New ABQ abortion facility has ‘starting goal’ of killing 75 babies weekly

On Thursday, “Whole Woman’s Health,” an abortion facility formerly located in Texas, opened a new location in Albuquerque. It is located at 718 Lomas Boulevard Northwest.

The abortion company, which has been active for around 20 years, had abortion mills in Austin, McAllen, Fort Worth, and McKinney, Texas, before the state passed life-affirming laws protecting the rights of children in the womb from abortions.

Axios noted that the new Albuquerque abortion center “will serve New Mexico residents, plus folks from other states, like Texas and Oklahoma,” touting its abortion tourism in the Land of Enchantment. The facility has disclosed that 21 patients from Texas and three from Louisiana have already booked appointments at the Duke City abortion mill to kill their children over opening weekend.

The facility will perform first and second-trimester abortions up to 18 weeks of the child’s gestational age. It plans on expanding those services to late-term abortions “up to 24 weeks in the near future.” Also offered at Whole Woman’s Health are abortion pills at up to 11 weeks while setting a “starting goal” of killing up to 75 babies per week.

Axios reported, “Whole Woman’s Health chose Albuquerque because it’s in a ‘safe state’ and is easy to fly into,” meaning abortion is legal up to the moment of birth in New Mexico with absolutely no safety requirements for mothers, babies, or medical professionals.

The abortion company’s president and CEO, Amy Hagstrom Miller, said, “she chose a city over a small border town so patients and staff could be in a more populated area where they could blend in.”

The news comes after late-term abortionist Curtis Boyd, who is responsible for more infant deaths than any other abortionist in American history, has stopped offering abortions later in pregnancy in his Albuquerque center, Southwestern Women’s Options, which also previously had a location in Dallas, Texas before shuttering. 

32 thoughts on “New ABQ abortion facility has ‘starting goal’ of killing 75 babies weekly”

    1. Enchantment = a spell
      Lots of wizards and witches here

      Selling collagen placenta all sorts of pineal gland parts for ‘improving’ your looks comes from these killers. It’s the witches and Warlock nurses and doctors doing this $$$

  1. Instead … why not prevention clinics? Neutering available to both male and female… no babies to abort, and this too would make the ‘population people’ happy…

    1. I would support this 100%. The playing field on this subject is drastically different for men than it is for women. A man wanting a vasectomy can get one for the asking. Any age, for any reason. Women who want any permanent sterilization procedure are usually forced to jump through all kinds of hoops, including counseling to assess her mental state. As if not wanting children is a failing or psychological problem? I know this from personal experience. For a variety of reasons, I wasn’t planning to have a family, and I knew this from an early age. I consulted with about 25 doctors in my 20s. Every single one of them refused to sterilize me because I was “too young.” Nevermind that a male friend my same age was able to have his procedure, easily. I went through 30 years of birth control hell, including weight gain, heart issues and an unplanned pregnancy (which I carried to term). In my mid-40s, I got blood clots from birth control pills – severe enough to hospitalize me for several days – and my doctor STILL refused to do a procedure, because “you might want one more child.” EXCUSE ME?! What 45 year old that is raising a teenager as a single parent wants to have a baby?! I almost threw a party when I went through menopause.

      I’d love an answer to that question: why are sterilizations not as easy to get as abortions?

      1. Geraldine Smith

        Also why do men get to tell women what they can and can not do with their bodies. We females should be able to ban the little blue pills and anything else that helps a male . We are going back a 100 years on alit of things. We all need to come together for the greater good for our nation and man kind.

  2. Stephanie McKenzie

    They will never reach their goal. I pray for New Mexico every day and declare that NM is a region of God’s light, love and righteousness. These abortion facilities and the godless legislators, governor, and mayor who are aiding these facilities to exist will be removed from office regardless of their past cheating.

    1. Stop judging and try to come up with an alternative. And stop using the term killing their babies. Try to think outside the box.

      1. They have laws for animal cruelty yet none for fetal cruelty.

        We FIX animals to not reproduce why not FIX them so they don’t reproduce too.
        And SAFE

      2. Well, that’s what they are doing is murdering their child. It’s amazing how many supposed devout Catholic’s in NM yet they vote democrat and push abortion. Confusing

      3. And what exactly are they doing if they aren’t killing their babies? The babies are alive and growing and these people are intentionally ending a human life. If that isn’t killing then I don’t know what is! New Mexico is a demonic state! My family has been here since the late 1800s and I’ve grown up here…..but facts are facts. New Mexico has a demonic spirit over it! Especially in Albuqueruque, Santa Fe, Taos and it’s been spreading to Las Cruces in the last several years.

      4. Well that’s what it is…killing…if a pregnant woman is murdered, the offender is charged with 2 counts of murder. This is no different, too many women are using it as a form of birth control after the fact, rather than being responsible beforehand.

      5. Humbly Seeking Wisdom

        Lipstick on a PIG does NOT change the fact that it IS still a PIG!!!! For some, it just satisfies their shallow minds, that just like the whole pervert, sexual deviant, queer/tranny, 79 different genders thing, that then its’s NOT a PIG in their Godless pea brains. Baby killing is ZACKLY what abortion is!!! Killing babies!!!


    For You created my inmost being. You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139……….Help us Oh Lord!

  4. Totally disrespectful to human life. If you don’t want a baby, practice safe sex and know the consequences. There are ways to prevent the forming of an innocent little life. The decision is yours alone…but to kill, mutulate, and destroy a human life is nothing short of murder.

    1. Planned parenthood will give you birth control for free… I wonder if half the girls even have a relationship with the guys who knocked them my eyes it’s murder and those who help them are accomplishes. I hope they get judged a whole lot different when the time comes.

  5. “THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX?” THERE IS NEVER A COMPROMISE TO KILLING OF HUMAN LIFE! You are a culture of death! New Mexico is a hive of death agendas on so many levels.

  6. One way to slow down abortions in this state is crematoriums, and hazardous waste sites to not allow them use their facilities.

  7. Only in New Mexico. Someone should vandalize that place. The only good of this is I hope they are not Catholics and will be not spared when the time comes. Im not a perfect Catholic but I’ve gone to Church for years consistently. My Father is known as the abortion Father. I’m not saying I’m going to Heaven but I sure aren’t going to hell. I heard Jesus/God forgives sinners I sure hope he doesn’t for give these child serial killers. I always say this when I comment on abortion. What happens to the fetus? Does it get thrown in the trash (medical waste) or burned? Anytime someone promotes abortion tell them this and another thing they should give the medical waste to them and let them deal with it.

    1. PS
      Forgot to mention….no judgements or religious excuses required with my suggestion. If you don’t like something, steer clear of it. It’s that simple. Preachy condemnation and comparison to genocide is so unnecessary.

      1. It is a genocide the worst mankind has ever faced. This is a human rights issue period. 🤦🏽‍♀️
        So many claim to be Wiccan, pagan whatever . fact remains we don’t get to disrupt the natural order. Like it or not. It has a ripple effect. And this effect is a
        Humanitarian issue. Generations have been lost on many levels.
        If people don’t want to get pregnant keep your legs closed that’s the solution.
        Not if you don’t like Abortion don’t get one. That’s ridiculous. Keep your legs closed. Man’s by the time I’m done in this movement my son will have a say in whether his child lives. Oh yeah men have rights to their child. It’s part of him as well. So be ready because men will have a say on if their child can be aborted.
        My 5 prolife children against the zero because they didn’t get a choice. Their lives were taken. And get this 3 of those 5 are adult girls and so yes when one teaches to kill their offspring and those who teach not to. Our numbers have rose. The pro feathers numbers are in decline they are killing their own!
        Our 4th daughter is almost 18 so be ready their is a wave of life coming after you killers. And they all help work to make a change! And not killing babies is the main. While also giving their brother a signature on that paper to stop his child from being aborted.
        Men matter to and dads have rights. Watch how it all unfolds. We will win we aren’t in the business as a family of losing such things! So sit on that. Men being able to stop their child’s death. What an amazing thing
        Best part is we don’t believe in religion 🤣
        at all. Not even JC is a thing for us. Imagine that pro life heathens 🤣🤣

        1. Uh oh…you sound confused 🤔
          You honestly believe a man can decide whether or not a woman aborts a fetus? No one, male or female, can decide that for a woman. What is so difficult about that fact?

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