Lujan Grisham signs radical $8.5 billion Democrat budget into law

On Wednesday, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham signed the massive $8.5 billion budget passed by House Democrats and a handful of Republicans which funded over $10 million for the “Green New Deal,” $75 million for “free” (taxpayer-funded) college, over $300,000 for anti-gun programs, and more. The budget is the largest ever passed in the history of New Mexico.

Lujan Grisham said while signing the mammoth budget, “This budget makes transformative investments exactly where they’re needed: from historic raises for New Mexico educators and growing the country’s most expansive tuition-free college program to creating a new fund to hire public safety officers and unprecedented funding to fight food insecurity.”

She added, “We are taking full advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to strategically and meaningfully build upon our progress to lift up every New Mexico family.”

Also included in the budget, according to a summary of amendments to the bill from the Senate Finance Committee, are massive increases in funding to already bloated state agencies. Those include, “12 percent for Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, and 16 percent for the Environment Department.”

The budget also “creates new offices to address climate change and regulate cannabis (marijuana), and enforce regulatory duties of the oil conservation division.” These positions will support anti-energy “climate change” policies while promoting the use of recreational drugs.

The far-left budget increases the Governor’s socialist free daycare program by over $15.3 million in taxpayers’ dollars.

The analysis of the bill further notes that with the Economic Development Department, the budget addresses “the agency’s top priorities, such as adding an additional $1 million in recurring job training incentive program (JTIP) funding, filling vacancies in the film department, creating a justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion office and expanding the number of regional representatives available to local communities.” The creation of a “justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion office” is the propagation of Critical Race Theory (CRT) into the state’s framework.

According to the Albuquerque Journal:

Lujan Grisham also vetoed several references to “public health orders” issued by her administration in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, though she left intact funding for the State Fair and other entities negatively impacted by the pandemic.

In an executive message to lawmakers, the Democratic governor said some of the vetoed language sought to unlawfully intrude into the executive branch’s managerial duties.

The “Republicans” who voted with the far-left Democrats on the budget in the House include Gail Armstrong (Magdalena), Brian Baca (Valencia), Rachel Black (Alamogordo), Jack Chatfield (Tucumcari), Kelly Fajardo (Tome-Adelino), Joshua Hernandez (Rio Rancho), T. Ryan Lane (Aztec), Bill Rehm (Albuquerque), Luis Terrazas (Bayard), and Jane Powdrell-Culbert (Corrales). Fajardo is not seeking reelection while Black and Powdrell-Culbert face primary challenges. The primary election will be on June 7, 2022.

5 thoughts on “Lujan Grisham signs radical $8.5 billion Democrat budget into law”

  1. All this money and the DD Waver still NINE years behind in funding. All this liberal/democrat blah…blah…blah while NM’s disabled go unfunded. There is no excuse.

  2. Christopher Montrose

    And you wonder why New Mexico is dead last of all states where it counts and close to the top on crime, drug overdoses, and letting repeat offenders out of jail. It’s as if our state and national leaders are saying, “what can we do to completely screw over the American people, and ruin the state (and country) for generations to come. I can’t for the life of me, jump into the shoes of a liberal, and understand what, about any of these policies, is so wonderful. The state of News Mexico is lost ladies and gentleman, with our country about to overtake it!

  3. Down with NM Republican Rinos

    Same old democrap crap. Now evil MLG is supporting the out of control gas prices. Idiots will keep voting for her. New Mexico will continue to be poorest state in the nation. Great job, democraps and rhinos.

  4. Every article,every day we see more and more corruption and favortism by her! It’s time to do New Mexico-AND- America a favor and drag her out of the roundhouse whilst she wears handcuffs!!

  5. Switch out to libertarian.. Really mess with both parties come NOVEMBER! Esp Mr. Pierce’s good ole boys/gals club.
    We have a bird with two broken wings in NM. FIX IT? never.
    They will always vote crazy. Reminber that doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result makes you the nutty one.

    Change parties and know that the REPUBs for GOV are all good ole boys/gals club.

    We never get their minutes of their meetings or their treasurers monthly reports. In favor of TRANSPARENCY All REpub officers should disclose minutes of their meetings and their treasurers reports. INCLUDING RPNM.

    Ask and you will not receive .. They got tossed out ?!

    BTW we have so many minerals and oil and gas that this state could be it’s own country and feed and help the people with cheaper heating and gas. But nope, Close down them damn pipelines and get in your electric car. there is only black and white for those marxist dems doing the UN AGENDA 2030 top down mandates whether you like bugs or not.
    While they travel up and down the state in their diesel and gas cars, we are supposed to get our place ready for charging station in our home? yeah, puhleaaze.! Til they get their electric vehicles ready to go electioneering, we will wait til the cars are FREE!! like most everything else in this state! FREE!

    We do not want to live in a pod.
    We do not want to eat bugs and be happy about it.
    We do not want to worship ‘The SCIENCE’ they use.
    We don’t want to inject ourselves any more every few months.
    We don’t want to use a central bank digital currency.
    We want you to Go AWAY!
    Leave us ALONE.. LIBERTARIAN PARTY is the one we decided to choose now.
    ANDALE . BE THE CHANGE AGENT FOR THE LAND that has been under the SPELL of the warlocks and witches for 90 years. Democrats are now Marxists- like Stansbury-
    ENCHANT = ment.. a Spell.
    WAKEN thee to the new new MEXICO come November.

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