut down sold-out Jewish artist’s show

In Santa Fe, New Mexico, hip-hop fans were disappointed as a much-anticipated Matisyahu concert at Meow Wolf was abruptly canceled just two hours before it began. The artist, known for his vocal support of Israel amidst Hamas’ attacks, found his show halted under circumstances that have sparked widespread conversation.

Local pro-Hamas groups claim their pressure influenced Meow Wolf’s decision to cancel the event. In response, Meow Wolf cited vague safety concerns due to insufficient staff to manage the sold-out event as the reason for the cancellation. Kati Murphy, Meow Wolf’s Vice President of Public Relations and Communications, emphasized the importance of prioritizing the safety of both employees and guests.

Matisyahu took to social media to express his dismay, stating, “My fans and I should have played a sold-out show at Meow Wolf in Santa Fe last night… Instead, the staff at these venues refused to come to work, forcing cancellations.” He criticized the venue in Santa Fe for misleading fans by attributing the cancellation to “security concerns” when the actual issue was staff unwillingness to work the show.

The artist lamented the missed opportunity for unity through music, stressing that actions dividing people only serve to escalate tensions. Matisyahu vowed to continue promoting peace and unity through his music, promising his fans in Santa Fe and Tucson that they would sing together again soon.

Matisyahu at Republik Music Festival 4, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 9, 2014. Peter Chiapperino via Wiki Commons.

Santa Fe’s Mayor, Alan Webber, weighed in on the controversy, differentiating between protesting government policies and obstructing a Jewish-American artist’s performance. He condemned all forms of bigotry and called for peace in the Middle East, emphasizing the need for the safe return of all hostages and an end to violence.

The Jewish Community Relations Coalition-New Mexico also voiced concern in a letter to Mayor Webber, highlighting the cultural and economic significance of the arts in New Mexico. They expressed worry that the cancellation might set a precedent that limits artistic expression based on an artist’s background or views, potentially harming Santa Fe’s reputation as a nurturing environment for diverse artistic talents.

“Let us be clear: Matisayu, an American artist, became a target only because of his identity as a Jew with an affinity toward Israel.  This kind of targeting cannot be normalized,” the group wrote.

Antisemitic workers at Meow Wold spewed blatantly bigoted comments, with one writing that the show was canceled because they “disagree with the Zionist political ideals that Matisyahu holds.” 

Sen. Martin Heinrich’s wife, Julie Heinrich, serves as the executive director of the Meow Wolf Foundation. So far, it is unclear if she was involved in the venue’s decision to cancel the artist’s performance. 

The story has since hit national headlines, with outlets such as TMZ, the New York Post, and NBC News reporting the story.

In dramatic vote, NM House narrowly kills extreme anti-business bill

The far-left Democrats’ Paid Family and Medical Leave Act (S.B. 3) finally died on the House floor. The legislation, which proposed to provide New Mexico workers with paid leave for critical life events, faced its decisive moment on the House floor with a 34-36 defeat.

The bill’s advocates claimed it was to address a gap in worker benefits by ensuring paid time off for New Mexico’s workforce, irrespective of their current employment benefits. The proposed measure was comprehensive, offering up to 12 weeks of paid leave for employees to bond with a new child or mourn the loss of a child. Additionally, it included provisions for up to nine weeks of leave for employees or their family members facing serious health conditions. 

The legislation also recognized the supposed need of individuals recovering from domestic violence, categorizing this under “safe leave” by having their employer cover it. 

To support this ambitious program, the bill outlined a funding mechanism that involved contributions from both employees and employers with more than five workers. Specifically, the funding model proposed a contribution of $5 from workers and $4 from employers for every $1,000 earned in wages. This approach aimed to create a state fund dedicated to compensating workers during their leave periods via the dollars of hard-working taxpayers. 

Despite the bill’s intentions claiming to support workers during pivotal moments in their lives, opposition emerged, highlighting concerns from the business community. Critics argued that the provision for 12 weeks of leave was extreme and would pose significant operational challenges for many businesses. Furthermore, they contended that the bill’s criteria for qualifying circumstances were excessively expansive, potentially complicating its implementation.

The defeat of Senate Bill 3 on the House floor marks a pivotal moment in the ongoing debate over worker benefits in New Mexico. Proponents of the bill viewed it as a crucial step toward supporting workers and their families during times of need, while opponents raised concerns about its feasibility, impact on businesses, and the sky-high costs of goods and services that would undoubtedly result from its enactment.

Domenici officially becomes GOP U.S. Senate nominee to challenge Heinrich

Nella Domenici has officially been declared the Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate seat in New Mexico, as confirmed by the state’s Secretary of State. Domenici, entering the general election race, emphasizes her commitment to the concerns of New Mexico voters and pledges to engage with and secure the support of constituents statewide.

“Our campaign is centered on the priorities of all New Mexico voters,” Domenici stated. “I am eager to connect with, listen to, and gain the trust of New Mexicans from every corner of the state.”

Domenici’s campaign has gained significant traction, evidenced by the substantial number of ballot petition signatures gathered—a number surpassing that of incumbent far-left Democrat Senator Martin Heinrich and all other candidates in the race. This achievement showcases widespread support across all 33 counties in New Mexico.

“The overwhelming support from families across the state, who are rallying behind our mission, underscores our shared commitment to collaboration over the prevailing dysfunction and partisanship in Washington,” Domenici remarked.

Positioning herself as a proactive representative for New Mexico in the Senate, Domenici aims to champion the state’s interests, foster solutions, and cater to the diverse needs of its residents.

“New Mexico’s rich heritage, its natural resources, and strategic institutions like national labs and military bases are invaluable assets. It’s imperative that we come together to harness these strengths for the betterment of our state and country,” she added.

Domenici concluded with a call for unity and a positive outlook on the upcoming electoral challenge: “I am deeply invested in the future of our nation and am confident in our prospects for success in New Mexico. Together, we are stronger.”

First and likely only anti-gun bill of 2024 Session heads to MLG’s desk

An anti-gun bill creating a mandatory seven-day waiting period for firearm transactions in New Mexico is now awaiting the governor’s approval following its passage in the state legislature after extensive discussions on Monday evening.

The bill underwent some revisions from its original form before securing approval with a narrow 36-32 vote, where it faced opposition primarily from Republican legislators, although some Democrats voted against the anti-gun bill. This marks the second occasion the House has deliberated on the bill due to amendments introduced by the Senate earlier in the session.

Key modifications to the bill pertain to exemptions from the seven-day waiting period. The exemptions apply to individuals with a federal firearm license, holders of a concealed carry license, law enforcement officers engaging in firearm transactions among themselves, and family members transferring firearms to one another.

However, some lawmakers believe the bill should include additional exemptions. State Rep. Stefani Lord (R-Sandia Park) expressed particular concern over the lack of an exemption for survivors of domestic violence, stating, “But the biggest thing for me on top of everything else, Mr. Speaker and gentle lady, was the fact that they didn’t allow the exemption for survivors of domestic violence. I think if you come in and have a restraining order, you are scared for your life, you are not living with this person, you are afraid they are going to kill you, you don’t have the opportunity to bypass that.”

Further adjustments by the Senate stipulate that if the mandatory federal background check is not completed within 20 days, the firearm sale may proceed. The initial version of the bill required buyers who did not pass the background check within the waiting period to fund a subsequent check. Additionally, the bill now exempts firearm mufflers and silencers from the waiting period.

This bill is among several firearm-related measures proposed by the governor at the start of the legislative session. Other pending proposals on the House floor include the bill to attack firearms manufacturers and sellers, stringent updates to the red flag law, a prohibition on semi-automatic firearms, and an increase in the minimum age for purchasing firearms to 21, stripping 18-20-year-olds of their constitutional rights, and a bill to ban “high capacity” magazines on firearms. With these bills currently at the midpoint of the legislative process, it is unlikely any other anti-gun bills may pass.

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