KOAT 7 slaps Heinrich with cold, hard facts after fake attack ad on Domenici

Democrat Sen. Martin Heinrich recently launched an attack ad targeting his opponent, Republican Nella Domenici, in the race for U.S. Senate. The ad, currently airing in the Albuquerque television market, claims that Domenici “hadn’t lived in New Mexico since 1973, back when Richard Nixon was president,” in an apparent attempt to hide his own lack of connection with the state. However, an investigation by KOAT 7 News reveals that this claim is false.

Key Claims Examined

In the ad, Heinrich’s campaign suggests that Domenici is not genuinely connected to New Mexico, labeling her as an outsider. The ad states, “Wall Street’s got enough senators. We need one who will fight for us.” Political analyst Brian Sanderoff believes the objective of the ad is to paint Domenici as an outsider attempting to buy a Senate seat, contrasting Heinrich’s previous campaign strategy of largely ignoring his opponent.

The Facts

Claim: Domenici Hasn’t Lived in New Mexico Since 1973

KOAT 7 News found this claim to be false. While Domenici owns properties in Connecticut and New York, she also owns a home in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Records indicate that she and her husband have owned the Santa Fe property since at least 2006, maintaining it as their New Mexico residence for nearly two decades.

Claim: Domenici’s Properties

The ad also claims Domenici lives in a waterfront mansion in Connecticut and owns a $5 million apartment in New York City. KOAT 7 confirmed these claims as true. Domenici purchased the Connecticut property for $4.1 million in 2017, and her New York apartment, located on 5th Avenue, was bought for $8.6 million in 2015, now valued at approximately $9.7 million — a rather wise investment, increasing in value by over 12.7 percent or over $1 million. 

Shameless Irony of Heinrich’s Background

Adding an ironic twist, Heinrich himself was not born in New Mexico. He hails from Nebraska and was raised in Missouri, only moving to New Mexico as a graduate student at the University of New Mexico. 

“There is some irony in Heinrich’s ad. He himself was not born in New Mexico. He is originally from Nebraska and was raised in Missouri. He came to New Mexico when he became a graduate student at UNM,” the outlet reported.

Although his campaign asserts that “he has lived in Albuquerque ever since,” Heinrich currently resides in Silver Spring, Maryland—not in New Mexico. As widely reported after Heinrich was elected to Congress over a decade ago, Heinrich moved his entire family to primarily live in Maryland. 

Slapped with Facts

KOAT 7’s investigation highlights that the core claim of Heinrich’s ad, which asserts that Domenici has not lived in New Mexico since 1973, is demonstrably false. Domenici’s long-standing connection to New Mexico, including her longtime ownership of a home in Santa Fe, contradicts the narrative portrayed in the ad.


38 thoughts on “KOAT 7 slaps Heinrich with cold, hard facts after fake attack ad on Domenici”

  1. As a New Mexican and carrying a leadership torch within my state, I have been trying to ask Nella questions directly, either via email or in person. However, Nella does not have a published email in which to send one. Most of her events locally have been fundraisers, and I am not about to pay to speak to someone I don’t even know has my vote yet.

    When a politician is truly not available to you as a first time candidate, how available will they be to you when in office. Her company owns the home in NM. That does not mean she “lives” here or even cares all that much…

    If anyone out there has a valid email address for Nella, please contact me.

    Thank you,
    Rev. Rico

      1. He “answers” mine, but you wouldn’t think we were talking about the same subject. His answers are all self-serving pap. I don’t think Domenici will be much better to tell the truth.

    1. My full time occupied home here in NM is held in a family trust as is everything else I call mine. I sure Nella’s is the same. It’s what smart people do.

    2. just this morning I sent an email to the “info@” fundraising email address asking when they’re going to address Heinrich’s policy positions. an ad about mental health with a pic of Pete with Ted Kennedy is not going to move many votes our way. I will vote for her but I’m iffy on sending more money. I can’t find a headquarters phone # either.

  2. I support Domenici, however, just like the rest of the POLITICIANS in DC, she will spend most of her time there with visits to NM.

  3. So neither candidate lives here. We are number 1 in violet crime. It would help if a candidate understood how horrible it is in the state now….

    1. Michael Gallegos

      At her last event she said she and her husband have lived in Santa Fe the last 7 years and considers New Mexico her permanent home. She has been successfully implementing a charter school program for most of that time. She is well educated, and well trained in high level finances. She has worked her whole life to be a role model for women.

  4. NM is so screwed by our politicians. They give a crap about the people in our state. We are at the bottom if not the very bottom of every measurable matrix, worst schools, 3rd worst in poor gov spending, we allow our schools to change the sex of our children with out our permission, we do not follow the NM or Fed constitutions on the 2A. Maybe we should start to vote in conservatives. (not dems not republicans). We need people that live in our state, that want smaller government, that will not hamstring our teachers in teaching the 3 Rs to our children, we need people that will pull teachers out of their jobs if they teach LBQeieio agendas. We need people that want to protect our boarder and support law enforcement and punish the bad guys. (yes there are some bad cops but they are the minority like less than 1% and they should be dealt with). Why do we vote super rich people into office that have nothing in common with the people? The folks we elect only want power to control you and your tax dollar.

    1. I agree, well said Mike. How about a politician that bought an rv and spend at least a 3rd of the year tra eling our cities and towns, spending time amongst our people, and getting to know the real day to day problems we all face…

  5. Heinrich is just as slippery and slimy as he looks. He has done virtually nothing for our state and yet, has historically been re-elected over and over by people who are obviously low information voters or are part of the “my family has always been democrat, thus, I will only vote democrat” regardless of how bad it is. I hope they learn. While our politicians are a huge part of the problem, so are a lot of the voters. Please wake up. M.

    1. I’ve lived in NM since 1966. It has always seemed the case that once someone is elected to the Senate, they become NM Senators for life.

  6. So, if Heinrich actually lives in Maryland, is he a legal voter in New Mexico? And can he legally hold office in New Mexico if he’s not a legal resident?

  7. Here’s a tidbit of stuff for you. When the big mess about Qbama care was being debated, Heinrich was at a town hall meeting in the Belen area. After quite a bit of commentary from the people at the meeting, Heinrich stood up and said he understood no one wanted or liked the program but would ” vote however nancy pelosi voted”. How’s that for listening to your constituents!!


        I agree. They tell us what they are going to do (for us) every four years. They should record their election speeches and play them every election year. They are always the same and then they do nothing except enrich themselves.

    1. I send him emails and call his office. His message is always that he will vote however the dems in charge want him to vote.

  8. Heinrich’s ad attacks Domenici for being bright, assertive and independent as I would want my daughter and grandchildren to be. Many are seeking opportunities that this State does not offer. We have an excellent medical school but our graduates never comeback after they complete their residency…..WHY? …better opportunities elsewhere. Nella Domenici never has left the State at heart she has many , many family members that live here. She is bringing her expertise in finance not politics to hopefully make a difference. It cost money to run a campaign, it was worth my donation to hear her goals for our State…MLG had an orthopedic procedure done in another state….hmmm hypocrisy at it’s best. Heinrich was not born in New Mexico but was a student at UNM ran for office and now resides in Maryland…hypocrisy at its best…. Slime at its best…Newsmax just announced that the Islam community has endorsed QueMala Harris….now that’s something to think about.

    1. You are so right on many levels. and Domtenici (regardless of her net worth) is for NM and not for the slime in the round house. She is strong and assertive and hopefully will help turn around the important issues plaguing NM today.

  9. Democrat playbook 101. Accuse your opponent of the very thing that you are guilty of. Be the first to strike regardless of how large the lie and accusation is. Sleazy parasites.

  10. Much like the old Soviet Union, our “candidates “ are vetted for us. Either comrade a or comrade b are palatable to the deep state. Neither gives a hoot about us. Election codes are a cruel joke that allows for election fraud ie the many cases where people running for office don’t reside in the community where they are “(s)elected. The fact that neither senate candidate lives in NM is not surprising .

  11. Would you expect any different from Hiney-lick? Spewing non truths! Hiney-lick has never really supported New Mexico! Go away! NM doesn’t want anymore of your nonsense!

  12. Michael Gallegos

    The article says Martin was a graduate student at UNM. His bio doesn’t say that, and his work at AFRL was as an intern. Nella received a Bachelors and JD from Georgetown and was a prestigious Baker Grad with an MBA from Harvard while pregnant. She says she loves New Mexico and wants to do everything she can to improve it. I believe she means it and has my full support.

  13. The only person who will change our country and help change our State is DONALD J. TRUMP !! I will vote for Domenici because she is a Republican. That is all I need to know. If Donald doesn’t win we have real problems. If she has the best chance of beating Heinrich then you best vote for her. I do not really care about her opinions. The mental health ad is just plain stupid. Who cares. Get Donald in and we can breath easier for 4 years. But remember: The marxists never give up.

  14. Wake up democrats, look at how Heinrich votes. He doesn’t vote the way New Mexico voters want, he votes for the selfish way the the party wants. It’s all about money and power!

    With this in mind, I say we vote for the lesser of those two. We know that Henrich has been in office and during all this time he has not done anything for New Mexico. Like it was written earlier, here in New Mexico we elect Senators for life or until they want to leave. Nelia should be given the chance to see what she can do for our state. She should also do what was expressed in an earlier comment. She should get an RV and take some of that donated money and do some stops in rural NM towns. Take along those other Representatives for that particular district she will be in. Speak to all voters and let them know she will be in their town. Pick a few stops within the town and let people know they are real.

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