MLG forcing New Mexicans to wear masks indoors regardless of vaccination status

On Tuesday, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced she is reinstating her previous mandate forcing New Mexicans to wear masks indoors, this time regardless of vaccination status. 

According to a press release from Gov. Lujan Grisham’s office, she will “announce that the state of New Mexico will temporarily re-implement a statewide requirement that facemasks be worn in all public indoor spaces, with only limited exceptions, and regardless of vaccination status, to stem the state’s rising tide of COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations.” 

The reasoning given by the Governor is as follows:

The spread of COVID-19 in New Mexico has increased dramatically in recent weeks, driven by the highly infectious “Delta” variant and primarily unvaccinated populations. State modeling projects that New Mexico will reach 1,000 new daily cases of COVID-19 by the end of August, and as many as 1,000 new daily cases in southeastern New Mexico alone in the weeks after that.

Dan Boyd of the Albuquerque Journal wrote, “New vaccination requirement for workers in hospitals and congregate care settings also on tap.” The Governor’s press release noted, “Under a separate public health order issued by Secretary Scrase, all workers in New Mexico hospitals and congregate care facilities are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, with only limited exceptions.” Few exceptions are allowed. Read more about those here.

According to a release from the Governor’s office: 

Under a public health order issued by Acting Health Secretary David R. Scrase, M.D., the re-implemented mask requirement applies to all individuals aged 2 and older in all indoor public settings — except when eating or drinking.

Masks will be required to everyone in school buildings regardless of vaccination status, which aligns with the most recent guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Public Education Department has been in the process of updating its toolkit for schools and district personnel.

The indoor mask requirement will be effective Friday, Aug. 20. It will remain in effect until at least September 15. The governor, acting upon the counsel and analysis of the state Medical Advisory Team and state health officials, may decide to extend or lift the requirement as necessary.

Businesses, houses of worship and other entities may enact stricter requirements at their discretion.

26 thoughts on “MLG forcing New Mexicans to wear masks indoors regardless of vaccination status”

  1. Would an open southern boarder with no testing whatsoever influence the numbers? Seems another excuse to limit freedom and destroy the economy. Congrats, Gov…your legacy is failure

  2. Funny thing is, she will be re-elected again. NM’s love their punishment (it seems). There is no Virus – Period. And her medical team cannot prove there is one. They have all betrayed the public, perjured their oath to office and should be removed by the Sheriffs.

  3. Tell you what wuhan lujan…her health and science people and her staff reading this…
    I have read and listen to hundreds of articles and videos decribing how masks dont work for virus and is actually harmful to wear..especially in children……but havent found one that says otherwise……I present an article with many sources..
    Let ke see what you have..

      1. This state, nor any other state and not even the federal government can prove Covid exists! This is a fact. The state depends on “expert” advice without facts and evidence and the People go ‘oh show me how to live, please’…..

  4. Did not comply last time will not comply this time. mandates are not law and she has no constitutional authority to dictate to people how they can breathe. Besides all of that masks simply do not work.

  5. Dr Disgraced is a MD who chooses to be a NM state bureaucrat instead of a private physician… Humm can you say underachieving failure!!!

    1. Bridget Harrington

      Actually, Dr. Scrase has been a Lujan family personal physician for most of his career. He cared for MLG’s father and now oversees her mother’s care. It’s the perfect scenario: he has a guaranteed job and she has an “expert” that she can influence however she sees fit. “Influence” also means bending rules. New Mexicans with relatives in nursing homes couldn’t see them. MLG has special privilege to see her mother, because her mother’s doctor is guess who.

      1. Dr Disgrace is no expert, especially with it come to immunology or epidemiology. Notice how those state (epi) have been silenced. Now Disgrace is DOH secretary, humm.

  6. And I quote:
    “Our children’s health and safety is something we absolutely cannot take for granted.”
    She and her ilk are nothing but lying hypocrites. She couldn’t care less about New Mexico’s children. We must resist.

    1. ever wonder why she is hiding the safer and better ways to treat covid….ivermectin..chloriquine..Vit D3….zinc…etc….but is always pushing the untested..not FDA approved gene therapy shot??

      Fortunately, he reports, the delta variant is less serious than Covid-19, but future variants might not be if we continue to use a vaccine that trains new variants to escape immune systems. A number of distinguished scientists have reached the same conclusion.

  7. Well I said it before, these mandates are not about health. Masks and lockdowns are just prepping us to accept the communist state . It’s never been about health just a government at war with it’s people. There will never be a “normal” again until the people decide to take back their government. Replacing Lujan-Grisham is a start although the house and senate are full of Rino-commies and demo-commies.

  8. She said if we get 60% of NM’ers vaxxed we won’t have to go backwards. I would LOVE to know how many of these new “cases” involve FULLY vaccinated people. I know of 2 people personally who are FULLY vaccinated and have tested positive for ‘Rona. It is a lie, a scam, and all these politicians have not followed 1 bit of science…oh, maybe the “new” science where you make the result fit your narrative. NMDOH talks about “close contact” and if you have to quarantine, etc and in their own words they say if you are within 6 ft someone who is contagious, for 15 mins in a 24 hr period, you must quarantine if you are unvaxxed, REGARDLESS if you wore a mask…So tell me again why we are wearing masks…Politicians need to be tarred and feathered again and the fear of their voters put back in them.

  9. She said if we get 60% of NM’ers vaxxed we won’t have to go backwards. I would LOVE to know how many of these new “cases” involve FULLY vaccinated people. I know of 2 people personally who are FULLY vaccinated and have tested positive for ‘Rona. It is a lie, a scam, and all these politicians have not followed 1 bit of science…oh, maybe the “new” science where you make the result fit your narrative. NMDOH talks about “close contact” and if you have to quarantine, etc and in their own words they say if you are within 6 ft someone who is contagious, for 15 mins in a 24 hr period, you must quarantine if you are unvaxxed, REGARDLESS if you wore a mask…So tell me again why we are wearing masks…Politicians need to be tarred and feathered again and the fear of their voters put back in them.

    1. Oh, and they paid out 10’s of millions of dollars in bribes to get people to take the shot…how well is that working out?!!?

  10. It’s a distraction tactic, while they open borders, the treasury and start wars. The PCR test does not test for variants and is calibrated to produce false positives, especially in the vaccinated. Florida is questioning the PCR test and the process itself. Don’t succumb to this tyranny. Now is the time to take a stand before all our personal freedoms are taken away!

  11. No, no, no I will not comply!
    But the people in this state are so stupid that they will follow like sheep whatever Herr kommandant the Majesty says. What about the southern border? Start enforcing the law down there, and maybe then people will take you seriously. We the People need to stand up to this tyrant! Just say NO MORE. We are done!

  12. Screw LUJAN GRISHam

    Screw Lujan Grisham she still hopes she will gain a seat in Sleepy Joes screwed up cabinet. New Mexicans need to quit being sheep and start fighting for our rights. Well except for the woke idiots from Santa Fe, Taos and anywhere up North. (Yes many from ABQ too). The Democrats don’t care about anyone, they only care about their power of you and the money. WAKE up New Mexico fight back stop being sheep!!!! Quit voting this witch into office!!!

  13. I have been so aggravated by this mandate coming back! I’m amazed at how many states aren’t mandating it and saying it’s against our rights. Therefore I’m glad to see not all states are as dumb as ours. We just have bad bad leadership. Can’t wait to move away!

  14. I totally agree with all the above comments. They are tightening the screws because the truth is coming out.

  15. Now that the brainwashing is complete and the useful idiots have become weaponized hypochondriacs who love being slaves, and considering the fact that voting has become a “privilege” allotted by the dictators and tyrants so as to pacify Americans into thinking that their votes actually matter, the current regime running this state into the ground will most certainly be re-‘elected’ via fraud, lies, payoffs, and whatever else it takes…and the herd members who love being part of a herd will not comprehend the truth. They will continue to comply and they will ramp up their hatred for those of us who oppose them. If I haven’t learned anything else during the last eighteen months, I have certainly discovered how many Americans are stupid, cowardly, immoral, ignorant, and gullible. The America that I once perceived as a vast country of proud, brave people feels incredibly small to me now. I guess I was naive.

  16. I loved reading the comments on this topic. I’m sure there are many more of us. Compliance will only encourage more tyranny. No more masks (that don’t work), and no vaxx (That is not a vaccine).

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