Dem NM Sen. Moe Maestas cracks joke about Trump assassination attempt

After a failed attempt on 45th President Donald Trump’s life at a Pennsylvania rally by a now-deceased assassin, who left at least one rallygoer deceased and one in critical condition, New Mexico state Sen. Moe Maestas (D-Albuquerque) commented on a post about the attempted murder by joking about former President Abraham Lincoln’s assassination.

One X account, @Lobogabe, wrote following the shooting at 4:25 p.m., “Holy f—k, Watching his rally and there’s gunshots. It looks like he is injured. I guarantee this is a Democrat. This is the most disgusting thing in the history of the country. Omg. I can believe this. Please God keep him safe.”

To that, Maestas wrote at 5:27 p.m., “History of the country? Where do you rank that Ford’s Theater incident? Top 5?” followed by a face exhaling emoji.

While Maestas was joking about the attempted murder of the 45th President, other Democrat politicians, such as U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich and U.S. Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez, among others, were joining Republicans in wishing Trump well and denouncing political violence. 

Then, over one full hour later, Maestas changed his tune, writing on X, “Political violence has no place in a free democratic society. I condemn today’s disgusting violence unequivocally and share in the sadness many are feeling right now. I pray for a speedy and healthy recovery of President Trump.” 

He then attempted to downplay his previous comment, which joked about the attempted assassination of President Trump, claiming he did not know what he was commenting on because he had “just landed” from a flight. 

He wrote, “I hope we grow as a nation from this horrible experience. We must reverse this current state of hate and divisiveness. I apologize profusely to everyone for a spontaneous earlier post. I had just landed, and did not realize in that instance that Trump had been struck.”

Despite his excuse-ridden “apology,” the Republican Party of New Mexico’s Chairman Steve Pearce wrote, “It is unacceptable that Senator Maestas’ first response to an assassination attempt, where the former President was shot at, narrowly missing his head, one person was killed and another severely injured, was to make a joke and downplay it. He has demonstrated that he does not have the character or discernment worthy of a New Mexico Senator.”

He added, “He apologized only after being criticized and justified his tweet by claiming he didn’t know the President had been struck. That is a weak excuse. New Mexicans deserve representation that acknowledges the gravity of this situation and will address it with the seriousness and dignity it deserves. Senator Maestas should step down after making such a disgraceful post.”

Others, including state Reps. John Block (R-Alamogordo) and Stefani Lord (R-Sandia Park) urged for Maestas’ immediate resignation “in disgrace,” with Block saying the Democrat state lawmaker’s apology was “not accepted.” 

Since the deadly shooting and attempted assassination attempt on the 45th President’s life, the 45th President has been confirmed as safe, as the FBI takes the reigns of the investigation.

“The FBI has assumed the role of the lead federal law enforcement agency in the investigation of the incident involving former President Donald Trump that occurred earlier today in Butler, Pennsylvania. Special agents of the FBI Pittsburgh Field Office responded immediately, to include crisis response team members and evidence response technicians. We will continue to support this investigation with the full resources of the FBI, alongside our partners at the U.S. Secret Service and state and local law enforcement,” wrote the Bureau. 


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17 thoughts on “Dem NM Sen. Moe Maestas cracks joke about Trump assassination attempt”

  1. Marcello T Hinojosa

    Moe your a POS. You should resign immediately. In case your wondering I’m a registered Independent.

    1. You know, it’s things like this that this state has so many problems now. Just to be clear, I am glad that Trump’s OK and that they were able to stop the gunman from hurting anyone else, even despite the fact that he died. I send my condolences to the family of one of the other guys who was killed by this gunman as well. What this gunman did was wrong, it shouldn’t have happened. I don’t care if you love Trump or not. What happened to him was wrong. If Trump had not turned his head to the left, that bullet would have struck him in the head. And then he unfortunately most likely would have died. And thus, we would have had another assassination of another political candidate in this country and across the globe. It’s also tragic that one other innocent person died as a result of this assassination attempt. It really is. But, for NM state Senator Moe Maestas to make the joke that he did, was wrong too. Bad timing for you to make a joke like that Mr. Maestas.

      But anyway I digress. And, another unknown fact about the gunman that tried to assassinate Trump and killed another innocent person as well as severely injuring another. The leftist main stream media outlets in the United States and I am sure elsewhere across the globe, including CNN and others, as well as leftist figures and so on, have made the claim that the gunman that tried to assassinate Trump was a registered Republican. They also claim that Trump hired this man to stage an assassination attempt. Here’s the problem with that……… it’s not true. None of that is true. In fact, the gunman was actually not a Republican. He was a Republican In Name Only(RINO) who donated to Democratic causes. In other words, he was a Democrat disguised as a Republican, kind of like what Nikki Haley has become and Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney. He was not a Republican in the truest sense. He was a Democrat. And Trump did not hire him to stage an assassination attempt. What happened to Trump yesterday was not staged. It was real. He literally almost died and one other person died and another got severely injured. Now, who could have helped the gunman to try and assassinate President Trump? Who could have told him to shoot him? Better question, who’s the guy, the guy who is in the oval office right now, who said, five days before Trump was almost assassinated, that Trump was in the bullseye and was the bullseye, who said “enough with the debates, let’s kill him”? Who could have possibly said that? In a recorded conversation on a phone or something like that no less? Guess. I will give you some hints. He’s a guy who thinks that Kamala Harris is actually Trump, he’s a guy who thinks that he is a Black woman, he has a son named Hunter Biden(who’s real name is actually Bob Biden, not kidding) who has committed shady dealings with our enemies like China and Russia through Burisma and who has a laptop which the Left and today’s Democratic Party said wasn’t real, but is real, where he has videos of himself smoking crack and cocaine and other drugs, etc. This man is also a guy who supports funding a dictator named Zelensky based on the assumption that Zelensky is supposedly in need of money when in reality Zelensky actually has millions of dollars to his name even without the funding and he also owns three or four properties in the United States and most likely more across the globe, he supports targeting parents for being parents and targeting people who tell the truth about there only being two genders and targeting pro-lifers for being pro-life. He’s also a man who sniffs and touches little girls inappropriately which has been caught on camera, has calked the MAGA supporters threats to democracy and scum and threats to the United States and parasites much like what Hitler thought about the Jews, supports funding a group of people like the Palestinians who have voted into office and into government members of an actual terrorist organization Hamas who commits and advocates for jihad and Sharia law and terrorism and genocide among the innocent since 2006, who opened the border up so much that unprecedented influxes of illegal aliens are coming into the United States including terrorists and suspected terrorists and those who are on the terrorist watchlists. And a man who supports abortion up to and including birth and after birth and so on. One last hint: His name starts with a J and ends with Biden. I think you know who I am speaking of. That’s right, it was Joe Biden. Joe Biden, our so-called President Joe Biden, is the guy who told this gunman to shoot at President Trump in order to kill him. And why? Well, it’s pretty simple. Because Biden and the Left and today’s Democratic Party hates and fears Trump because Trump actually represents the true American values of this country like freedom of speech and freedom of religion and the Judeo-Christian values and the Second Amendment and First Amendment and school choice and supporting Israel and parental rights, etc and they do not and because they do not, Trump’s common sense minded values and policies that have defined what the United States has been for the last two centuries and a half scares the Left and today’s Democratic Party including Biden himself so much that they are actually willing to assassinate him, kill him, in order to get rid of him once and for all. If the Left and today’s Democratic Party are willing to put him in prison for supposedly committing “34 felonies” that he actually didn’t commit and do that to him, then their willing to assassinate him or try to assassinate him. And this is why people are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in masses now across the globe including in the United States. People are waking up folks. People are waking up and realizing that none of what the Left and today’s Democratic Party are doing and saying are working. Their realizing that the Left and today’s Democratic Party do not have the best interests for them or for their hearts. And if you don’t think that people are waking up here in New Mexico either, you are sadly mistaking. People are starting to wake up here in New Mexico too now. Maybe not as fast and not as much as other places unfortunately. But it’s happening here too. Already, numerous people, mainly those who are members of Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s own party, have turned on her in some form or another. The ACLU, of all people, even said that she should not have that special session that’s coming up in a week or so. About six Democrats in the NM state legislature including Joseph Cervantes, criticized and turned on her last September after she implemented the “public health emergency order” on guns. Raul Torres, our Attorney General for New Mexico, also turned on her regarding that too. Two other Democratic members of the state legislature, both of whom who are women, also have criticized her for various reasons, including Angelica Rubio, who is one of the far-left members of the New Mexico state House of Representatives I want to say, representing the Las Cruces area, who criticized Lujan Grisham regarding the special session that’s scheduled less than a week from now. Their turning on her. Almost all of them may be back supporting her a day later. But, their turning on her. I mean, Lujan Grisham has had like how many Public Education Department Secretaries resign on her since she’s been Governor? Like five, maybe six? Tells you something doesn’t it. Plus, she’s had a few NM Department of Health Secretaries since she’s been Governor too, including the Fauci 2.0 David Scrase. I mean, their starting to turn on her. And it’s not just her. It’s happening elsewhere across the United States in other blue states too. Their even turning on Biden himself. In fact, there are now 18 Democrats in the United States Congress and the United States Senate who are now calling for Biden to step aside. One or two of them are even now calling for him to resign as President, therefore if this happens, Biden would only be the second President to do this, after Richard Nixon. That’s how bad Biden and his policies have gotten. And people have had enough of it. People are waking up folks. And that now includes a growing number of people in Biden’s own party. The Left and today’s Democratic Party will tell you that everything’s fine and that everyone loves and supports Biden and his administration and his policies. Nope, that’s a lie. Americans are pissed at him and that includes a growing number of people in his own party. More Americans are leaving the Democratic Party and the Left in the United States right now than they are joining them and for good reasons. And it is true elsewhere across the globe. People are leaving the Left in masses across the globe now including in the United States. And it’s slowly I think starting to happen here in New Mexico too.

      1. But anyway, I digress. Again, it’s like I said before, it’s things like what Moe Maestas said that that’s why New Mexico has so many problems now. I know I have said it multiple times and I will continue to say it because it’s true. New Mexico has so many problems and issues now, it’s not even funny. I mean, were dead last in education among U.S states and territories in the United States. We are the U.S state most dependent on federal funds. We have one of the highest inflation rates in the United States. We are basically like the abortion capital of the United States. We have a Governor who is one of the most radical leftist, pro-woke, pro-transgender, pro-abortion up to and including birth and after birth Governors in the United States. We have certain schools in the state that are shoving the radical leftist gender agenda down children’s and parents’s throats(which is why parents and families are fleeing from this state and rightfully so). Not to mention that we are now the most dangerous U.S state in the United States regarding the crime rate and homelessness in the state. Plus, we have young and wealthy people leaving the state in droves and we have a aging population too. Our birth rate in NM has declined at least since 2010, maybe earlier(part of that has been due to abortions committed in the state unfortunately). New Mexico’s roads and interstates suck and are old and almost useless now. We have a forest fire management organization who are at times so lazy it’s not even funny (or maybe it is). And we have a current congressional delegation and U.N delegation made up of radical leftist figures who don’t give two cents about us. And we have a border that is wide open to the point where unprecedented influxes of illegal aliens including terrorists and suspected terrorists and those who are on the terrorist watchlists and criminals who are coming into the United States including through right here in New Mexico, and are ruining and are killing innocent Americans as we speak. I mean, I could go on. There’s so many problems with New Mexico, it’s not even funny. The good things about New Mexico is the geography and the geology, the weather can be beautiful a lot here, and there are some very good people who live in this state like John Block and Steven McCutcheon and Yvette Herrell and Paul Gessing(the President of the Rio Grande Foundation free market think tank here in New Mexico) and Jim Townsend and Bill Rehm and Nella Dominicea(sorry I spelled her last name wrong but I think you know who I’m talking about), to name a few. But, other than that, we suck. I mean, this state, New Mexico, absolutely sucks overall. If there was ever a list, an actual list, of the suckiest states in the United States, New Mexico would definitely be like at the top of the list, or one of the ones at the top of the list. I mean, we just suck ass! Sorry for my language, but it’s true. And it’s mainly the Left and the Democratic Party in this state’s fault that we absolutely suck as a state now. Even New York, which is horrible too and just as bad as New Mexico, isn’t as bad as New Mexico is. California the same way. I mean, California is freakin horrible, but it’s not even as bad as New Mexico has become.

  2. Democrats always give an excuse like “I had just landed” or “I was tired and didn’t know what I was saying” or something stupid like that. And they always change their story if that first one doesn’t work. If this doesn’t work would be interested to know what Maestas’s next excuse will be. It is sure to be a doozy.

  3. Sick, Sick Moe!!

    Investigate any Democrat that is has been hating on Trump! I’m sure somone was paid to do this. Dems can’t admit that Biden is not up for the job. For Moe and the rest of the Dems to come back and fake compassion for Trump after they’ve wished nothing but bad for him, is how they continuously fake to cover up their crap and make themselves look like upstanding citizens.

  4. Moe was playing to his base, the callous and fascist — it’s obvious he believes assassination of a political opponent to be acceptable.

    Moe’s claim of ignorance is weak back peddling – it’s clear from the outset of any report that shots were fired with the intent to kill; that’s not a laughing matter, Moe.


    1. Moe, they gave you the correct name, I wonder what joke you could come up with if your wife , son, or daughter were shot at and or died….
      What would be your punchline then Moe????
      You are a sorry excuse for a person wishing death on anyone, you do t represent me just your ilk and those liberal sheeple will follow you over the cliff…. Start walking….

  5. First – I enthusiastically concur w/ all your remarks about Moe Maestas.

    Second – the hardest thing for us will be to pray for his conversion from being an instrument of Satan back to our Lord God & our Lord Jesus. But we must also pray for his conversion from Democrat to at least an Independent.
    I gave up on the Dems & GOP because you can’t tell a nickel’s worth of difference between them. So like Marcello, I’m a registered Independent.

    Third – You are a pathetic piece of humanity. By your first comment you knew exactly what had happened to President Trump. Why else would you have mentioned “Ford Theater”? You spoke your true heart in your initial reaction. All the rest is B****H*T pure & simple.

    Fourth – I am shocked & amazed that you knew enough US history to know about Abraham Lincoln & Ford Theater. With an education coming out of a NM school system I would expect you to have been as “dumb as a box of rocks”.

    Fifth – Resign in shame or at least acknowledge publicly that you are a Democrat & state just how shameless & evil you are.

    Lastly, I could go on a screed about NM & stupid NM Dems. But I’ll save that for another time

  6. . . . . a couple of comments that I missed.

    Sixth – I will be praying for you Moe. If you are a praying man then you will know what a monumental task I have in front of me since you are also a Dem.
    Maybe some of you could join in & help.

    I’m old enough to remember an old saying I heard growing up . . . . “Ignorance” can be fixed but “Stupid is forever”. I think it applies in this situation.

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