Navajo landowners repel Haaland’s Chaco Canyon ban celebration

An event celebrating the crushing of Native American sovereignty via a 20-year drilling ban around Chaco Canyon by Joe Biden’s Department of the Interior (DOI) Secretary Deb Haaland, a former New Mexico congresswoman, was thwarted by Navajo protesters, primarily made up of landowners.

“Haaland had to quickly regroup and relocate after a group of Navajo landowners blocked the way to the sacred site,” KOB 4 reported.

“Six and a half hours later, over 150 miles away, those celebrating the moratorium gathered outside of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Southwest Regional Office in Albuquerque in the late afternoon instead, surrounded by federal police officers on the outskirts of the area,” another source said.

The Santa Fe New Mexican reported, “Social media posts showed protesters yelling ‘Go Home!’ as some held signs that read no trespassing on allottee land.”

Other signs spotted listed Haaland, Biden, and other politicians who lauded the decision as “China and Russia oil lovers.”

The Navajo Nation pled with the DOI to make a compromise, but they were flatly ignored by Haaland, leading them to rescind their support for the compromise and to oppose the drilling ban that will mean hundreds of millions of dollars being robbed from the tribe over time.

The Navajo Nation Council wrote in opposition to the proposed ban, “If the buffer zone is adopted, the Navajo allottees who rely on the income realized from oil and natural gas royalties will be pushed into greater poverty.” It stressed the “detrimental impact to Navajo Nation allottees by preventing the development of new oil and gas resources on allotments as a result of the allotments being landlocked,” exposing the fallacy from DOI that the withdrawal will not impact Navajo lands. 

“The financial and economic losses that are impacting many Navajo families as a result of the secretary’s recent land withdrawal are nothing to celebrate,” Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren said. “As leaders of the Navajo Nation, we support the Navajo allottees who oppose the withdrawal of these public lands.”

20 thoughts on “Navajo landowners repel Haaland’s Chaco Canyon ban celebration”

  1. They destroyed some of the best jobs on the Navajo Reservation by closing down the Page and Farmington coal fired electricity plants too. Democrats want us freezing in the dark while they jet around to their mansions.

    1. The feds have no jurisdiction or authority over the state, and the people. More unconstitutional null and void decisions by psychopaths who do not hold office legitimately or constitutionally.

  2. How great to see the Navajo land allottees standing up for their rights. Deb Haaland is a disgrace and a back stabber. She has no business being secretary of the interior.

  3. Diane Heisinger

    The OBiden regime is working very hard to destroy every opportunity for all Americans.
    Sorry to a have Native American commit treason against its own people!

  4. Great job standing up for the rights of the Navajo!!!
    They should have run Haaland out of the state entirely! Send her back to Pedo Joe and keep her over there conspiring to break more promises to her people.

  5. This is typical… Everything is oil and gas’s fault. The latest was the wildfires in Canada. First they stopped clearing out the brush. They also refuse to cut fire-breaks. Then the pinebark beetles weaken and dry out the trees, creating a tinderbox. Finally, they’re shocked SHOCKED! to see fires. Schumer says just adopt the sick Green Deal and there’ll be no fires. In NM they won’t allow traditional native American tending of the forests, clearing out dead wood. And then denying native Americans rights to their own land. This is sick.

    1. The feds can not tell anyone what to do on their land. This is why they carry guns and commit violence against the people. This is thug rule, not constitutional, therefore null, void and without effect. The people are the masters of our republic, this includes the native people, who are also guaranteed their rights by our constitution, circa 1791, including the bill of rights. go to citizens of the american constitution dot net for more info.

  6. Anytime you think a Democrat has your best interest at heart beware. They will suck you into there schemes on false pretenses, chew you up and spit you out.

  7. I stand with the Navajo Nation’s sovereignty. Typical of the US government, break treaties and ignore the will of the people and push their global warming agenda, or climate change, they keep changing the name every time their arguments fall on their face. Climate change is natural and there is nothing man can do about it.

  8. They talk about slavery but they don’t talk about how they forced The Native Americans back to the West. Read about the Sand Creek Massacre, Wounded Knee, and The Trail of Tears. Reports said to save bullets the US Army soldiers smashed baby’s heads with gunstocks, cut off genitalia, and other horrible stuff that I can’t even say here. It hard to think that a person who was sworn to protect US citizens could do this to another human being. You can read all of this and it will break your heart. They have always had a thing for Native Americans but it is not publicized like the Slave Trade. Kit Carson led the trail of tears that killed many who weren’t given food, water, and forced to walk many many miles. A lot died of malnutrition. No burials nothing . Just your loves ones left behind. To think that the USA has a National Forest named after Kit Carson shows you how they have no remorse. They are still trying to rule the Native Americans. They forced them from their homelands that were rich in resources and put them in dry arid areas. They never were given a voice and it’s been taken away from millionaires that have no clue of poverty.

  9. Throughout history there has always been someone willing to sell out for thirty pieces of silver –
    – Judas Iscariot
    – Vidkun Quisling
    – Jao Xidung/biden
    – Deb Haaland

    Eventually it catches up to them, the end is always the same.

    1. When are thé decent Democrats going to réalise that their party does not care about anything but their vote. Malcolm X, in speaking to black americans a long time ago said “…you keep voting for democrats, who promise you everything and give you nothing…you are a champ and a disgrâce to your race.” And then he was assinated.

  10. They do not care if the native Americans starve to death on this land as long as they put money in their evil demoncrat pockets. They also want the division in the country between all races and within the races. Then, it is easier for them to propagandize to these believing “GO GREEN IDIOTS” !

  11. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME on the feds for once again taking from a sovereign Indian NATION. Triple shame on Deb Haaland. The Navajo being stabbed in the back is bad enough, but being stabbed from the front while getting it in the back by a traitor is mega bad. YET it seems stealing by the elite class is an okay thing these days.

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