Arrests happen after violent pro-Hamas protesters swarm GOP legislators

On Tuesday, the New Mexico State Capitol’s Rotunda became the epicenter of a contentious confrontation during what was ostensibly a pro-Palestinian rally. The event took a confrontational turn after state Reps. Stefani Lord (R-Sandia Park) and John Block (R-Alamogordo), both of whom have Jewish heritage, passed through the Rotunda, where protesters got violent.

The rally aimed to attack Israel and its supporters. However, the atmosphere shifted dramatically upon the arrival of Reps. Lord and Block. Their presence was met with immediate hostility from attendees, leading to a series of heated exchanges.​

Eyewitnesses reported that the legislators were subjected to verbal assaults, with accusations labeling them as antagonists. Jonathan Juárez, a participant, claimed that Rep. Lord was “antagonizing people, saying that they’re Hamas supporters.” That came despite Hamas flags and clothing spotted in the audience, per photos and videos of the event. 

The situation escalated as demonstrators surrounded the representatives, prompting security personnel and New Mexico State Police officers to intervene. It included one woman who attempted to lay her hands on Rep. Lord while two other aggressors violently screamed at the two representatives.

As tensions mounted, demonstrators continued to hurl profanities and accusations at the representatives. 

In response to the hostility faced, Rep. Block lamented the lack of tolerance exhibited by the demonstrators, stating, “It’s just horrible that there are people that want to erase our people, especially in this state where they claim to be so tolerant.” This sentiment reflects a broader concern about the erosion of civil discourse and respect for diverse perspectives.​

Notably, during the confrontation, the speaker at the podium addressed the crowd, asking, “Does anybody in this room hate Jewish people?” ​

Following the incident, both representatives reported feeling threatened and highlighted the presence of what they described as “terrorist propaganda,” including a “makeshift bomb” and “terrorist outfits.” Rep. Lord expressed profound indignation, stating, “This was so uncalled for I can’t even begin to tell you how infuriating, and how insulting, and how demeaning this is to anyone who has any Jewish blood in them.” 

House Speaker Javier Martínez (D-Albuquerque) addressed the incident, condemning any form of intimidation or threats of violence. He expressed regret over the occurrence, stating, “I was not aware of that, and I’m very sorry that that happened.” This acknowledgment underscores the necessity for maintaining a safe and respectful environment within the Capitol.​

Further criticism arose from Sen. Craig Brandt (R-Rio Rancho), a staunch supporter of Israel, who questioned the appropriateness of allowing such an event within the Capitol. He highlighted the fear experienced by Jewish employees, stating, “We have employees that are Jewish that were hiding down here on the first floor because they were afraid to go on the second floor.” This revelation points to a broader issue of ensuring the safety and well-being of all individuals within public institutions.​

Senate President Pro Tempore Mimi Stewart (D-Albuquerque) echoed these concerns, noting that “two people were arrested [and] several others were removed from the Capitol,” based on information from the director of the Legislative Council Service. This indicates that the event not only violated Capitol protocols but also posed security challenges.​

New Mexico State Police spokesperson Wilson Silver confirmed that an attendee, Elliot Shawn Vigil, was removed for trespassing and subsequently arrested for violating the order not to return. This incident underscores the challenges faced by law enforcement in maintaining order during such events.​

A video of the protester being arrested is below: 

The events that unfolded during the pro-Palestinian rally at the New Mexico State Capitol Rotunda reflect a concerning trend of intolerance and hostility toward differing viewpoints. The aggressive actions directed at Representatives Stefani Lord and John Block, both of Jewish heritage, raise serious questions about the true intent of the rally and the respect for democratic principles within public discourse.


38 thoughts on “Arrests happen after violent pro-Hamas protesters swarm GOP legislators”

    1. pro palestine and anti genocide sentiment and peaceful protest are NOT pro hamas. where is your evidence for this dishonest, false and misleading headline, piñon?
      lord and brock are notorious, incendiary know-nothing, do nothing (for constituents) poseur provacaatures. sad, if you don’t know this by now!

      1. Actually, Block and Lord are courageous and stand strong for conservative and reasonable people in NM. They tell it like it is, not how you would like it to be.

      2. Anti genocide? Really? These people are just local terrorists or are they just plain ignorant of what they are protesting? Get a job and a life and stop supporting terrorism.

  1. What a conundrum for the leftists. Support the Jews or you’re racist. Condemn the Israeli/Zionist genocide of Palestinians, or you’re racist. Hmm… time for some critical thinking. Not possible, you say. Probably not.

    1. Absolutely spot on. It is laughable however the real victim is going to be the first amendment. No people should be above criticism even the self chosen Jews!

  2. This is how New Mexicans act now. Disrespect is cheered. Disobedience is respected. This is how Democrats behave.

    Am I surprised? Nope! Am I embarrassed that this is what happens in our state capital? Yes! Will it change for the better? Nope!

    MLG, this is how you want it! Take the credit for this… You own it!

    Do Better New Mexico!

    1. I think they all should have been arrested and prosecuted to the fullest. They should be charge with a Federal offense and it remain on they records.
      Follow the money and you will most likely find it comes from the far left radicals. I would not be surprised if Soros, the Clintons and many Democrats were involved with paying these not so bright people. They just want the money. Make me sick. Wake up NM and get your act together. Stop voting in the far left radicals communists/socialists. They are selfish and have no concerns for the New Mexico people…

  3. Clare Alexander May

    Ahhh… the sweet pleasures of a Democratic Controlled House.
    1. Pro Terrorist, evident by permitting this type of so called protest inside the building instead of outside,
    2. Pro Abortion aka murder at 8-9 moths for any purpose, up to and including harvesting organs,
    3. Pro Crime. evident by $2,000 a month of taxpayers money for children who run over men on bikes going to work and free education,
    4. Pro “Feel Good Legislation” that does nothing to comfort victims of crime… as I think its time I learned how to make a tortilla because that is far way more important than say… removing terrorist supporters from a State Capitol building and or enacting a law prohibiting the interference of an elected official from performing his or her ( Because there are only 2 sexes) sworn duties. Whoops…my bad… we already have that law somewhere.
    Ahh… but the NM Democrat controlled courts, the NM Democrat controlled executive and the NM Democrat Legislative bodies will insure this bulls**t will carry on… Why?

    It stymies individuals who are Pro Conservative and Anti DNC Political Party, to run for any Statewide political office. WIn-WIn-WIn-Win for the DNC Political Party of New Mexico.

    Sarcasm instilled in my comment…intentionally… because embarrassing a Democrat in NM in todays world is a f*****g farce.

    SInce the DNC wont grant Rep. Lord and Rep. Block anything like justice or an apology… I recon I can and will…

    I am so sorry that my generation has permitted the raising of children, and grandchildren who think and act like this. They…no longer… represent… a valued response for any justification or dignity for what they perform or permitted by merely being there.
    Mrs. Lord, Mr. Block…
    In a different time, I’m pretty sure they would have been lined up, hot tarred, rolled in feathers, tossed on a railhead and ran the he77 out of the State. I’m pretty sure we wouldn’t have killed them here because they are not worth going to prison over… but they would never return after trying to find a place to peel all that tar off all (if any) skin was left.

  4. I thought openly supporting terrorists was against the law. Why isn’t the DOJ arresting these people people on terrorist related charges?

  5. It’s the communofascist way. They hide behind the guise of tolerance, spew their terrorist propaganda, and claim “diversity” as justification. Allying themselves with anyone filled with hate of America, hate of American culture and values, hate of Americans. They drive separation and division, teasing apart generations of “the melting pot” – dredging up and focusing on terrible things. Things that should not be forgotten, but they simultaneously forget and wipe away anything that would be celebrated as a victory of unity. America wasn’t perfect, isn’t perfect – simply because perfect utopia does not exist. We had, however, been climbing on a journey of growth and learning (I’d say “progress”, but that word has been ruined, the concept tainted) until the communofascists hijacked us and pointed us, nose down, toward the ground.

    I’m not of Jewish heritage, I’m of German heritage — I’m appauled. I feel unsafe. Unsafe because these “people” are just another goon squad of the communofascists. Unsafe because with a twist of propoganda they can be pointed at anyone, at any time — they are the loaded gun of the communofascists.
    Who do I call about a Red Flag on this? Who do I turn to?
    The flimsy paper of law holds no sway over these international criminals – as is evidenced by the terrorist returning to the scene after being arrested. An American attempting to leave the country to support Hamas can be arrested, but Hamas terrorists in America are given free reign to assault our representatives… Does that seem right to you? Or, do you agree, as long the representatives are from “the other side”?

    The message here: The tyrannical communofascist government in this state will not protect you unless you are a party member in good standing. Conform, or you’re next. PS- Legal or not, we’re coming for your firearms, we are going to strip away your ability to defend yourselves and/or turn you into criminals in the process – either way, we win.

  6. What are these ignorant fools protesting? The Crimes Against Humanity that were perpetrated by Palestinians. The torture and saluter of men, women and children, rape gangs, kidnappings of Jewish citizens at a festival and in their homes. These “protesters” are very sick individuals.

  7. Is it possible that this event was set up by dems to specifically intimidate two of the Republican Representatives who have been most vocal in opposing the nonsensical, tyrannical Bills proposed by MLG and company? Who beside the dems in power would let protestors into the capital probably knowing that Stefanie and John would be present?

  8. It is ignorance, no wonder NM follows the Marxists. Our schools can’t teach our children, well they teach them that the US is bad, the jews are bad, christians are bad, men can dress up as women and then kicks there buts in sports, men can dress up and read stories to your children be cause they are not pervs. Yes, keep voting democrat and this will remain the norm. The only thing in a few years NMs will not be able to own guns just like and comments countries.

  9. The Democratics own this debacle. I blame the captain of a sinking ship..captain MLG and all her minions..
    I spoke with a gentleman who worked for Governor King..Governor King would turn over in his grave if he saw the state of the Democratic Party. The gentleman stated that the democrats have gone woke and he’s embarrassed of what his Democratic Party has become…and 60% of the Democratic Party feel the same was his comment.

    I asked him what he or his party planned to do about getting rid of the present woke establishment….he was speechless, he had no answer.

    Is MLG really going to sign the Red Flag now that this has happened?

  10. If you look like a terrorist, act like a terrorist and support terrorists then you are a terrorist. All terrorists need to be rehoused at Guantanamo Bay Cuba. I hear the weather down there is marvelous this time of year,

  11. Why wasn’t this on the news?

    That proves to me one sided and the news does not care about the real people of NM. “Natives”

  12. There should be no arrests..that costs money and allows seditious lawers to profit and grandstand…there should be a deterent for this terrorism..bodybags…what their islam heroes would do.

  13. We need all there names so that someone can test the dems new red flag law. Let’s see if it really works. I would like to know who paid these people to do this?? Maybe someone on the governor’s staff or the state democrat party could enlighten us.

  14. Steven James Chavez

    IMAGINE if the protest was against MUSLIMS! BLACKS! LBGTQ+! MEXICANS!

    “FROM THE RIVER TO SEA.” Cheered on my millions of Americans who then call anyone against them… NAZI’S? Iran’s Ahmadinejad: “Wipe Israel off the Map!” What’s the difference?

    Any mention of Jews and their comment… antisemitism, hate speech, any violence… HATE CRIME! I bet MLG was really disgusted!

    Who are they? Members of real Communist groups like ANSWER, The Party for Socialism and Liberation, the Revolutionary Communist Party/Not in our Name who took over Trump Plaza last week, and The Communist Party USA! THEIR SIGNS PROVE IT…NO PHOTOS HERE FOR PROOF!

    Rey Garduno, former ABQ President of the City Council during a protest on Civic Plaza in support of Hamas (November 2011) “KILL THE JEW PIGS! WE NEED TO SUPPORT OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN PALESTINE!” (During the Nosh Deli protest in Nob Hill, I informed Leonardo Feldman with Telemundo, now on Newsmax, when he was putting a mic on Garduno’s shirt: “Make sure you tell the Spanish audience that you said, “Kill the Jew Pigs! We need to support our brothers and sisters in Palestine.” Feldman was shocked. Garduno ripped the mic off his shirt and started calling me names in Spanish…. even a gay slur in Spanish. Now Feldman begged me to be interviewed but I couldn’t due to my business. He even wanted me to go to the station, change voice, in the dark. I couldn’t. He did tell the other news crews who were there who The Party for Socialism and Liberation was as the organizers as if they supported Nosh Deli and against whoever wrote the antisemitic drawings on the windows. Some news crews left. I don’t know what the other reporters said.) THE HEAD OF THE PARTY FOR SOCIALISM AND LIBERATION is Joel Marcos Gallegos, FB “Marxist-Leninist!” Also, Bob Anderson and Garduno with ANSWER who took over a city council meeting with Garduno watching it all. Other councilors left the room. Garduno knew about it and probably planned the timing.

    These groups organize ALL the protests including OWS, BLM, and the pro-Hamas encampment at the Duck Pond, the takeover of the SUB, sixteen arrests… all cases dismissed! (We’ll see the same with this man that was arrested. Santa Fe, where cops watched the Plaza obelisk to be torn down, then eventually three arrested for the damage… CASES DISMISSED ON ORDERS FROM WEBBER!)


  15. terroristic intimidation is grounds for arrest and DEPORTATION!! FAFO You will get what you,re asking for A justified reward….

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