‘Self-righteous’ MLG throws ‘tantrum’ at Dems who killed crime special session

On Thursday, the New Mexico Legislature convened a special session called by Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham to address public safety measures. The session aimed to consider eight bills related to criminal competency standards, mental health treatment, crime reporting, pedestrian safety, gun violence, drug overdoses, and wildfire relief. In the final hours before the session, the governor added three additional bills targeting fentanyl distribution and racketeering.

However, the Democrat-run House and Senate adjourned within five hours, and none of the governor’s public safety measures were enacted. The only legislation passed was HB 1, known as the “feed bill,” which allocated funds for wildfire damage relief and other expenses, including:

  • $10 million to the Mescalero Tribe for fire damage
  • $10 million for statewide wildfire mitigation
  • $10 million for FEMA-related public assistance
  • $70 million for zero-interest loans to repair infrastructure
  • $3 million for mental health programs
  • $211,900 for the special session costs

Republicans in the House attempted to add $10 million to the appropriation via a floor amendment to send equipment and resources to New Mexico’s border regions to help apprehend the flow of deadly Chinese fentanyl seeping through the southern border. Democrats refused even to consider the amendment, claiming it was not “germane” despite fentanyl being in the governor’s proclamation. The Democrats voted to kill the amendment on a party-line vote.

Senate Majority Leader Peter Wirth, D-Santa Fe, emphasized on the Senate floor that he urged the governor to sign the provisions into law to rebuild collaborative relationships between government branches, as the relationship has deteriorated as Democrats have rejected the governor’s proposals.

Leading Democrat legislators expressed doubts about the effectiveness of the governor’s proposed bills, particularly regarding mental health legislation, which they claimed lacked input from relevant advocates. Senate Majority Leader Peter Wirth stated, “We certainly look forward to working with Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham. We have done some terrific work together. And I hope we can continue to do that work.” House Speaker Javier Martinez, D-Albuquerque, noted the equal branches of government, asserting that the Legislature has previously invested significantly in public safety.

Following the session’s adjournment, Governor Lujan Grisham issued a sharp rebuke of the Legislature’s inaction:

“This legislature just demonstrated that it has no interest in making New Mexico safer. Not one public safety measure was considered. Not one, despite the bills having the backing of police chiefs, public safety unions, mayors, prosecutors, businesses, tribal leaders, crime victims, and others who have seen firsthand the erosion of public safety that has deeply damaged the quality of life in our state.”

She continued, highlighting her recent visit to a neighborhood plagued by crime and criticizing the Legislature for ignoring these stark realities:

“The legislature as a body walked away from their most important responsibility: keeping New Mexicans safe… The legislature should be embarrassed at their inability to summon even an ounce of courage to adopt common-sense legislation to make New Mexicans safer.”

Governor Lujan Grisham called the day “one of the most disappointing” of her career and urged the public to be outraged. She promised to continue fighting for the safety of New Mexicans.

Blogger Pete Dinelli opined, “The only thing the Governor accomplished is having a little temper tantrum complete with self-righteous rhetoric for all the world to see for not getting her way that was beneath the dignity of her office.”


22 thoughts on “‘Self-righteous’ MLG throws ‘tantrum’ at Dems who killed crime special session”

  1. The Dems is NM are beginning to turn on each other. That is both a good thing and a very dangerous thing. MLG is super pi$$ed and will be bound and determined to push like a bulldozer the next session.

    New Mexicans, it is pertinent to watch the anger grow and just what methods MLG will use to “get her way” and push freedom restricting measures upon us. With all that is going on in Washington, D.C. and the fact that NM may actually vote Red this time around, her empire is crumbling under her feet.

    NM, we must stay strong, in prayer and determined to push back as MLG and her ways are not good, Godly or what New Mexico was established to be.

    Rev. Rico

  2. It”s about time people stand up to her. And shame on the democrats for not passing a law for money to go to the border to help stop the invasion of illegals and fentanyl coming into our country through NM.
    Her temper tantrum shows just how nasty and ungodly she is. And praying for a wide sweep of electing Republicans into offices and getting rid of MLD’s minions (comrades)…
    Hope they stand up to her until her term is up (which should have been with impeachment).

  3. It”s about time people stand up to her. And shame on the democrats for not passing a law for money to go to the border to help stop the invasion of illegals and fentanyl coming into our country through NM.
    Her temper tantrum shows just how nasty and ungodly she is. And praying for a wide sweep of electing Republicans into offices and getting rid of MLD’s minions (comrades)…
    Hope they stand up to her until her term is up (which should have been with impeachment).

  4. She wanted free publicity prior to the DNC and is not getting it. Seems like a lot of power brokering will be going on at the DNC and she might be left out.

  5. In my previous post on MLG i stated that she had narcissistic traits. They were on full display with her failed special session. You walk away from narcissistic behavior because there is no cure, that’s what her Party did, they walked away.

      1. Hopefully Trump will be a “savior” given what the Dims have done to our country. If you vote “Blue” – you are either living off taxpayer largesse, communist/socialist, or ignorant.

      2. I don’t see how Trump entered into this conversation about the State of New Mexico. Perhaps the Democrats are running scared and are throwing around venomous vitriol because they know Trump will win a LANDSLIDE VICTORY come November!

  6. It’s nice to see legislature Democrats finally show some sense of independence from they tyranny of MLG but, in my view, it’s “too little, too late”.
    You had your chance to stand up to her when she was ravaging our state economy, businesses, and school students during the Covid “crisis” but you yielded your authority and responsibility and allowed her to impose fabricated public emergencies for months on end without oversight.
    She continued these same fabricated emergency shutdowns and constrained citizen rights and freedoms with her concocted firearms curtailments in Bernalillo County.
    I’ll not forget your compliant complacency and partisan complicity and will not vote for a single Democrat legislative incumbent in the upcoming elections.

    1. My sentiments exactly Paul.
      MLG singlehandedly collapsed the New Mexico economy with excessive lockdowns and untreasonable covid constraints–far beyond what other states did.
      It’s time for MLG “The Bruja” to be shut down.

  7. She states that our Legislators don’t care about the safety of New Mexicans. The Republicans care very much. If she cared she would protect our border.

  8. The democrats can’t stop the illegals and the drug trade because they are addicted. The kickbacks from the cartels and their drug usage.

  9. There have been no policies addressing causes of crime and violence. More importantly it is easily to see the correlation between Grisham and the NM Legislation policies encouraging violence and crime, including but not limiting to open boarders, supporting marijuana usage, diagnosis and misdiagnosis of gender dysphoria and other mental disorders, toxins within the water system, food, and air all are closely related to mental difficiencies. Moreover the most recent bills contradict the unconsitutional gun bans as the NM Legislation and Grisham claim guns cause violent crime, rather then the mental capacity of individuals pulling the trigger.

  10. I’m glad to see her get knocked down a notch!! She needs to be removed!!! Her failure to actually focus on the real problems has been proven over and over! Adios Loserjan!!

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