Ben Ray Luján begging Biden to nominate Gov. MLG for HHS secretary in his fictitious cabinet

On Sunday, it was reported that Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham is in contention for former vice president Joe Biden’s fictitious cabinet, despite him not winning the election and massive voter fraud swinging battleground states, including New Mexico, in his favor, which the Trump Campaign is exposing. 

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus, including Rep. Ben Ray Luján, who may or may not be Gov. Lujan Grisham’s cousin, sent a letter imploring Biden to tap the New Mexico governor for the spot of Health and Human Services Secretary, despite her failed leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

In the letter, the all-Democrat signers beg Biden to “ensure that your Cabinet reflects the diversity of our nation,” despite most of his picks not reflecting anything more than career D.C. bureaucrats, far-left politicians, and academia of Ivy League universities. 

They continue, “As you continue to finalize your nominees, we write to restate our strong support for the first Democratic Hispanic woman elected state governor in U.S. history, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, as Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.” 

“Governor Lujan Grisham is an extraordinary leader. She has the vision and drive to see through large projects and effectively lead large organizations; and brings the necessary skills to serve our country as Secretary of Health and Human Services,” the letter continues. 

However, the Governor’s “leadership” during COVID-19 alone, not to mention her previous stint in Gov. Bill Richardson’s cabinet as secretary of health, has lead to the worst unemployment recovery in the nation, COVID-19 cases skyrocketing, New Mexicans standing in hours-long lines to retrieve basic items like bread and toilet paper, not to mention the suicide rate in New Mexico at one point this year hitting the highest in the nation.

The move by the Congressional Balck Caucus Democrats appears to have been pushed into motion by Rep. Ben Ray Luján, who Gov. Lujan Grisham worked hard to put into the U.S. Senate. 

In one instance, the Governor sent an email to supporters claiming President Donald Trump “barged into New Mexico” for a 2019 rally and saying if Luján, it can stave off Republicans from a plot to “rob the soul of our state for their political gain.” 

The Governor’s heated rhetoric on behalf of her alleged cousin appears to have paid off, as he is already doing favors to attempt to further her political career by sending her back to Washington, where she previously served as a U.S. Representative from the 1st District. 

5 thoughts on “Ben Ray Luján begging Biden to nominate Gov. MLG for HHS secretary in his fictitious cabinet”

  1. Pingback: Ben Ray Luján begging Biden to nominate Gov. MLG for HHS secretary in his fictitious cabinet – SFWR

  2. Pingback: Ben Ray Luján begging Biden to nominate Gov. MLG for HHS secretary in his fictitious cabinet – Santa Fe World Review

  3. It’s time for the Loserjan regime to end!! Corruption and dirty deeds are commonplace for these people.. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree as New Mexico tolerated Manuel Loserjan for many years..

  4. Beatrice Wilkins

    Michelle Lujan is the worst thing that EVER HAPPENED TO NEW MEXICO!!
    IMPEACH HER NOW! SHE IS A TYRANT, determined to make New Mexico the most locked down, strangled communist dictatorship in the Nation. She wants desperately to be invited to be White House secretary of Health and Human Services so she can turn this whole Nation over to the communists and get filthy rich at the people’s expense.
    LOCK HER UP for fraud and milking the system to get COVID money.
    She is a greedy, selfish, soulless sociopath that doesn’t care one bit about the people of New Mexico, let alone the people of the United States.

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