Lujan Grisham gets terrible news from NM Dem legislative leaders

Three days before a special legislative session is set to begin, Democratic leaders from both chambers of the New Mexico Legislature voiced “deep concerns” on Monday regarding Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s five proposals, per the Santa Fe New Mexican. This announcement follows a coalition of advocacy organizations, behavioral health providers, and others urging the governor to delay the session to allow for more engagement with community experts on mental health and public safety issues before the regular 60-day session next year.

“The proposed policies are not the kind of meaningful solutions that we need right now,” said House Speaker Javier Martínez during a news conference at the state Capitol. “Let me be clear; let us be clear. We are not saying that this is too hard. What we are saying is that we have deep concerns about the potential impact these proposals will have on New Mexicans, especially the most vulnerable among us. We do not believe these concerns can be effectively remedied in a very condensed special legislative session. Let me reiterate: We are not afraid of hard work. We’re also not afraid of standing up for what is right, right now, and potentially rushing these bills is not right for New Mexico.”

Despite the lawmakers’ concerns, Governor Lujan Grisham remains committed to proceeding with the special session. Michael Coleman, her communications director, stated, “She’s going to go full steam ahead.” Coleman noted that the governor is open to modifications to her proposals but believes these are pressing matter, and lawmakers have had at least eight weeks to work on them.

Senate Majority Leader Peter Wirth echoed the sentiment at the news conference, emphasizing that special sessions are only effective “when the bills are cooked.” He added, “We thought we had an agreement with the governor when she first indicated she wanted to call a special [session], that she wouldn’t proceed unless there was consensus. The governor went ahead and called this session before we had even started working on these bills. That’s certainly her prerogative. We have worked hard to try and find bipartisan consensus on the bills that were proposed. As the speaker said, we’re just not there.”

Senator Mimi Stewart concurred, stating, “Special sessions, they’re only effective when the proposals put forth are vetted in advance, so we can walk into the chamber with confidence in knowing the laws we are about to pass will be good for the people of New Mexico. As Speaker Martinez and Leader Wirth have both pointed out, we are far from that juncture.”

Before the news conference, Senator Crystal Brantley expressed her frustration in a telephone interview, noting that Republicans feel disorganized and left in the dark. “As recent as this morning, we were being told to prepare for three weeks, pack for three weeks, but also be prepared for us to immediately adjourn,” she said. “How do you prepare for that? For legislators, for lobbyists, for constituents? It’s in such disarray right now that I think it’s really making a mockery of the legislative process and the Legislature in general.”

Brantley highlighted the Republicans’ frustration, adding, “The reality is that we are in a minority and because of that, Republicans are dependent on the direction and guidance of Democrat leadership and so when Democrat leadership doesn’t have a plan, really we are in a waiting game right now with little information to go by, so little that we’re unable to really adequately prepare to do much.”

She emphasized the support among Republicans, particularly those representing districts near the Mexico border, for the governor’s special session focused on public safety. “It gives us an opportunity to help all of New Mexico,” she said. “What’s frustrating is while [the governor’s] intentions may have been well and I support the call, there just has not been enough work on the front end to prepare for anything meaningful.”


20 thoughts on “Lujan Grisham gets terrible news from NM Dem legislative leaders”

  1. Doubt it! She just wants to continue to destroy New Mexico! She won’t even acknowledge that we have a ton of illegals coming into our state!

  2. What ever they do they must follow the NM constitution…….my mistake the democrats do not follow our constitution and the people are too weak to do anything.

  3. Narcissism is one of her middle names. Her own party is realizing what a miserable, dreadful, selfish, self-absorbed, stupid, incompetent, creature she is.

  4. There can be no talk of public safety without addressing the elephant in the room— the open border.

  5. It would be nice if the published the things they want to put forward. They may be out there, but I haven’t seen them listed. As a resident of this state I am supposed to have a voice in these bills. However, they keep things so hushed we don’t see anything until the session is going.

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