After abandoning, denying border crisis, MLG now touts her actions

Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham is facing renewed criticism for her approach to the border crisis, as she remains the only border state governor who has refused to allocate state resources to help alleviate the ongoing issues at the U.S.-Mexico border. Despite the significant challenges posed by illegal immigration and human trafficking, Lujan Grisham continues to avoid addressing the root causes of the crisis, as evidenced by her recent Operation Disruption press release, where not once did she mention the word “border” in her press release.

While Operation Disruption, which took place over 12 days in August, reportedly led to the identification of 33 stash houses and the rescue of 91 migrants, critics argue that Lujan Grisham’s selective focus on human trafficking operations fails to address the broader border security concerns that plague New Mexico. 

The governor lauded the operation as a “coordinated effort to combat human trafficking and organized crime in southern New Mexico,” but her unwillingness to commit state resources to assist in border control has left many questioning the sincerity of her commitment.

She previously claimed, “I reject the federal contention that there exists an overwhelming national security crisis at the Southern border,” calling addressing the crisis a “charade of border fear-mongering.”

In stark contrast to her counterparts in Texas and Arizona, who have proactively deployed state resources to manage the influx of migrants and assist federal authorities, or California, which is expending resources to alleviate the flow of deadly fentanyl, Lujan Grisham continues to distance her administration from any comprehensive border security efforts. Despite acknowledging the severity of human trafficking and organized crime, she remains silent on the broader border issues fueling these crimes, including open-border policies of the Lujan Grisham and Biden-Harris regimes.

Critics also highlight that while the governor boasts about the results of Operation Disruption—735 traffic stops, 16 arrests, and the rescue of a woman found in life-threatening conditions—her refusal to engage with border security more broadly leaves New Mexico vulnerable to further exploitation by criminal networks. The governor’s press release made no mention of the word “border,” reflecting her ongoing reluctance to confront the deeper issues at play.

Lujan Grisham’s stance has led to frustration among border communities and law enforcement officials who are struggling to manage the consequences of her inaction. While other border state governors have made concerted efforts to strengthen border security, Lujan Grisham’s refusal to act not only leaves New Mexico exposed but also places a heavier burden on local authorities to deal with the fallout from unchecked illegal immigration and trafficking.

The governor’s recent re-establishment of the Governor’s Organized Crime Commission in May 2023, while touted as a step forward, has done little to satisfy critics who see it as a symbolic gesture during election season rather than a serious commitment to addressing the ongoing border crisis. She has not addressed the issue since her initial inaugaraiton in 2019. Until Lujan Grisham acknowledges the role the border plays in New Mexico’s security issues, her efforts will likely be viewed as insufficient and out of touch with the reality facing her state.


23 thoughts on “After abandoning, denying border crisis, MLG now touts her actions”

  1. I am fully convinced that the Lawn Gnome is in cahoots with that moron congressman from down south and the cartels. First, why would anyone not be wise enough I. The past 3 3/4 years to know her and Gabe Basquez did nothing about the invasion, now, for optics, she’s trying to get little Gabey across the finish one my making it appear the they have been on it all this time! Both need to go to prison for treason!

  2. I posted the KOB story on Facebook with the comment “ruh ro… internal D polling must be terrible.” I believe it’s been, as Zuckerberg calls it, demoted. it’s received zero feedback, even from my usual compatriots.

  3. We live in very south central New Mexico. We used to go up to Albuquerque area regularly for day trips shopping etc but now I do not believe it’s very safe to go to Albuquerque anymore so we don’t go. Albuquerque’s lost this family’s business until the governor straightens out the crime problems especially in the Albuquerque Santa Fe area. MLG too little too late! Yvette Harrell 2024!

  4. Well we all know she is a disgusting idiot and is in it for herself. I would like to know her finances from the time she started her political career to now. Bet she has ripped off the tax payers money big time.
    I surely hope that people wake up and vote out all the far left radical idiots aka MLG’s comrades from office and let her be a lame duck for her last 2 years. Or better yet, impeach her! She is an enemy of the state of NM and is evil and ungodly and anyone can get.
    Praying for Gods mercy on us all.

  5. Yes George she definitely is in bed with the cartel along with her husband. Traitors of the United States. And WHERE did they release the illegal immigrants they found??? Let me guess….RIGHT BACK INTO NEW MEXICO. I’ve been saying it and will keep saying it, that troll shouldn’t be in charge of ANYTHING. Yet here we still are!

  6. MLG is … disgusting and a baby killer… she is the runt of liter in the Democratic Party…
    Heinrich latest ad on Nella is also disgusting, pathetic and promoting national abortion law.
    Gabe you are a pathetic, disgusting, lying piece of fertilizer. Their legacy will become their demise.

  7. I did blast her on X, as to her creating the problem & letting continue the entire time she has been in office. As she is absolutely into trafficking, pedophilia, & drugs. Blasted her on her now your concerned about the problem she created, must be an election year! MLG is a POS!!! Should start calling her office daily & stating the above…

  8. Every time we go to Walmart and see illegals using my money to fill their shopping carts tells me she is a treasonous paid off lackey for the Communists in the fed government.

    How many foreign gang members and other foreign criminals are in this state now? How long before we start seeing gangs take over apartment buildings in ABQ, Santa Fe and other cities?

  9. That piglet squatting in the roundhouse needs dragged out wearing handcuffs! (by her feet would be ok too). She has done nothing but destroy New Mexico and screw the taxpaying citizens! With her and pretty boy Keller protecting ILLEGALS New Mexico citizens need to arm up and be ready to protect ourselves!

  10. All of what is said here I think is accurate, 100% believe she is on the cartel payroll, and truly an evil person, especially when that has been confirmed by people that have worked closely with her.

  11. MLG is among the typical lefty governors, representatives, senators, along the border states who change and act on the instructions from the Democrat “Pipe Piper” Machine.

    All of sudden they all are putting up a front as to how studiously they are working on the problem, which was known for the past 3 1/2 half years. However, they all had to “toed the line” and claim…… “the border is secured”……until the polls changed and the Piper Piper sent new instructions for a new strategy of being……”tough on crime”.

    They are all “Fakes” just like Kamala…….who now is their……”Special Kamala Favorite Kool-Aid”.

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