Gov. Lujan Grisham cares more about abortion than abused children

The safety and well-being of our children are more important to me than being “politically correct” or whatever negative feedback my words here will bring about.

Unfortunately, the opposite is the case for Governor Lujan Grisham. Her administration is more interested in placating their political party than advocating for and protecting the neglected and abused children in our state. Regardless of your personal views on this sensitive subject, no one can deny that New Mexico is the worst state to be in for disadvantaged children. We have the worst child well-being rating in the nation in large part due to the administrative failures of the Children, Youth, and Families Department (CYFD). 

Earlier this month, the Governor celebrated the new construction of a $10 million abortion clinic in Las Cruces primarily targeted at Texas mothers. That same week, the Albuquerque Journal reported the shocking cost of  CYFD’s wrongful death lawsuit settlement payouts. Your tax dollars have paid out $21 million to families of children harmed or killed under the department’s watch in the last three years. This has been an exponential increase over recent years, and yet, no solutions have been supported to allow for true departmental reform.

Consider the sum of those amounts—that is, $31 million of your tax dollars being spent to advance the political agenda of our Governor while also obscuring her failures while in office. The people of our state, and particularly our at-risk kids, cannot afford to spend another dime protecting the legacy of this administration for her to get a promotion at the end of her term. Let me be clear: this is a leadership failure. The hardworking employees at CYFD have tough and oftentimes thankless jobs; it is not their fault the department they work for has a 34% vacancy rate, it’s not their fault children in the system are still sleeping in office buildings, and it’s also not their fault that employees are overworked and underpaid. These sad realities are the result of mismanagement and a lack of care from the Governor and her executive staff. 

Regardless of your political affiliation or personal beliefs, each and every New Mexican, especially New Mexican parents, should be ashamed of our leadership, our failed track record, and our continual downward path as a state when it comes to protecting our vulnerable and neglected children. 

New Mexican’s “reproductive health” rights are some of the most protected, unrestricted, and available in the nation. Should our focus really be in this direction? The environment we provide for our children is the worst in the nation. Yet, in the decade I have been in the Roundhouse, all we have seen are empty promises of reform. Our case workers are doing all they can, but without support from the administration, they will continue to run up against a brick wall and burn out quickly.

We must get serious about reform. New Mexico is again ranked the worst in the country according to the thorough “Kids Count” research project provided by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. We are failing our children and at the same time prioritizing all the wrong things; with neglected and vulnerable children being the ones who pay the price. 

Enough is enough, we must hold our elected officials accountable. The statistics and balance sheets don’t lie, the Governor and Democratic majorities in the State Legislature have (much like our public school students) failed. Keep this in mind this November. I hope, for the sake of our children, our state heads in a different direction.

State Sen. David Gallegos represents New Mexico Senate District 51 in the Legislature, previously serving in the New Mexico House of Representatives. He is also a school board member for Eunice Public Schools.


11 thoughts on “Gov. Lujan Grisham cares more about abortion than abused children”

  1. Is there any way this can get printed in the Santa Fe New Mexican and ABQ Journal. Will any of the “unbiased” local TV stations investigative reports cover this?

  2. Senator Gallegos seems to be one of the few politicians with morals like Jon Block and Stephanie Lord! Sure, killing babies and CYFD mismanagement is the SemonRat strategy. Why? Children can’t vote. But their parents, if they have any, can. But New Mexicans overwhelmingly support Democrats. This is an unholy state, replacing the kids they kill or damage with illegals and Venezuelan gang criminals. Why? They want to make it legal for them to vote! Never before has it been so important to vote Republican! Our state is lost with the Lawn Gnome so try to make it count countrywide!

  3. I keep praying for people to wake up and see the evil that this women has brought to this state. She (MLG) is an ungodly and evil women who has been destroying NM for the last 6 years. Why people voted her in for a 2nd term is beyond my comprehension! The celebrate the building another (murder) abortion clinic under the disguise of “reproductive health” is a total misrepresentation of “health care.” It is totally murdering babies up to birth, that is MURDER and in the eyes of God, a deadly sin. She needs to be impeached for all the wrong she has done to this state. And I’m praying that Republicans can take over the round house and get some worthy issues done. Stop the madness. MLG has bragged that NM is the center for abortion (darn right murder). Is that what NM wants to be thought of?
    My final thought, is that MLG is the span of satan, no doubt about it.
    May God have mercy on us all.

  4. Senator Gallegos is absolutely correct and I have always respected him for his ethics, his moral code and his fearlessness in saying what needs to be said. If MLG cared about children, Victoria Martens would be alive today. Victoria…and many, many others.

    The real problem is WHY our citizens keep supporting Democrats. MLG is on her last term, and we’ll likely be free of her by November. I want to believe that Trump can be re-elected, but given the deep depths of cheating and election interference, I don’t want to hold my breath. She’s been so far up Kamala Harris’ behind that she can be mistaken for a suppository. What? You think that Kamala officiating her wedding and now MLG “helping her campaign” are all because they are such good BFFs? WAKE UP! She’s been politicking for a role as federal Health Secretary and you all just stood by and allowed it.

    If you want to start affecting some real change, start looking at who is running LOCALLY and start replacing those seats. In my district (29), that person is Joy Garratt. She needs to be forced into retirement. She has pushed some of the most socialistic policies this state has seen. If you look at her website, who is she photographed with? None other than Melanie “Maxwell” Stansbury – another abortion advocate. Joy also supported the vaccine mandates, masking your kids in school, CRT and the trans agenda. Want to see changes in our schools and how kids are supported? Vote for Greg Cunningham.

    If you want to see changes at the top, you need to knock out all the supporting pillars. Start getting involved in your local elections at all levels.

  5. The key as Bee said… get involved… inform the voters of Attila the baby killer and her minions in Santa Fe… let’s be pro Life , Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

  6. Well, I would not give the utterly corrupt CYFD much or any credit. There are surely some conscientious people there but there are also many so-called “foster parents” & likely others involved in child trafficking, molestation & rape.

    Like virtually all government agencies local or federal, a purge or dissolving needs to occur

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