As Lujan Grisham mandates EVs, sales continue to crater

Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s administration in New Mexico has faced significant criticism for its focus on electric vehicle (EV) mandates while the state struggles with increasing crime rates. The governor’s ambitious plan requires that 43% of all new vehicle sales be electric by 2026, a target that appears increasingly unrealistic given current trends in EV adoption and the state’s pressing public safety concerns, per the Rio Grande Foundation.

Recent data indicates that consumer interest in EVs in New Mexico is lukewarm, with EV registrations declining to 4.59% in the first quarter of 2024. This is significantly lower than the state’s ambitious target and suggests a disconnect between the administration’s goals and consumer preferences. Critics argue that the high cost of EVs, coupled with a lack of infrastructure, makes them inaccessible to many residents, especially given New Mexico’s median household income of around $56,420, which falls below the average cost of an EV​​.

This issue is not unique to New Mexico. Similar trends have been observed in other states with stringent EV mandates, such as Washington, where sales have also fallen short of targets. The challenge of pushing EVs in a market where consumer interest is tepid raises questions about the practicality of such mandates​​.

Moreover, the focus on EVs comes at a time when New Mexico faces significant crime-related issues. The state has seen rising crime rates, and many residents feel that public safety should be a more immediate priority. 

Gov. Lujan Grisham called a special legislative session to address these concerns, proposing measures such as changes to the state’s criminal competency laws and increased penalties for certain offenses, but within five hours, Democrats moved to adjourn without passing any meaningful crime measures except the bill to fund the session, which tacked on funds for assisted outpatient treatment. 

However, the governor’s EV push has overshadowed these efforts, leading to criticism that her administration’s priorities are misplaced​​.

Local car dealers also face challenges due to the mandate, as they are now forced to pivot toward selling EVs despite consumers not wanting to buy them. This situation could impact sales and profitability, particularly in a state where many residents may not have the financial means to purchase higher-cost EVs, not to mention the state being so rural, that EVs are not practical for traveling long distances. 

As New Mexico approaches the deadline for the EV mandate, uncertainty looms. However, it is clear that people do not want to buy these vehicles.


30 thoughts on “As Lujan Grisham mandates EVs, sales continue to crater”

  1. It does not matter what facts are placed in front of MLG’s face, she will not care. Her agenda is all that she cares about!

    Make Better Choices New Mexico!

    1. And her agenda is controlled by the DNC and her political aspirations when she is through screwing up New Mexico.

  2. Relying on EVs in New Mexico is just not practical or affordable. Average consumers simply cannot — and will not — pay outrageous prices for these vehicles.

    1. And try out an EV ride from one end of this large state to the other… Do you want to be stuck for hours at an EV station with all of these illegal immigrants lying in wait in the bushes to abduct, steal, rape, kill and worse?

      I don’t!

      1. Good point There are also many miles of lonely roads between towns in parts of the state. #VoteRightNewMexico #SaveNewMexico

  3. I can mot stand her she is a selfish and hateful person. She is only for herself. I can’t wait till someone else is voted in.

    1. This is an interesting perspective. People say that she is often angry.

      But then… what does it also say about members of the legislature who just stood by silently as she ordered her hand-picked Environment “Improvement” Board to pass such a wrong-headed mandate? Obviously they are complicit in this act too.

    2. Ev owners pay higher insurance rates than other vehicles, due to the higher cost of damage repairs. The dem party loves the insurance industry for a host of reasons, especially the lobby money. When all cars get more expensive ,everyone gets a rate hike regardless of driving record or coverage or car…another way we subsidize ev’s.

  4. This irrational mandate also ignores one significant reality – the inevitable cost of battery replacement. Batteries don’t last forever. Many factors impact battery life -charging habits, manufacturing defects, driving conditions, accidents etc. The cost varies depending on the type of vehicle. Outside of the warranty period, you could be looking at around $15,000, not including labor, out of pocket. Could be less, could be higher. In other words, save the money you would otherwise be spending on gas and periodic maintenance. Keep this in mind if buying a used EV. .

  5. This mandate (AKA dictate) coming from the governor is clearly and absolutely not what this country was founded upon. Whatever happened to our unalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness? Obviously if we’re not even alive we can’t possibly be happy. And if we don’t have liberty to make our own choices then how can we be able to Pursue OUR OWN HAPPINESS? And since when do the terms of my happiness, based on MY CHOICES, get to be dictated by an authoritarian government? This is just wrong.

  6. Has anybody even thought about the fact that EV’s don’t pay taxes on fuel like the rest of us. That means no money going into the highway improvement fund. And EV’s are harder on the roads because of their extra battery weight! Good job MLG!!!!

  7. MLG and Democrats do not understand that time is of the essence. Google time it takes to charge an ev. Result 30 to 40 minutes at a fast charging station if you can find one. The last time I filled my gas tank it took about 5 minutes. Why on earth would I want to spend my time (life) waiting to recharge an ev when I could be 30 miles down the road? The market will determine the acceptance of EVs not MLG and Democrats. I don’t know how much time I have on this rock but I do know I don’t want to spend it at a charging station.

  8. When the Chinese introduce small affordable EV’s then the market might take off. Does a person really need a Cyber truck to pick up groceries? Electric tuk tuks would be far more efficient in the urban setting.

    1. EVs will never be popular. You might as well buy a golf cart. Consider the weight. Roads and bridges all need to be upgraded to hold and endure the ware and tear. How many Trillion are we willing to spend. I think Red States should make them illegal. That will kill the industry completely and really piss off the progressives.

  9. I think she should push for more guns in NM.
    perhaps a state subsidy for gun purchases within the state.
    If everyone had a gun, there would be less crime!

  10. EV’s are bad for the environment just like the big wind turbines which when are not working, the base of the turbines are just left in the ground. That is a massive amount of steel. And the batteries and the chargers and also bad for the environment and costly to make as well. She (the evil queen) is ungodly and only in it for her own gain. People of NM need to stop blindly voting for the incumbents and investigate what they have done to help NM. Stop being complacent and start thinking smart and vote what is best for NM not just because you always voted that way. WAKE UP NM. Pray that new conservative people are voted into office and stop MLG for the next 2 years that she is in office. And there is also another good way to get rid of her, recall her or impeach her…. Get rid of the communist and her comrades and save NM from her destruction. And while we are at it, get rid of Keller, he is a worthless mayor.

    1. You need to learn more about NM law and politics. We have no recall process. Impeachment must pass through both chambers of the Legislature. The Dems control both. There it is…..

  11. EVs and the green movement are all scams to further diminish our God given rights as citizens. They are used by despots like MLG as a control mechanism for greater intrusive government. Mandating EV purchases in the poorest state in the Union is absolutely criminal. People here are having trouble putting food on the table while dealing with out of control crime, poverty, homelessness and a communist government run amok. Fake environmental crises don’t factor in!

  12. When the airheaded piglet shows she has no clue what she is mandating people should demand she be removed from office!! This EV crap needs abolished! I saw where some bonehead was pushing for electric school buses at a cost of $400,000 plus with the BS of “$125,000 in fuel savings” (and a service life of less than 5 years), still doesn’t make any sense as a diesel powered bus is $130,000 with a valuable service life of 10 or more years. I’ll buy the type of vehicle I WANT -not what someone wants me to want..

  13. I’m driving a 20 year old vehicle that I can barely afford to drive & repair due to fixed income & inflation. Can’t afford to buy a 2nd hand car as their prices are high too.

    Criminals run free to commit more crimes, including accused murderers. Democrats keep killing any crime measures. Go figure…

    And MLG & the Left wants us to buy EVs and disarm us.

  14. The EV’s don’t charge in cold weather, at mercy of PNM and blackouts, how to drive out to rural Navajo area (no charging stations), this is
    supposed to be for millions of people to implement , definition of insanity. What about
    this makes sense, perfect nonsense. . .

  15. I’ll take one if MLG pays for it and provide insurance. Teslas are written off as totals more often than repaired.

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