Far-left Dems seize Labor Day to advocate for more socialism in NM

Far-left Democrats in the New Mexico Legislature used the Labor Day holiday to demand more socialism in New Mexico, this time wanting paid medical leave.

Senate President Pro-Tem Mimi Stewart (D-Albuquerque), Rep. Christine Chandler (D-Los Alamos), Rep. Linda Serrato (D-Santa Fe), and Rep. Patricia Roybal Caballero (D-Albuquerque) wrote in a Las Cruces Sun-News op-ed that they think “it’s time for a New Mexican Paid Family and Medical Leave.”

“Our push in the last legislative session for Paid Family and Medical Leave got more support than ever before. We were disappointed it didn’t become law this year, but we have not given up the fight because we know New Mexico workers deserve this important benefit,” they insisted. 

They plugged a far-left extremist group in its upcoming event that will advocate for the passage of the extreme socialist proposal, “We encourage you to join Southwest Women’s Law Center for one of their series of Town Halls across the state to share how access to Paid Family and Medical Leave would impact your family.”

S.B. 11, sponsored by the lawmakers, died at the hands of Democrats in the House Commerce and Economic Development Committee, with Reps. Patricia Lundstrom (D-Gallup) and Marian Matthews (D-Albuquerque) rejected the proposal with multiple concerns. In the Senate, Sens. Daniel Ivey-Soto (D-Albuquerque) and George Muñoz (D-Gallup) voted against the bill.

Terri Cole of the Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce said the legislation would impose a “large escalating tax” on workers and employers, as reported by the Albuquerque Journal. The bill’s fiscal impact report (FIR) noted a shocking $516 million deficit in the fund would accrue by the 2028 budget year. 

Other concerns from stakeholders include the vagueness of the language in the bill and expanding the scope of coverage to any “blood” relative of the person in question.

“UNM also says the definition of a family member in Section 2.G (5), indicating that a family member is “any other individual related by blood or affinity whose close association with the employee or employee’s spouse or domestic partner is the equivalent of a family relationship” broadens the federal definitions of family members under the Family Medical Leave Act and leaves some ambiguity in terms of how the department will interpret this language.  As written, it appears to open the door for paid FMLA to care for a parents-in-law, siblings-in-law, and potentially individuals such as cousins or cousins-in-law, depending on the Department’s interpretation of “blood” and “affinity” in this section,” according to the FIR.

Still, the far-left, led by Stewart, is hell-bent on ramming through “paid family leave,” likely in the next 30-day legislative session, which begins in January. 


19 thoughts on “Far-left Dems seize Labor Day to advocate for more socialism in NM”

  1. This is the very reason we fought the British in the American revolution and secured our freedom from such tyranny. Why do this self proclaimed god’s of the Democratic party keep getting elected? They are ruining this beautiful state. No business will want to move here or any individual will want to work here if this state continues to impose more taxes for it’s socialistic programs. We need a third party here in New Mexico to clean up this mess.

    1. This socialism is the exact same thing that happened to my German ancestors in East Germany and the USSR of today is the deep state aka the EU. New Mexico is controlled by a foreign communist government and military from the communist deep state and I really hate this when my ancestors fate has followed me here to my homeland! We seriously need to revolt and drive these dictators out of power in New Mexico because voting won’t work because all elections are rigged and they have been that way since before 2020!!

  2. Do y’all realize that even labor is taxed. I have to tax my customers 8.3% tax on labor bills. This is a tax that needs to be repealed.

  3. This is ridiculous. We can hardly feed our family’s now. You want to tax the crap out of us all, so a few people can stay home with a sick family member? Then the work place has to find a temp person to replace them for the time they are out. That is not a easy thing to do. When you start to dig into it, it just sucks all around. I hate being run by Albuquerque and Las Cruses. Not all of us live there. NewMexico does not want socialism.

    1. I beg to differ on your comment that New Mexico doesn’t want socialism. This state has voted for it time and time again overwhelmingly. When do you see a change?

    2. I live in Albuquerque. Don’t assume “all” that live in Albuquerque want Democrat/socialist policies. Our vote isn’t representative of what citizens want due to the gerrymandering and the machines. We have selections, not elections.

  4. This is yet one more reason to leave New Mexico.
    Liberals will keep bringing socialist/communist ideas back until they get passed by the legislature.
    My wife and I have sold our house in NM and bought a house in another state because of these socialist/communist ideas. The governor and the legislature are turning NM into California East at an alarming rate. The Governor has promised to bring back 2023s House Bill 101 or some very similar bill in the 2024 legislative session, vowing to see it passed at any cost. https://www.nmlegis.gov/Sessions/23%20Regular/bills/house/HB0101CPS.pdf

  5. Have the socialist schools been so successfully dumbing down that that many peeps are so shortsighted that they vote for a free lunch; and/or are the elections fake?

    [Still have to fill everything out here]

  6. The democrats have gone to far the killing of babies and now they want to raise taxes I got news for them I will not pay my taxes enough is enough This state is now the land of baby killers

  7. Those F ing demorats are ruining our state that’s why nobody wants to work anymore all the freebies they provide for illegals and for people that are capable but refuse to work

  8. If Websters wanted to define corruption and abuse of taxpayer funds all the would need to do is put these names in the description: Mimi Stewart (D-Albuquerque), Rep. Christine Chandler (D-Los Alamos), Rep. Linda Serrato (D-Santa Fe), and Rep. Patricia Roybal Caballero (D-Albuquerque).

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