ACTION ALERT: Submit comments against MLG’s racist PED social studies proposals, attend Friday meeting

As reported on extensively by the Piñon Post, scandal-ridden alleged sexual predator Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s new New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) social studies standards are chock-full of the racist Critical Race Theory, anti-Hispanic hate, the “LGBTQI+” agenda, among other frightening curricula. 

Some of the proposed standards, as previously reported include: 

Students are to “[a]ssess how social policies and economic forces offer privilege or systemic inequity in accessing social, political, and economic opportunity for identity groups in education, government, healthcare, industry, and law enforcement,” writes one of the proposed rules, a key tenet of the racist Critical Race Theory. The rules ask students to assess this and to “Identify and analyze cultural, differently abled, ethnic, gender, national, political, racial, and religious identities and related perceptions and behaviors by society of these identities.” 

CRT is blatant in the rules, especially where the students are to learn how America is supposedly racist in its very framework. Students are to “[d]escribe how inequity in the United States laid the foundation for conflict that continues today.” 

The standards include alarming new benchmarks, specifically targeting Spanish settlers in the United States, writing regarding historical thinking that students should “Compare the patterns of exploration, destruction and occupation of the Americas by Spaniards.”

The proposed draft notes that it wants to “Demonstrate how diversity includes the impact of unequal power relations on the development of group identities and cultures” Regarding the territorial period of New Mexico, the rules aim to “Determine the role of race and racism in the acts of land redistribution during the territorial period.”

These are just the tip of the iceberg, as the full set of rules weave in socialism, racism toward non-minority groups, extreme environmentalism, and globalism. These benchmarks have students “develop pride in his/her/their identity, history, culture, region by incorporating a community based approach while preparing students to be a part of a global environment.” 

While these new changes are angering parents over the proposed racist standards from NMPED, elitists like the Santa Fe New Mexican editorial board claim these concerned parents have “fake outrage.”

Parents and concerned citizens who do not want these racist and divisive standards taught in New Mexico schools are encouraged to read more about what is in them here:

Once citizens read what is in these racist new standards, they are encouraged to act by contacting the NMPED in the following ways:

Comments are to be taken electronically by email to,  by fax to 505-827-6520, or by regular mail addressed to John Sena, Policy Division, New Mexico Public Education Department, 300 Don Gaspar Ave., Room 121, Santa Fe, NM, 87501.

Then most importantly, parents are encouraged to attend an open “virtual” meeting held by the NMPED this Friday, November 12 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Even though the Department canceled the in-person meeting in fear of hearing what New Mexicans have to say, citizens are encouraged to attend via the Zoom information below:

Meeting ID: 876 7045 7282

Passcode: 183313

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Updates for meeting times and other information can be found on the NMPED website.

7 thoughts on “ACTION ALERT: Submit comments against MLG’s racist PED social studies proposals, attend Friday meeting”

  1. Thank you for keeping us up to date on these very important issues. I appreciate your articles that contain all the information to stay involved in one location.

  2. As parents and grandparents of New Mexico school children, we are totally opposed to implementing any form of CRT in our schools!! Do not incorporate CRT in Social Studies Curriculum!!
    Our voices are being heard, and you are being told: DO NOT PUT CRT IN OUR CURRICULUM.

  3. Call me “stunned”.

    The hate mongering in this write up is the prime reason we need Critical Race Theory (CRT) taught at all levels of education and in the workplace. I was personally offended by the foul, vitriol present in this article. This writer has no business spewing this kind of unveiled “neo-nazi” propaganda to anyone in our community. Everyone, including the so-called author of this piece could benefit from learning what CRT is all about (so get your facts straight before you put this kind of clap trap forward to an already compromised and affected public):

    Critical race theory (CRT) provides an academic framework for students to better examine the intersection of race and law in the United States and to challenge mainstream approaches to racial justice. CRT examines social, cultural, and legal issues primarily as they relate to race and racism in the U.S. A tenet of CRT is that racism and disparate racial outcomes are the result of complex, changing, and often subtle social and institutional dynamics, rather than explicit and intentional prejudices of individuals.

    CRT attempts to address the following:
    * What is the significance of race in contemporary American society?
    * Where, in what ways, and to what ends does race appear in dominant American culture and shape the ways we interact with one another?
    * What types of texts and other cultural artifacts reflect dominant culture’s perceptions of race?
    * How can scholars convey that racism is a concern that affects all members of society?
    * How does racism continue to function as a persistent force in American society?
    * How can we combat racism to ensure that all members of American society experience equal representation and access to fundamental rights?
    * How can we accurately reflect the experiences of victims of racism?

    Adopting a CRT approach to literature or other modes of cultural expression includes much more than simply identifying race and racism. Rather, it (broadly) emphasizes the importance of examining and attempting to understand the socio-cultural forces that shape how we and others perceive, experience, and respond to racism. Learning CRT helps student review literature, legal documents, and other cultural works as evidence of American culture’s collective values and beliefs. In doing so, they trace racism as a dually theoretical and historical experience that affects all members of a community regardless of their racial affiliations or identifications.

  4. Sorry to say New Mexico parents are too lazy to stop this bad behavior. Just look at how they voted in this last election. They voted to keep two far left psychos in office. Alan Webber is still the evil mayor of Santa Fe and evil Keller is still the mayor of Albuquerque, Having grown up in Santa Fe and living most of my adult like in ABQ, I am sick of this state. Too many people moved here from out of state brining their stupid far left beliefs and B,S. into our once religious state. Sad for our children sad for New Mexico. But it will never end until the Rhino Republicans of New Mexico fight back. This is their fault and the fault of the lazy New Mexican people who do nothing but watch it happen. MLG is a racist against her own people, and they are dumb enough to vote for her once again.

  5. In Order to Understand the Actions of the Leftist Liberals (It is wrong to say all Democrats). One Must Study what Satanism Is and How it has Infiltrated ALL of the Levels of US Government. As an example, Chelsea Clinton Proudly Wears an inverted Cross.. Satanic Rituals have been Approved by all Levels of Government. Such as ‘Bloodletting of the Innocent’ (Abortion), ‘Indoctrination of the Young’ (Satanist Teaching in Pre-Schools and Kinder garden), and ‘Perversion of Natural Law’ (LGBTQ Agendas). We MUST ALL Study and Understand WHO is our Enemy. The Idea that Evil is a good thing is Evil itself. The LEGAL Definition of evil is Premeditation of Malice. The Bible Tells all of us to beware of Smiling Faces, The Bible Instructs All of us to be Kind to others. Please Remember that the Understanding of Morality is NOT just a Religious Thing. It is also a Social Convention and Legal Thing. There are Two sides to Legality, Do No Harm and That which Does Harm. Leftist Liberals Never want to be Punished for their actions that Do Harm to Others. There is No Such Thing as a GRAY area of Life. The Gray area of Life is Always the Leftist working to Legalize Crime and Malice unto others as Normal.

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