GOP group’s massive ad buy: New Mexico set for political firestorm

The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has announced an initial ad buy of $45.7 million for the 2024 election cycle, with significant investments in New Mexico aimed at strengthening and expanding their House majority.

Specifically, the NRCC has allocated $2,043,200 for the Albuquerque media market (DMA) and $688,800 for the El Paso media market, which includes parts of southern New Mexico. This targeted investment underscores the NRCC’s strategic focus on New Mexico’s 2nd Congressional District (NM-02), which was identified as a key offensive opportunity back in March.

NRCC Chairman Richard Hudson highlighted the importance of these ads in addressing critical issues facing voters. “The NRCC committed from Day One to not just hold our majority, but go on offense to grow our majority – today we are putting our money where our mouth is,” Hudson stated. “This initial investment gives our candidates firepower to remind voters of the Biden border, crime, and inflation crises wreaking havoc on their daily lives. Extreme Democrats who enabled the chaos and malaise should polish up their resumes – they will be unemployed soon.”

The significant ad buy reflects the NRCC’s strategy to leverage media markets effectively to communicate their message and rally support for Republican candidates in critical districts. The focus on NM-02, in particular, indicates a concerted effort to reclaim and secure seats that are seen as vulnerable or pivotal for maintaining and growing their House majority.

As the 2024 election cycle progresses, these ad reservations mark the beginning of a broader campaign strategy aimed at addressing key voter concerns and drawing contrasts with Democratic incumbents.

For more details on the NRCC’s ad reservations and strategic plans, read the full memo here.


5 thoughts on “GOP group’s massive ad buy: New Mexico set for political firestorm”

  1. Marcello T Hinojosa

    Border control, less crime, prosperity, better education, lower food prices, lower gas prices. 🤔 Answer is vote RED.

  2. Just realize folks that have cable or dish type tv get Albuquerque news un less that ask to change. Las Cruces which is full of Marxist’s from NMSU may not get the advertisements. Someone may want to check it out

  3. No money from the Senate race? I think that this could be a win with some support. Heinrich is very “ripe for the picking”!

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