Antifa, socialists flip out, form tiny protest to Santa Fe detransitioners panel

Tensions flared Thursday night outside La Fonda on the Plaza in Santa Fe as a detransitioners panel sparked small protests from local fringe groups, including Antifa and the Democratic Socialists of America. Partners for Ethical Care organized the event, which featured six individuals who halted or reversed their gender transition. 

It drew a group of counterprotesters, including members of “Rainbow Liberation ABQ” and the Santa Fe Democratic Socialists of America, who marched with pride flags and chanted slogans like “Trans rights are human rights” and “Boycott La Fonda.”

Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and City Councilor Alma Castro voiced concerns about the event, with Castro stating, “Santa Fe is an inclusive, beautiful city where people should feel safe and welcomed, and misinformation is not something that is good for our community.”

It is unclear what Lujan Grisham is claiming is “misinformation,” as the speakers merely chose not to continue the surgeries and treatments to artificially alter their femininity or masculinity. The governor recently signed a bill to put tampons in public school boys’ bathrooms. 

Sarah Smith, co-leader of the New Mexico Freedoms Alliance, defended the panel, saying it aimed to raise awareness about the regret some individuals experience after transitioning. “I’m hoping that more people will be able to then think a little bit more carefully about this issue because the risks of this type of health care are really being downplayed,” she said.

“Apparently LGBT voices only matter when they parrot the accepted dogma. Those who were irreparably harmed and maimed by the gender cult are expected to shut up and take it,” she wrote. Here’s how antifa operates: they come up and get right in your face, standing as close as physically possible to you while insulting you. These cowards won’t even show their faces.” 

“They tried to intimidate me by repeatedly calling me by name, talking about my family, and making veiled threats towards me and my children. When that didn’t work, they started the wild accusations about ped*philia and collusion with Russians…. Wow, these people are unhinged.  All while hiding behind their masks.”

“LGBTQ+” advocates, including Michael Trimm from the Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico, criticized the event as a tactic to spread fear and misinformation. Trimm emphasized that the vast majority of transgender individuals do not regret transitioning, citing a 2021 study that found only 1% of individuals who transition experience regret.

However, according to the UCLA School of Law’s Williams Institute, “A new study from the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law finds that 81% of transgender adults in the U.S. have thought about suicide, 42% of transgender adults have attempted it, and 56% have engaged in non-suicidal self-injury over their lifetimes.”

The radicalized protesters also caused some disruption at La Fonda, with Señor Murphy Candymaker closing early due to safety concerns. The hotel allowed the event to proceed despite pushback, with Rik Blyth, president of La Fonda Hospitality Group, noting the decision was made following legal advice.

Reflecting on the controversy, Jennifer Kimball, chairman emerita of the hotel’s board, said, “This is an anathema to me… but as an owner of La Fonda, I am neutral.”


25 thoughts on “Antifa, socialists flip out, form tiny protest to Santa Fe detransitioners panel”

  1. These are sick people set out to destroy the fabric of America. MLG now joins Tampon Tim in putting tampons in boys bathrooms, insanity, history will not look kindly on this period of time in the world…..time for people to stand up and say enough is enough.

    1. I am surprised that MLG the evil queen of darkness, a span of satan was not out there protesting against the panel of people speaking the trust of what trans does to young people.
      The madness will stop when Jesus comes back to reclaim His church (believers)… Praying for Gods mercy on the young children who are caught up in this sinful act of transgender, LBQT (a small %).

    2. If I was in school and saw women’s products in a boys’ bathroom, they would not be there long. Flush them all and clog the toilets.

  2. There is nothing anti-fascist about antifa. They use fascist/terrorist tactics. Using fear to promote your political agenda is, by definition, terrorism.
    It’s sad that they have been brainwashed and indoctrinated into that cult.

    This situation affirms beyond a doubt that identity politics is only designed to divide for the purposes of controlling each group. As noted “Apparently LGBT voices only matter when they parrot the accepted dogma” — don’t step out of line, be angry at anyone “other” (they must be victimizing you), and, most important, vote hard commie left. Otherwise, you will be threatened for speaking your opinion by our fascist “anti-fascist” goons.
    PS- there isn’t anything democratic about socialism either. Another communist group.

    1. Thanks Paul! I’m sure the protesters felt very “brave” to tower over little ol’ me at 5’1″ so they could yell insults in my face. What cowards.

      1. Absolutely!! Cowards hide their faces and try to use intimidation rather than reason and good faith conversations to work out differences.

  3. There is NOTHING safe or inclusive about present day Santa Fe! The once City of Holy Faith is now the lair of the evil enemy. MLG and the democrat party are the most divisive group I have seen with my own eyes. Have we already forgotten about Lizard People?

    Bravo to the brave ones who came to an evil infested city to bring truth!

    Do Better New Mexico!
    Rev. Rico

  4. These folks are WACKO, L, G, B are ways to have sexual contact, but T,Q and other alphabet identifiers are a MENTAL ILLNESS and PRETEND on the identifiers part and I don’t have to buy into it…!!!!

  5. This whole lgbtq and antif is nothing but WTF!! Cutting off ones genitalia and killing the unborn and then committing acts of aggression behind masks and threats are what communist and criminals (demoNAZIs) carry out. The democRATic(MLG/Harris) party is now 100% the owner to this destructive behavior and could care less about improving the lives of New Mexicans. Their entire agenda is along the lines of social engineering and creating division. Nothing positive comes from killing the unborn and mutilating ones body. More and more have to start standing up to these woke wackos, because the 100% truth is they are not even close to being AWAKE!!! Thanks to the Organization and the Individuals that are making a stand to these destructive democRAT liars.

  6. I am appalled at the comments left here. What is good about humanity are our differences. If we were all of the same color, religion, & beliefs it would be bizarre. Every time we encounter something different from ourselves, we have the opportunity to learn. Maybe we will learn that we don’t agree with the new things, but that doesn’t give us the right to decide that they shouldn’t exist any more than it gives someone the right to say you should not exist because of your beliefs. If you don’t agree with others people’s beliefs & practices, then don’t, but just as you are allowed to have your beliefs, so are they. It is not for us to judge.

    1. Are you for killing the Unborn because you wanted to have fun last night, and then cutting off your genitalia? The government should not be supporting or paying for this nonsense. Government getting into social engineering is 100% wrong. The government and especially the democRATS are pushing all these bazar behaviors so they can divide the country and put us all in 100 different boxes. They could care less about making the country strong, all they want is mass division!!! Wake up.

    2. Liz, the Aztec and Mayan both sacrificed children. Neither truly exist today. So to speak, that is recent history on this continent We absolutely should judge the past and keep the killing of children out of societal norms. I agree with David. We cannot have a strong country when we murder the future generation.

    3. Nobody’s “existence” is in question. Everyone exists.

      The point is that affirmation only protocols victimize distressed youth with false promises and leaving the actual causes of their distress unexplored and unhealed.

      The ones “not wanting others to exist” were the protesters, trying to get the hotel to cancel the event and intimidating patrons to silence detransitioners’ voices.

      And Michael Trimm from the Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico is wrong. We don’t have accurate statistics for detransition because they aren’t tracked. Patients are lost to followup and no insurance codes track medical treatments to help detransition.

      The detrans subreddit has 55,000 members, for what that’s worth. That doesn’t sound so rare.

  7. I say fix our schools and we fix many other issues. Get the wicked out of our schools that includes modern day Democrats/LGBT EIEIO folks, socials, marxist. I am a freedom of religion guy but we need God back in our families and our schools as well but that is a touchy issue to keep it all equal. 99% of people give a crap about what and who you do it with in the bedroom with consenting adults. Not sure how that gets pushed into the public square and drag queens in schools. Even gay folks are not on board with pushing this crap down our throats, and the transition crap is crazy. Our kids have enough issues fitting in and our fruit cake governor wants to convene them they are the wrong sex and start cutting before the kids actually realize what is going on. I believe it is part of the NWO plan to kill or cut the humans population by 92 Million. And now the sh-t bag Antifa folks start causing trouble, I say make it open season on them and once the first few fall they will take off their masks and run.

  8. Thank you, Piñon Post, for shining a bright light on this! It is also of note that the Santa Fe New Mexican published an inaccurate, libelous, defamatory op-ed about this event but then refused to publish my rebuttal Op Ed submission.

    For your reference, this is the Op Ed I sent (which they refused to publish):

    De-Transitioners Have Unique Insights into Harms of Gender-Affirming Care

    On September 12, six young detransitioners will be speaking in Santa Fe to help people understand the harms of gender-affirming care. Many New Mexicans do not know that in 2023, the NM legislature and Governor signed into law the requirement that public school teachers and school nurses must facilitate access to transgender (and abortion) care for children with no parental notification, no parental consent, and no age restrictions. According to law HB7, teachers or school nurses who talk to children’s parents about their transgender or abortion care can be fined $5,000 for “interfering” with access to care. The Governor and progressive lawmakers are cutting parents out of these crucial decisions that can affect the rest of their children’s lives.

    As co-leader of the non-partisan New Mexico Freedoms Alliance, I believe that parents need to know more about the medical treatments that their children may receive without their knowledge. The “gender affirming care” that our state government wants to make sure kids have access to includes puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries wherein healthy body parts are permanently removed or disfigured. These include some of the same medications that have been used to chemically castrate sex offenders. Known risks of these medical treatments include sterility, heart problems, blood clots, hormone-dependent cancers, and sexual dysfunction.

    Most of the kids who experience gender confusion suffer from anxiety, depression, learning problems, or social problems that make them have a hard time fitting in. They see transgenderism as a way out of their mental distress. But it doesn’t work that way. The National Health Service of the United Kingdom recently commissioned an independent review of all the evidence related to gender affirming care. This comprehensive research, called the Cass Review, found that gender affirming care does NOT reduce the risk of suicide.

    1. (Op Ed continued)
      Although there may be an initial “honeymoon” period when gender affirming care is undertaken, in the long run it does not cure the underlying mental health issues.

      I think it is incredibly brave that the six detransitioners are willing to travel to Santa Fe in order to share their experiences. The NMFA is grateful to collaborate with Partners for Ethical Care on this event so that families can become better informed.

      Twenty-year-old Chloe Cole is one of the detransitioners who will speak; she began taking cross sex hormones and puberty blockers at age 13. At age 15, Cole had her healthy breasts removed in a double mastectomy. Only later did she realize that this was all a huge mistake stemming from sexual trauma in middle school. She now embraces her womanhood, but she will never be able to get back what was taken from her.

      As a result of gender affirming care, Cole suffers from sexual dysfunction and she will never be able to breastfeed if she has children of her own. Her story and the stories of the many other detransitioners matter. And the people of New Mexico deserve the right to hear them.

  9. Apparently, “Santa Fe is an inclusive, beautiful city where people should feel safe and welcomed” only applies to people who agree with us/me… I can only imagine what these groomers would have done to me when I was 6,8,10 yrs old, with my pretty blue eyes, my curly hair and my cute ‘feminine’ features. Would they have suggested I was really a girl? Would they have told me I could cut my penis off, castrate myself and ‘become a girl’? I hope to Hell these Doctors/nurses, teachers/counselors and yes, parents – are sued to Hell, and that is happening, by maimed and mutilated adults. The only person I ever have known in my 70 years, who ‘transitioned’ in his 20’s, killed himself in his mid 30’s, leaving two kids and a grieving X-wife. And many sad friends, me included.

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