Lujan Grisham calls presser to change unconstitutional order, bash GOP

On Friday, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham called a press conference in Bernalillo County, where she attacked Republicans critical of her unconstitutional orders while announcing she is changing the public health order released last Friday.

The move came one week after she signed an illegal order to unilaterally usurp New Mexicans’ gun rights, where she said no rights and even her oath are not “absolute.”

On Wednesday, a Joe Biden-appointed federal judge struck down her order.

The Santa Fe New Mexican reported on the conference:

But, she said at the news conference, “We have removed the requirement that open and concealed carry cannot occur until the public health order has been removed or extended anywhere in the city.”

She added the ban on carrying firearms, open or concealed, will remain in place at parks and playgrounds where families and children gather. 

Lujan Grisham acknowledged last week the gun ban would face legal challenges. Most recently, the National Rifle Association and Republican lawmakers in New Mexico filed a lawsuit Thursday in the state Supreme Court. 

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This is a developing story…

58 thoughts on “Lujan Grisham calls presser to change unconstitutional order, bash GOP”

    1. You are exactly right Damian! Does she honestly believe her ridiculous and unconstitutional order will be obeyed by the bad guys out there? She is as dumb as a box of rocks!

    2. Gimme a break! Everyone is supposedly a responsible gun owner and then they shoot an 11yo leaving a baseball game, going to school, sleeping in a bed, or others watching a movie, attending a church, or grocery shopping. Something drastic has to be done to control the horror of #GunViolence in this country. Other nations do NOT live like this. #GrowUp

      1. Dear clueless Cindy. There is no such thing as “Gun Violence”. That’s just a Lib dog whistle for uninformed hysterical people like yourself. Guns are inanimate objects. There are just violent people that use guns. If you want to do something drastic, demand your politicians round up and incarcerate the criminal element. And yes, other nations do live like this and many are far worse. Get a grip.

      2. Cindy, in countries where guns are banned, killings with knives, bats and other weapons still occur in great numbers. In fact, some are trying to ban bats!! So you’re telling me that banning firearms is going to fix the problem?? Wake up, grow up yourself and get some logic. All those inanimate objects DO NOT kill people. It’s people. In NM, it’s the laws and policies of Democrat leaders that has completely eroded NM into a crime wasteland.

          1. You and Cindy Just. Don’t. Get. It. Liberalism has infested whatever brain tissue you were born with. Guns don’t kill people. People kill people. I am a legal gun owner (and a woman). I have never used my guns in violence towards another human being. Why? Because I’m mentally stable. Because I respect laws. Because I am an American citizen who works, pays my taxes and obeys the established laws of this country. Now reverse that, and that’s who’s causing the problem. We have an open border, which lets in both criminals and fentanyl. The liberal “no human is illegal” narrative needs to go away. If you commit a crime, there needs to be harsh, swift sentences. The death penalty also needs to return. Crime is much lower in states and countries where death is a very real consequence of offending. I’d rather my tax money be spent on one zap or lethal injection, which permanently eliminated that one problem, than house that crininal for 25+ years…or have to hear of them reoffending year after year.

            And while we’re at it…let’s talk about Alec Baldwin. HE killed a woman. I don’t want to hear the liberal bullshit of “someone else’s fault.” HE pointed the gun and HE pulled the trigger. The elite shouldn’t be subject to different sets of rules.

      3. Cindy, I think it’s time you open your eyes to the real problem. Responsible gun owners are not the ones shooting up kids. It’s the illegal gun owners that do the crimes. Our Governor is a dictator, and she thinks she can change the constitution and our right to bear arms. I’m glad the media called out our NM Governor for her insane antics. Pretty soon she’ll make it mandatory to salute her like Hitler.

      4. Criminals are not responsible gun owners and that’s who’s committing these crimes. Not the law abiding citizens. What needs to be done is get rid of the catch and release the criminals need to stay in jail change that because that seems to be the problem.

      5. Yep China, Russia,Korea, and the list goes 9n. Guns dont kill people . People kill people so if your going to the root of the problum its people .

      6. If you don’t like it here, move that’s not the gun’s fault. It’s the person behind that pulls the trigger who’s a fault and who’s to blame so don’t be blaming it on the gun

  1. This is an example of trying the waters. She can’t be reelected and the elites wanted to see what would happen. Lets sacrifice the old goat.

  2. Stephanie McKenzie

    I’m not willing to back off. She still needs to be impeached and arrested because she said with her own mouth that the constitution and her oath of office are dependent upon what she wants to do, she doesn’t have to follow either. She may back off now but she will try it again.

    1. She isnt backing off of it though, she’s just saying that people dont have the right to defend themselves when other people are around. A modified violation of 2A is still a violation of 2A

    2. Clare A May, retired

      Word manipulation. Diminishing the value of life has been going on for years now. The NM DNC has the excellent background to claim for word manipulation…guns only kill its the guns fault is the DNC’s lead motto. Do not blame the individual for anything is the secondary motto. Change late term executions to the term abortion in order to diminish the actual value of life.
      Crime v punishment has been skewered under the DNC’s status quo. No more lawful executions of convicted child rapist murderes because? They are God’s children too…or they can be rehabed…or life in prison is less burdensome on the taxpayers that 880 volts for 10 seconds at old sparky.
      The d
      NM DNC lost the ” moderation” button a long time ago…

  3. Same thing liberals always do. Do something outrages like then knowing it’s not going to happen. And then tell their constituents “well we tried, but those nasty Republicans stopped us”.

  4. So this Governor and cronies policies have created the extreme increase in crime in the state and cities and they know it. So they have two choices. 1) Change their policies that they know are the problem or 2) change the Constitution. So you know they wont admit to their failures and change their policies and will attempt to change the Constitution to hide their falures. Nasty people.

  5. Catch and release. Dispensary shops on every corner. Constant abortion on demand. Encouraged tent cities. Criminals won’t follow the laws and they will Always get guns, Illegally!! Law abiding citizens aren’t the problem, poor legislation is the problem!! All her personal mouthpieces at that table.

  6. She’s so clueless. Republicans have introduced numerous bills to curb crime…democrats vote down every time. She’s a worthless incompetent leader and needs to be removed!!!!! Law abiding citizens are NOT the problem..this states policies and judges are the problem. VOTE DIFFERENTLY PEOPLE!!!

  7. Changing the original order does not make it legal. All parts were stayed by the Federal Judge. Either she’s not too bright or is just evil.

    1. Her puppeteers wanted her to try this. She doesn’t nothing without her “higher ups” demanding it. She isn’t very smart, at all, so others are controlling her.

  8. I hope the lawsuits include violating the NM Constitution:
    2.7 State Emergency Public Health Control Measures
    2.7.1 Public Health Emergency Response Act (PHERA), §12-10A-1 et seq.
    • Governor must declare a state of “Public Health Emergency” (PHE) by issuing an
    Executive Order 2.7 State Emergency Public Health Control Measures
    2.7.1 Public Health Emergency Response Act (PHERA), §12-10A-1 et seq.
    • Governor must declare a state of “Public Health Emergency” (PHE) by issuing an
    Executive Order after consultation with the Secretary of Health and in coordination
    with the Secretary of Public Safety and the Director of the NM Office of Homeland
    Security and Emergency Management. §12-10A-5.
    • “Public Health Emergency” (PHE) is defined as “the occurrence or imminent threat of
    exposure to an extremely dangerous condition or a highly infectious or toxic agent,
    including a threatening communicable disease, that poses an imminent threat of substantial harm to the population of New Mexico or any portion thereof.” §12-10A3(G).

    Definitions of “Isolation” and “Quarantine” are distinguished (isolated person is infected or reasonably believed to be infected; quarantined person may have been exposed but does not show signs or symptoms), but the involuntary detention provisions in the PHERA are the same for both categories. §§12-10A-3(F) and 12-10A-3(I).

    The Secretary of Health may, by public health order, temporarily hold someone who is a threat for no more than a 24-hour period before seeking an Ex Parte Order. §12-10A-9.
    An Ex Parte Order may be issued for no longer than five days until a full due process court hearing is held. §12-10A-7(D).
    If the district court orders an extension of the Quarantine/Isolation, it can be for no longer than 30 days from the date of the court order, when the Secretary of Health can petition for an extension for another 30 days. §12-10A-10(E)
    If the conditions warranting the court order no longer exist, the Secretary of Health can notify the district court, which must then issue an Order terminating the Quarantine/Isolation. §12-
    10A-10(F). consultation with the Secretary of Health and in coordination with the Secretary of Public Safety and the Director of the NM Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. §12-10A-5.

    • “Public Health Emergency” (PHE) is defined as “the occurrence or imminent threat of exposure to an extremely dangerous condition or a highly infectious or toxic agent, including a threatening communicable disease, that poses an imminent threat of
    substantial harm to the population of New Mexico or any portion thereof.” §12-10A3(G).

    Definitions of “Isolation” and “Quarantine” are distinguished (isolated person is infected or reasonably believed to be infected; quarantined person may have been exposed but does not show signs or symptoms), but the involuntary detention provisions in the PHERA are the same for both categories. §§12-10A-3(F) and 12-10A-3(I).

    The Secretary of Health may, by public health order, temporarily hold someone who is a threat for no more than a 24-hour period before seeking an Ex Parte Order. §12-10A-9.
    An Ex Parte Order may be issued for no longer than five days until a full due process court hearing is held. §12-10A-7(D).
    If the district court orders an extension of the Quarantine/Isolation, it can be for no longer than 30 days from the date of the court order, when the Secretary of Health can petition for an extension for another 30 days. §12-10A-10(E)
    If the conditions warranting the court order no longer exist, the Secretary of Health can notify the district court, which must then issue an Order terminating the Quarantine/Isolation. §12-

    NO WHERE in the New Mexico Constitution can the Governor use a Public Health Order to lock us down or take ANY of our rights away.

    DANG I’m not even an attorney – the New Mexico CONSTITUTION IS Very Clear! OUR Senators and Congress LET Her get away with it for 2 and 1/2 years LAST TIME.

    1. Exactly. I think everyone was in shock due to the media hyping everything up. Many people have woken up since. Not only is it completely illegal what she did now, it was then and you can’t suspend rights during a “health” emergency.

    1. Until people quit using generalized blanket descriptions (democrats, republicans, liberals, conservatives) and instead focus on the small minded and hare filled individuals on both sides of this ridiculous and unnecessary division, we won’t be able to work together for the betterment of this country and will continue down this scary rabbit hole.

  9. Arrest,convict and let her sit behind bars!! and in the judges ruling make it where she can NOT serve in public office ever again!

  10. Albuquerque parks are very dangerous. Hangouts for gang bangers, drug dealing, and many homeless. Where law abiding citizens should be allowed to arm for self-protection.

    Keep the lawsuits in place!

  11. That’s it exactly, they are trying to change the U.S and N.M. Constitutions, Abortion, then other States can follow suit, keep those lawsuits in place and anything else that can be done, they are always up to causing chaos, that’s their way! Also praying, speaking out God’s promises, His word is like a double edged sword, it’s powerful! He watches over his word to perform it. His word goes forth and accomplishes that which he sent it forth to do, well that’s how I pray, anyway. This is God’s will, Lord Jesus keep us united in you, faith in you and in your name. God the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, have your way. Holy are you Lord God Almighty, your kingdom come, will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

  12. So a legally carrying mom or dad at the park won’t be able to defend the family should miscreants show up threaten everyone? Honk if you think this action will lower the crime rate in ABQ.

  13. Please enlighten me on what she means by “eroding jurisdiction”. That sounds like a giant unconstitutional power grab. I don’t see how she has back peddled on anything. Its just a matter of her having NO consequences for what she has done. So no justice…

  14. Everyone seems to forget that she violated the Constitutions previously with the draconian Covid shutdowns. (Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly. …).

  15. Wake up people! This was just a litmus test to see how far it would go. Gov Gavin just called out to ratify the US Constitution with the 2A being the most important amendment on THEIR agenda to be changed/ratified. IT’S A SLIPPERY SLOPE, and she just opened the door!

  16. Guess what Governor, your amendment still places law abiding citizens at risk in public places where criminals will still take advantage of committing a crime. When will you understand your way of thinking is stupid, careless and still unconstitutional. You need to step down from office or be removed forcefully.

  17. Let’s not forget this isn’t the first time she has abused a Public Health Order, granted this time it was unconstitutional. Covid 19 let this not so smart woman run wild and force all restaurants to close because they were the reason Covid was spreading like wildfire. Restaurants closed and still the numbers were out of control, even my 5 year old grandson could see that the restaurants weren’t the problem but she still managed to force her way. I’m not in the restaurant business but I did feel for those who were and the survivors that still are. Now she thinks she can force her way again. I’m retired Law Enforcement and I have my concealed carry license. I lived my life being a law biding citizen and enforcing the laws against others. I have had firearms since I was 10 years old and never once in the last 42 years have any of my weapons just jumped up and attacked someone or tried to kill them. In my career I never had a gun fire shots at me on its own, it was the the felon behind the weapon pulling the trigger. Wake up MLG, pull your head out of the rest of the Democrats asses and take a deep breath. She is trying to commit political suicide, let her do it, although impeachment would hurt. I believe in the old saying that they can take my weapons when they pry my cold dead hands off of it.

  18. How is it she hasn’t been ARRESTED yet?…. she should’ve been ARRESTED the same day she tried to pull that Crap. Why are you Police afraid of her?. Do your job. Oh and just because your Great Grandparent’s, Grandparent’s and Parent’s told you to be a Democrat and vote Democrat because they are the Party for the POOR PEOPLE and the Republicans are the Party for the Rich…. and you believed them… doesn’t mean you can’t change to a Republican. I was told that when I was 18 and since have changed my mind once I started seeing the difference in the 2 Parties. I’m gonna tell you something ok…Republicans aren’t the answer to ALL your problems… but I can guarantee you Democrats ARE the cause of all your problems. Think about that and your way of life and City you live in and prices of everything and crime and so much more. Vote Red people and you’ll see change for the better.

  19. Have any of you seen a dead child riddled with bullet holes? It might change your mind.
    Have all of you Lujan haters returned your rebates to the state? That would help pay for gun safety programs.

    1. Actually I’ll bet most people have , the news media shows us bullet riddled corpse’s of children from other countries and Mexico where there is no constitution or 2nd amendment. The people there have no way of defending themselves or their rights because guns are illegal for normal citizens but the cartels and state criminals are still armed. A similar fate awaits us if the communists are allowed to disarm Americans .

  20. I will not comply to any new law that restricts the right to bear arms ! It’s not over until it’s over. Parks nor not…..I’m not back down. Are you?

  21. A criminal is, by definition, one who IGNORES THE LAW. Thus, no matter what sort of restrictions are placed upon legal gun owners, the bloodthirsty and violent criminal will always find a way to possess a gun and will not hesitate to use it to harm others.

    To disarm the law-abiding will serve to make innocent people defenseless, and even the dumbest criminal knows this.

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