MLG bashes GOP, ‘opponents’ of her public health mandates in fundraising email

In a fundraising email sent out over the weekend, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham once again bashed Republicans while claiming she had followed the science regarding her latest round of mask mandates.

She wrote the following: 

We’re well on our way to herd immunity in New Mexico, but we’re not out of the woods yet. As the delta variant spreads, I’ve taken immediate action to keep New Mexicans safe by reinstating a mask mandate for most indoor settings and requiring vaccines for those who work in high-risk areas like hospitals and nursing homes.

As former Cabinet Secretary of New Mexico’s Department of Health, I’ll never stop following scientific guidance to save lives from this virus – no matter what misinformation my political opponents and extremists spread about the severity of COVID-19 or the efficacy of vaccines. I want to know what YOU think of my administration’s handling of the pandemic so far.

My team is conducting a live poll to find out what New Mexicans think about my pandemic response. Your response will send a clear message to those COVID deniers and opponents of sensible and critical public health measures that New Mexicans support following the science to keep our citizens safe, so I’m counting on you to lock in your answer before our survey closes at midnight tonight.

It is unclear what Lujan Grisham claims is a “sensible and critical public health measure,” but throughout the pandemic, she has forced New Mexicans to stand in freezing bread lines to buy food over the holiday, forced the vaccination of health care workers, locked-down schools, among other anti-science, nonsensical measures. 

In the poll questions, Lujan Grisham included “Small businesses were especially hard hit by the economic fallout from the pandemic. To keep business owners afloat and revitalize our economy, I signed a law that provided $200 million in pandemic relief for small businesses. Do you agree with my decision to support small businesses during the pandemic?” However, the only answers allowed to this question were, “Yes, supporting small businesses was an essential aspect of your pandemic response” and “No, we should let small businesses go under during this unprecedented crisis.”

Another question asked in her poll was, “Throughout the pandemic, the GOP has spread dangerous conspiracy theories that undermine the severity of this deadly virus, discourage commonsense public health tactics and increase vaccine hesitancy. How worried are you about extremist members of the GOP taking control of our state?” 

However, throughout the pandemic, Democrats cast doubt on the effectiveness of the vaccine:

Now, it appears Lujan Grisham is trying to throw the Republican Party under the bus for her personal failures during the pandemic, while she desperately seeks to cling to power. She previously bashed her opponents as “lizard people.”

14 thoughts on “MLG bashes GOP, ‘opponents’ of her public health mandates in fundraising email”

  1. There is no evil that does not occur in the name of some “necessity.” Robespierre was head of the Committee on Public Safety. Thousands died on the guillotine for the sake of public safety.

    1. MLG liar, death of New Mexico

      MLG is a scum bag liberal. She wants full control over New Mexicans lives. She thinks we are stupid. I cannot say Rhino Republicans are doing their job. But conservative New Mexicans are tired of her communist decisions. Take off your masks New Mexico she has no power. She works for us, this is America!

    2. They gave Robespierre to Le Guillotine as well. Important for gruesome and the rest to realize. Death is coming to all who violate the Nuremberg codes.
      See Reiner Fuellmich take Dr David Martin’s patent testimony. Listen to the latest testimony by PhD Oxford trained microbiologist Dr. Sean Brooks at an Ohio school board meeting.

  2. I am appalled that those of us who chose to get vaccinated, and were told that we would be able to resume our lives, would be lied to and punished for doing it your way. Fool me once shame on you. Ill vote against you next chance I get.

  3. Does Wuhan Lujan show any scientific evidence that masks work to stop a virus no she most likely didn’t because there is absolutely no scientific proof that masks work especially with children
    Did Wuhan Lujan present any evidence that vaccines can stop a virus no because vaccines cannot stop the virus look at Israel and the other countries where 90% of them are vaccinated
    So in other words Wuhan Lujan is just playing the fear card because this is a scam demic just being played politically not for health

  4. So she is take a survey of her lunatic supporters? This is about as low as you can get I’m sure she will say 100% of New Mexicans support her tyranny. I guess she is getting desperate.

  5. Ask what test they are using for the bs Delta variant.
    hint There is none. The pcr tests have been recalled due to their ineffectiveness and false positives. They were never created for diagnostic use.There is no pandemic.

  6. “Follow the science.”

    The scientific process actually allows for discussion.

    You want us to follow the Communism.

  7. good long read…..dont tell me all this covid BS is not political

    Fourth, any mandate must acknowledge that the burden of proof rests with those issuing, following, and enforcing the mandate. In particular, governments and university administrations in Canada must provide fully documented proof of the following—keeping in mind that widely spread fear is not proof of any emergency other than a psychological one:

  8. Communist ruler MLG

    MLG put mandates on all of us. Yet she recently let people at a pride rally go mask free. Now she wants for people going to the State Fair to prove they are vaccinated. Or you can’t get in. Am I wrong or is this communism?

  9. MLG is using communism. Science shows masks do not work, and the jabs are not vaccines. Yes, they did change the definition, however it implies protection of which the jabs provide none.

  10. MLG is a liar and a thief!! There will be dancing in the streets when she is dragged out of the roundhouse wearing state issued bracelets!! I want to be deputized so I can be a part of the team that drags her out! It’s time for this Loserjan regime to be ended..

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