Lawyer for alleged NM hospital baby killer gives sickening defense

A lawyer representing 19-year-old Alexee Trevizo, who is charged with murder after giving birth to her baby in an Artesia General Hospital bathroom and then killing the child, has a sickening defense for the Trevizo’s actions.

Attorney Gary Mitchell claims, “I think it’s pretty outrageous, actually.” 

He said, “She’s in great distress because she’s in jail and never been there before. And didn’t do anything to deserve being there, I don’t care what the State of New Mexico may allege.”

Crime Online reports, “Mitchell said his client is a good student who participates in choir and cheer at school, has never been in trouble before and is planning to attend New Mexico State University. The lawyer noted that Trevizo was already at a hospital when the birth occurred, which he said is significant.”

“She’s at the only facility where she can get help and then this happens? I have serious problems with that. I have serious problems with the hospital care, I have serious problems with the records we’re not getting out of this hospital because I don’t necessarily think it’s correct and honest…. I have serious problems with the charge in this case which is first-degree murder. You can bet your life we’re going to defend this tenaciously,” Mitchell continued.

“Prosecutors are seeking to keep the teen in jail until her trial. Mitchell contends that his client has no criminal history and has not attempted to flee since giving birth. He described the state’s criminal justice system and bail and bond rules as ‘barbaric’ and ‘archaic,’” Crime Online continued. 

The baby was found after a housekeeper at the hospital found pools of blood in a restroom and a heavy trash can that contained the dead child. 

Trevizo claimed to have back pain when she visited the hospital and then gave birth to the child in the restroom before being alleged to kill him. She claims the baby was already dead, but official reports show the child was born alive. 


15 thoughts on “Lawyer for alleged NM hospital baby killer gives sickening defense”

  1. Wow. I can’t believe how discussing lawyers can be, . You kill a baby and some lawyer wants to say it’s not her fault. Who’s fault is it then?? The babies, the hospital’s. No, hers because she through the away like it wasn’t any better then the rest of the trash in the trashcan.

    1. You are right 19 years in prison is fitting and proper for the thoughtless hussy. She got pregnant and did not care. To her it was like garbage,no respect for human life. Move to China they accept that kind of stuff. The lawyer who is defending your ignorance should be put in prison for 10 years
      He has no conscious, and no spine, another living parasite. Lawyer my Honey.

  2. Why is she even being charged with a crime when MLG and the Dems in Santa Fe are espousing up-to- birth abortion/murder?

    1. You hit the nail on the head, Paul. There is no difference. They want to legalize infanticide after birth.

    2. It was terribly wrong what she did , but I agree with the fact the charge of murder , was Hy is it okay to abort your child up to birth clearly alive and breathing, but the piece of shit woman can decide to kill the baby and have it ripped into pieces and sell the body parts for the wealthy to use for there sick and demonic purpose. MLG needs to be in prison for murder and the so called devil’s who carry the child and then decide to murder the baby !!!!!

    3. That’s the question I wonder also! Why is it considered murder once the child is born; but, not murder before it is born???
      It is a human being whether it is still in the womb, or out!!

  3. Josephine lopez

    Murder is murder there’s no if ands or buts about it!! She killed her own kid when she threw the poor baby in the trash not just that she premeditated it!! Put her heartless ass in jail and throw away the key!! No excuse for what she’s done!!

  4. Josephine Lopez

    Murder is murder there’s no if ands or buts about it not only did she kill her kid when she threw him/her in the trash can she also premediated it! Put that sick girl in jail and throw away the key!!! No excuse for what she’s done!!! Wth is this becoming a trend??!!!!

  5. What I heard is that she didn’t even know she was pregnant. I actually knew a girl that didn’t know she’s was pregnant went to the hospital and gave birth. Weird. To me the lawyer says she has so much hope for education and future. That could be a determining factor.Maybe she thought that a baby would ruin her future. I don’t get how this happened. Don’t babies have umbilical cords? I also heard it was in a sac and should have been cut to allow the baby to breathe. If she was innocent she should have notified medical personnel instead of throwing the baby in the trash. That says a lot. She is not a minor she’s 19 and an adult and has a lot of rights she should know right from wrong. I had my Daughter when I was 17 and at the time I thought my life would be ruined. Boy was I wrong. Not a day goes by where I feel blessed to have been given my Daughter. Not to brag but she has a good head on her shoulders and in 23 yrs she has never caused any issues or been a handful. Because of her I became a man and did what I had to do to support her and not day goes by where I regret it.

  6. Her mom was there and must have known she was pregnant and unstable.Mental illness is running rampant in teenaged kids educated by far left whack job teachers and the entire internet cancer they grow up in.

  7. Oh yeah, that’s definitely murder according to our Great Creator – God Himself. HE created everyone one of us, besides Everything that exists. If you play, you gotta pay, sweetheart. How stupid is she & her mother, dear God. Judgment Day is coming-So sad for her, the 19-yr-old murderer. Praying for your repentance before Almighty God🙏

  8. Oh, and her Idiot Attorney. No wonder our God is preparing to end this entire earthly mess real Soon. Prepare to meet your Creator or was your mother a tadpole?! Shish. Ha ha, poor clueless creatures who need much prayer – including abortionists and their supporters. Remember The Flood? Only Eight survivors left because all others were Unbelievers in our Creator God’s warnings. Beware ya’ll – Repent and Prepare!

  9. Oh, and her Idiot Attorney. No wonder our God is preparing to end this entire earthly mess real Soon. Prepare to meet your Creator or was your mother a tadpole?! Shish. Ha ha, poor clueless creatures who need much prayer – including abortionists and their supporters. Remember The Flood? Only Eight survivors left because all others were Unbelievers in our Creator God’s warnings. Beware ya’ll – Repent and Prepare!

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