The Rio Grande Foundation’s mission can be boiled down to one core principle: the advancement of economic freedom. In its most straightforward definition, economic freedom refers to the ability of individuals and businesses to make voluntary financial decisions and engage in free-market exchanges without undue government interference. Such interference can come in many forms—taxes, subsidies, wage mandates, excessive regulations, and other barriers that restrict free enterprise and personal choice.
The concept isn’t new. For decades, the Canada-based Fraser Institute has been a global leader in measuring and analyzing economic freedom through its flagship reports, Economic Freedom of the World and Economic Freedom of North America. These reports consistently show that countries, states, and provinces that rank higher in economic freedom outperform their peers in numerous ways. As the Rio Grande Foundation points out, jurisdictions that protect economic freedom tend to experience stronger economic and population growth, lower poverty rates, better environmental outcomes, and even improved gender equality.
A recent collaborative report by the Rio Grande Foundation and the Fraser Institute shines a concerning light on New Mexico. The study, which is the first of its kind, specifically focusing on the Land of Enchantment, reveals that New Mexico stands alone in an alarming trend. “New Mexico, unique among US states, has seen a decline in overall economic freedom since 1981,” the report states.
This gradual erosion of economic freedom has not been without consequence. According to the findings, New Mexico’s relative stagnation in both economic and population growth can be directly linked to its declining economic freedom. In comparison to neighboring states such as Texas, Arizona, and Colorado—which have generally moved in the opposite direction by reducing regulations, cutting taxes, and creating more business-friendly climates—New Mexico has lagged behind.
Data from the U.S. Census Bureau and other economic indicators underscore this reality. While states that prioritize economic freedom tend to attract more residents and businesses, New Mexico has struggled to keep pace, both in terms of population influx and job creation. Between 2010 and 2020, for example, Texas grew by nearly four million people, while Arizona added over 700,000. Meanwhile, New Mexico saw only modest population growth, adding just over 58,000 residents during the same period.
The Rio Grande Foundation argues that this is no coincidence. They believe policies such as persistent tax hikes, heavy-handed regulations, and restrictive labor laws have created an environment that is less attractive to both entrepreneurs and workers. “Economic freedom is at the heart of prosperity,” they contend, and New Mexico’s continued decline in this area could spell further economic stagnation unless policymakers change course.
In summary, the Rio Grande Foundation’s report serves as a warning—and a call to action—for New Mexico’s leaders to embrace reforms that prioritize economic freedom. By doing so, they argue, the state could unlock its full economic potential and reverse decades of slow growth.
Oh really? So, I can believe my lying eyes afterall. Since the 1980’s, New Mexico has struggled economically. Manufacturing jobs, mining jobs, restaurants, tailors, bike shops and many more have shuttered their doors. All the while, Dems make excuses while doing nothing to better the decline. Republicans on the other hand, they hold onto gas and oil as the only thing they can that matters. Otherwise they do nothing to save the mentioned employers.
IT is just insane that New Mexicans have let this happen right under their noses. Does anyone even care anymore? Serious question!
I don’t think they do. I have my bugaboo. It’s the covid business. I chose not to get the shots. I think the way the state government, and, yes, some of the businesses handled that manufactured crisis is indicative of how much of everything is handled in this state. Why is NM consistently last in things that are “good” and first in things that are “bad”? My other bugaboo is the sway the Sierra Club holds over the legislature. They push through false environmental “solutions” at the expense of real solutions.
When the DNC maintains the majority, in the Senate and House and especially the Executive aka goobernors office, or the tolite queen sitter in Santa Fe as I’ve said many times before, Its hard for me to blame the GOP.
The GOP introduced solutions to the crime waves… it gets tossed out not even getting past any committee. They,(GOP), complain, the press mostly ignores them as they will just go away… and they do for the most part since the Media stops printing what they have to say.
Never, since 1912 Statehood, has the GOP maintained both chambers at the same time as the goobernors office, (that one that sits on the tolite again in Santa Fe).
Even when the GOP held one chamber, the other chamber veto’s anything they put out.
When the GOP held the Goobernors chair, he/she were outflanked again by the DNC. One House can devastate anything a Executive desires to complete.
The 2nd greatest revenue streams are Oil and Gas and that is what keeps the squeaky wheel going, without that, this State would fall so far into the hole we would never see daylight again. There isn’t enough revenue from other streams to keep NM healthy.
It could be gambling, but the DNC cut the head off that with the restrictive limited gaming environment it created after the then GOP Gary Johnson introduced it back as a revenue stream for the Indian tribes & the State.
The #1 generator of revenue right now is from subsidies from the Federal gooberment…
Taxes in Lieu of Payment proceeds keep bottles of lube in the politicos hands in Santa Fe…
Without actually taking up arms and violently overthrow the DNC of NM and actually hang every one of the DNC elected and rid the State of the DNC forever, NM will not change its direction…until… PEOPLE VOTE THE DNC INTO A MEMORY.
Even forming an independent militia has to have the Goobernors approval and then serve at the pleasure of the Goobernor…. otherwise whoever tried this can be held in the DNC controlled Judiciary as a treasonous terrorist.
Executive, DNC controlled.
Judiciary DNC controlled.
Legislative… again.. DNC controlled.
They, the DNC right now in NM… control the money, voting, record keeping, licensing, building, prisons, law enforcement, gambling, oil n gas, ranching and grazing, all rules laws and regulations, trapping and hunting, mining, roadbuilding, and worst of all… The Primary & Secondary educational systems across the State as well as Colleges.
They control what your child can learn, when, where and the why.
Id like too see what NM will look like in 20 years, but at the rate its going, Id want to see it from a distance… like…at least Texas.
Well Said Clare!!! It is so sad to see how awful the state of NM has become. I wish more people would listen to you!!!
we are #1 as the worst and #50 as the best and democrats are just fine with it.
New Mexico, last again!
I don’t know who in their right mind would move here! If it weren’t for grandkids we’d be gone.
Here’s a paragraph from the Foundation’s website:
If you were to summarize the work of the Rio Grande Foundation in one basic concept, that concept would be “Economic Freedom.” Economic Freedom is simply the ability to engage in voluntary economic transactions without government intervening in the form of taxes, subsidies, regulations, minimum wages, and other unnecessary interventions.
So the Foundation would have us give up all taxes, no regulations (such as those preventing child labor), any minimum wage, as “unnecessary interventions”?
Stephen you miss the point. New Mexico is very heavy handed where all these regulations are concerned. The shut down during the plandemic is a perfect example. And with oil surplus instead of using it wisely they are using all of it to impose more regulations and want to raise our taxes. Instead of taking criminals off the streets they want to give juvenile felons $2000 per month and free food and housing. Instead of bringing business in they tax so heavy business leaves. Instead of protecting doctors & police they force them to leave by allowing frivolous law suits. We are a perfect picture of all out socialism. Who benefits? Lawyers
STEPHEN, LIKE ALL PROGRESSIVES, YOU HAVE JUMPED THE GUN, AND CLAIMED IT’S THE OTHER GUY’S FAULT. YOU SHOULD’VE QUOTED THE MISSION STATEMENT…”The mission of the Rio Grande Foundation is to increase liberty and prosperity for all of New Mexico by informing citizens of the importance of individual freedom, limited government, and economic opportunity.”
Nice try dude . . .changing your name from Heinrich to Helmreich.
SO MANY HUGE MISSED OPPORTUNITIES!! AT SOME POINT, FEELING GOOD ABOUT WORTHLESS “PROJECTS” paid for by the taxpayer (i.e. Branson’s money sucking Spaceport) doesn’t even collect sales tax on tickets sold to the stars), but it made some of our “rulers” feel good. Missed out on Amazon and many others who could bring lots of jobs into the state. Once again coming in first for being last.
so , what new Mexicans have been living finally is coming to light in report after report that cannot find any redeeming value in this state. its really simple, Marxist states and countries never prosper. The stranglehold the commies have over this state has paralyzed it and they allow no real progress, even though they laughably call themselves progressives. Liberalism , fake environmentalism , and narcissistic demented leadership have created the perfect storm for poverty ,despair and the downward spiral documented in report after report!
Well said, Norteno. And you, too, BJC, Travis, Grannie, Sandy, Paul, Clare, Sue, and Mario.
If becoming aware of the magnitude of the DNC of NM political incompetency educates just one person… and shows them a light… and they show it to another… from what is being printed here on the Pinion Post… Im good with that… Maybe Texas will have a better view in 20 years… but people like me always hope for a better chances that we dont have to watch it from there.
HAPPY St. Patrick’s Day!
It’s the New Mexico Way. Can Not over come it, get used to it.
Stupidity can NOT be fixed. If we can NOT get over how our Grandfathers & Grandmothers voted, NOTHING will change.
“Drink Beer, Do Good” and WELCOME to The Land of Enchantment!
As former minority conservatives in Marin County, California for two decades, my husband and l DID actually choose to move here in 2022, and find it a million times better than California, as much as we loved the natural beauty there. Make no mistake we see how insanely the state is being run here, but our efforts here can have results, unlike they ever had in CA. Thrilled that just this week business and conservative pressure against the Round House Paid Family Leave bill means it has been squashed once again; and thrilled that we have the Rio Grande Foundation, Piñon Post, NM Business Coalition and a number of other common sense groups to educate and focus our efforts to effect change. Yes it’s been horrible for a number of years, and it was a blow last year for Yvette Herrell to lose again due to liberal gerrymandering in Bernalillo ——but with Trump in the White House this year, both houses of Congress in conservative hands, and Tom Homan dealing with cross border crime, now is a great time to lean in, let our state and federal reps know what we want, get some great candidates for 2026 battles and help get the vote out. We’ve got the winning crime, energy, and education policies. We’ve got the best economic and tax policies. And we even have the best social care and insurance policies. We can do this. And this is also a call to our state and local GOP’s to revitalize NOW. DOGE yourselves or do whatever needs to be done to focus, market, and give NM conservative, religious and gun-owning voters the hope that going to the polls WILL make a difference this time. We have such an opportunity.
I love my state I was born here. However, the people who run our state do not care about us and want to prosper NM as they taketh away from us. Keep
Praying people.
Wicked leaders do not bring peace and prosperity. One of the biggest churches is prospering over New Mexico. God is the only way. It is
time for people to pray and humble themselves. This state is not a
lost cause but, God will do His part if we do our part.