Woman who killed newborn in hospital bathroom gets good news from NM court

A teen facing charges for allegedly abandoning her newborn baby in a hospital bathroom trash can has experienced a significant development in her legal case. The New Mexico Supreme Court has delayed Alexee Trevizo’s pre-trial hearing, initially set for August 6, as it reviews whether specific evidence, including statements she made at the hospital, can be used in court.

Trevizo, who is accused of first-degree murder of her newborn son, was charged in January 2023. Additional charges include intentional child abuse and tampering with evidence, as per a criminal complaint filed in Eddy County, New Mexico.

The incident occurred when Trevizo visited the emergency room for back pain. Medical professionals informed her that she was pregnant. Allegedly, she then locked herself in a bathroom, delivered the baby, placed him in a trash bag, and concealed the bag in a trash bin. The newborn was later found deceased.

A major point of contention in the case is the district court’s decision to exclude all statements Trevizo made to her medical providers. The court ruled that these statements, made in front of both her doctor and mother, are protected under doctor-patient privilege.

Trevizo’s attorney, Gary C. Mitchell, argued that neither her mother nor law enforcement officers should have been present during these conversations, especially since they were recorded on a bodycam. He emphasized, “They violated the doctor-patient privilege and they violated Miranda rights – trying to talk to somebody without telling them about their constitutional rights.”

Mitchell further highlighted the broader implications of the case, stating that it touches on crucial issues concerning women’s rights and reproductive matters. He also revealed that there is a civil lawsuit against the hospital for alleged malpractice.

“The state’s not going to have certain evidence that they can introduce – all the video film and all the stuff that should have been confidential and all the testing,” Mitchell noted, expressing doubt about the prosecution’s ability to build a case without this evidence. Nonetheless, he acknowledged that this does not necessarily mean the state won’t try to proceed.

District Attorney Dianna Luce has appealed the court’s ruling, arguing that Trevizo waived her privilege by making statements multiple times, fully aware of the presence of her mother and law enforcement officers.


9 thoughts on “Woman who killed newborn in hospital bathroom gets good news from NM court”

  1. She was told she was in labor.
    She had the child on her own and placed that innocent child in a bag and disposed of it as it might have been a sanity napkin.
    She intentionally notified no one of her delivery and the innocent new born was not given his chance for his life.
    She was old enough to understand her decisions and her actions.
    But the state will allow this murder because she was confused.
    Another form of abortion to cover for the legalized murder of our most precious resource, New Mexico’s children, born and the yet to be born.

  2. sooooo she did the same that the up to and including birth abortionists do every day yet they are not prosecuted….
    if she was at the hospital why didn’t she hand the baby to someone there? where is family/friends? what about the “father” aka sperm donor????

  3. It appears this will be used to defend needing more laws to protect women….. hence the “reproductive rights” movement. there is always an agenda for what “they” let you know…..

  4. If this ends with no charges it will lead our state into a real death trap. No murder will be prosecuted. Then we will become the murder capital of the US. I’m guessing this is what our Marxists leaders want. The governor seems to delight in us being first in everything bad & last in everything good.

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