ACLU, progressives ramp up pressure against MLG’s special session

On Tuesday, during a meeting of the Legislative Courts, Corrections, and Justice Committee, multiple members of the public came out in opposition to Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s so-called “crime” agenda she plans for her upcoming special session, which she has set to begin Thursday.

Members of the public, almost entirely leftists, said bold statements about the governor’s five proposed bills, characterizing them as failing to “get at the root of the problem,” “unconstitutional and unproductive,” “failed approaches,” and claims that the governor is using homeless people as a wedge issue or a “scapegoat.” 

The American Civil Liberties Union wrote on X, “While the governor seems intent on ignoring the requests from our communities, please urge our lawmakers to tell her they don’t support her call for a special legislative session.”

In a petition it shared, the ACLU added, “[T]his call is unpopular within members of her own party who want to work on real solutions to public safety, not empty gestures that will only make us less safe. The governor’s proposals will not advance public safety in New Mexico — but they will pose serious risks to New Mexicans’ rights, dignity, health, and autonomy.”

“The governor’s rushed special session lacks meaningful community input, excluding key organizations and experts. The proposed bills share a flawed reliance on punishment and incarceration instead of a public health approach,” concluded the group.

Despite vast opposition from Democrats, who the governor needs to vote for her legislation in the session, and progressive groups, the “rushed” special session still looks set to begin on Thursday.

However, it is unclear what will be accomplished in the meeting of the Legislature, which might result in both or one chamber gaveling out sine die shortly after gaveling in.


5 thoughts on “ACLU, progressives ramp up pressure against MLG’s special session”

  1. “… it is unclear what will be accomplished in the meeting of the Legislature, which might result in both or one chamber gaveling out sine die shortly after gaveling in.”

    That is my hope.

    Come on legislators tell MLG to shove it!

  2. I am pretty much against what ever the ACLU supports. They hooked me when they said…reliance on punishment and incarceration. Not a mlg fan, but if these bills gets keller off his ass to start throwing people in jail, I’m for it.

  3. Suspicious of what the ACLU is up to. Is mlg being thrown under a bus?? I’m very happy to see her “crew” is questioning her because we, the majority of conservative New Mexicans, have been screaming at her to take care of the obvious problems in this state – education, the border, crime, economy!!!!

  4. The ACLU no longer represents our civil liberties ,hasn’t for a long time .But they do have an agenda which doesn’t align with everyday New Mexicans principles and mlg is just a puppet for the Biden administration. Her head hasn’t seen daylight in years. I am praying the sheeple finally awaken from their slumber!!

  5. The people of New Mexico will be dancing in the streets the day Loserjan is arrested,cuffed, and escorted out of the roundhouse for her fraudulent use of power and tax dollars!! I want to be deputized so I can be on the team that removes her from the roundhouse!

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