All-Dem NM congressional delegation refuses to attend Israeli PM’s speech

In a controversial move, New Mexico Democrat Reps. Gabe Vasquez, Melanie Stansbury, and Teresa Leger Fernandez, along with Sens. Martin Heinrich and Ben Ray Luján, boycotted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s joint address to Congress. Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democrats’ presumptive nominee for president, also chose not to attend, citing a scheduling conflict with a campaign event. This decision comes amidst a backdrop of heightened tensions following the deadly terrorist attack on Israel on October 7th.

The Republican Party of New Mexico responded sharply to the boycott, criticizing the Democratic lawmakers for their absence. “It’s an embarrassment that New Mexico’s Democratic Representatives and Senators are throwing a tantrum instead of listening to our allies and world leaders amid the ongoing war between Israel and Gaza, especially while the lives of American hostages are on the line,” stated Steve Pearce, Chairman of the Republican Party of New Mexico.

The GOP statement emphasized a perceived abandonment by Democrats of Israel, described as “America’s ally, the only Jewish nation and the sole democracy in the Middle East.” The Republicans argued that Democratic lawmakers have aligned themselves with pro-Hamas protesters and overlooked the rise of antisemitism on college campuses. The absence of the New Mexico Democrats was particularly noted given the ongoing crisis, including the captivity of five Americans held by Hamas.

“A Joint Session of Congress is one of the most important audiences given to a world leader and United States Senators have a duty to attend and listen. In the case of Israel–now–at this time of war–it is a solemn occasion with extremely significant diplomatic implications.  Israel deserves our unified and unwavering support,” wrote GOP nominee for U.S. Senate against Heinrich, Nella Domenici.  

Domenici’s campaign highlighted examples of Heinrich’s anti-Israel voting record:

  • Martin Heinrich voted for Bernie Sanders’ Resolution Requesting information on Israel’s human rights practices—a position that could have jeopardized Israel military aid and operations potentially freezing military aid to Israel when it is at war with the terrorist group Hamas. (2024) 
  • He co-authors letters with Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders to President Biden and Secretary Blinken that raise concerns about humanitarian conditions of the Palestinians but expresses no concern for the Israeli and American hostages that Hamas has been holding since October 7. (2023) 
  • He supports the 2-state solution. (2017) 
  • He opposed the relocation of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. (2017) 
  • He supported the 2016 UN Security Council Resolution 2334 which would have threatened the legitimacy of the state of Israel and its settlements. (2016) 
  • He supported the Iran Nuclear deal. (2015) 
  • He voted to allow Iran to access over $100 billion in foreign assets. (2015) 

In his address, Prime Minister Netanyahu underscored the critical situation, stating, “We are in the midst of a battle for our existence. This is not just a fight for Israel; it’s a fight for the future of the entire free world.” His speech aimed to rally support for Israel’s efforts and emphasize the importance of the country’s alliance with the United States.

The Republican Party of New Mexico contrasted the leadership of the state’s Democratic and Republican candidates, portraying the former as pandering to what they called “the extreme antisemitic wing of their base.” They lauded Republican candidates for their “unwavering support of Israel and the Jewish community” and their commitment to “bringing the American hostages back home.”

This political rift highlights a broader national debate over U.S. policy toward Israel and the Israeli-Hamas conflict, reflecting deep divisions within American politics. As the situation in the Middle East continues to unfold, the responses from U.S. political leaders are likely to remain a focal point of discussion and controversy.


18 thoughts on “All-Dem NM congressional delegation refuses to attend Israeli PM’s speech”

    1. Democrats support those who raped, murdered, burned alive, beheaded and kidnapped innocent civilians and US citizens. The democrat party supports the genocide of Jews and elimination of the only democracy in the middle east. Democrats desire the elimination of Western Civilization. If you hate the United States vote Democrat.

      1. I refuse to be dragged into the absurd Democrat vs. Republican false dichotomy. There are plenty of
        Demopublicans who support the rogue State of Israel as well. Israeli congressional lobbying groups make sure of that.
        Likewise I decry the murder of innocent civilians whether those innocents happen to be Israeli, Palestinian or any other group.
        We thought we eliminated racism and bigotry in this country but I say we traded one group of people for another. We find it easy to justify the slaughter and starvation of a certain group of innocent little children because the well-coiffed “conservative” bobbleheads assure us it is necessary. It is ourselves we should be ashamed of.

        1. You are correct sir. I just can’t see that people that call themselves conservatives and most claim to care about the sanctity of life against abortion , care nothing about children being blown to pieces in Palestine. This is because the media and “our” Congress is owned by the perpetrators. Conservatives have been brainwashed into believing that common Palestinians are all”Hamas terrorists “ even if they are toddlers . Satanyahoo came to remind congress that as the majority from both parties took aipac money , they must now dance to the tune called by criminals.

          1. Totalmente de acuerdo, Norteno. It might stem from the confusion of neo-conservatism with authentic conservatism. Morons like Sean Hannity and loudmouthed Zionist shills like Mark Levin do nothing to help people find their way to true conservatism. Fox News is as big a bag of garbage as CNN or MSNBC. But it is all these sorts of sources from whence folks draw their conclusions. Desafortunadamente.

  1. our NM delegation is a joke and nothing short of ridiculous. Vote everyone of them out this November. Raye is exactly right.

  2. Baruch Goldstein

    The modern State of Israel is a rogue, apartheid state engaged in genocide and ethnic cleansing. The Congress of the USA is led around by the nose by groups like AIPAC. To give support to a man like Netanyahu is to support a criminal and a criminal state. While the NM delegation is a pack of losers, like most politicians of the Uniparty, even a broken clock occasionally tells the right time. Do note that real statesmen, like Thomas Massie, also refused to attend.

    1. “Goldstein” you are a fake”…which one were you? The one raping the women…or the one raping the men? Or was it the little boys before you cooked them in the ovens? Israel SHOULD be wiping you parasites off this planet, but for some reason sane human beings can not fathom…the Jews still have faith in goodness and hope. Though none of you filth deserve the thought.

        1. Baruch Goldstein

          Have compassion, Mr. Del Valle. Graulv would seem to be a garden-variety bigot who has not realized that there are those who are not drawn in to group-think as he is. He has apparently not been exposed to the reality that there is a significant number of Jewish people, Israeli and otherwise, who are horrified by and ashamed of Zionist behavior and agenda.

  3. Dem or Rep, these people were voted in to serve, do a job! If regular citizens picked & chose when tgey wanted to work, what jobs they would or wouldn’t do, we would be fired!! And that is EXACTLY what every one of the people on the list who didn’t attend deserve … TO BE FIRED! What a shame & disgrace for New Mexico

  4. Like NM representatives can do anything without leftist demo approval or their money. They do not represent NM, they represent the only the elitist left. Want the conflict to end, hamas release all the captives.

  5. Concerned New Mexican

    Once the democrats get what they want, the nwo, they will wish that what they did, they didn’t do. They have sold their souls and don’t even realize that. Their god comes to kill, still and destroy. My God come so we can have life more abundantly.

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