Dems’ radical anti-gun agenda sparks fury during testy legislative hearing

On Tuesday in Santa Fe, the New Mexico Courts, Corrections, and Justice Committee met to discuss committee endorsements of legislation. Democratic members voted along party lines to endorse a series of what State Representative John Block (R-Alamogordo) decried via X as “extremist anti-gun bills.” 

The proposed Democrat anti-gun legislation includes a 14-day waiting period for all gun purchases and a ban on carrying firearms, whether concealed or open, within 100 feet of a polling place. Notably, there are no carveouts for residences, vehicles, concealed carry permit holders, or businesses within the specified vicinity.

Several other firearm-related bills were brought to the table during the committee deliberations, sparking heated debate from Block against the measures. Among these proposals were measures to ban any firearm with a magazine capacity exceeding ten rounds.

State Rep. Andrea Romero (D-Santa Fe) said during the committee that she would bring a bill forward that mirrors a federal proposal introduced by U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich, dubbed the “GOSAFE Act.” Additionally, the age limit for all gun purchases would be raised to 21 under one of the bills.

Critics, including Rep. Block, voiced their concerns about the implications of these measures, which they argue infringe upon Second Amendment rights. Block accused the Democrats, particularly those on the far left, of mounting a relentless assault on “our inalienable rights.” The three Republican voting members present for the committee, Reps. Andrea Reeb of Clovis, Alan Martinez of Bernalillo, and Bill Rehm of Albuquerque opposed the anti-gun measures that were put for an endorsement vote.

One of the more contentious proposals targets firearms manufacturers, seeking to expose them to a wave of lawsuits and penalties. Block and others opposing the measure argue that this approach unfairly singles out an industry that plays a critical role in the economy while potentially crippling it with legal challenges. It also includes vague language targeting “[m]ultiple parties acting in concert to manufacture, advertise, distribute or offer for sale a firearm, destructive device, firearm part or firearm accessory, which would violate the laws of New Mexico or the United States,” without “in concert” defined nor carveouts for payment processors and others who would unknowingly be implicated by the legislation. 

The committee session highlighted deep ideological divisions over gun control, with far-left Democrats supporting them while constitutional Republicans see them as direct threats to inalienable rights. In a passionate response, Block vowed to resist the proposed bills vehemently, promising to “fight them [Democrats] on this tooth and nail.”

As these bills move through the legislative process, it remains to be seen how the debate will unfold and whether compromises can be reached to address the concerns raised by opponents. The issue is likely to continue generating heated discussions as New Mexico navigates the complex intersection of individual rights and public safety.

22 thoughts on “Dems’ radical anti-gun agenda sparks fury during testy legislative hearing”

  1. Now’s the time for gun owners to get off their duffs and organize to fight these bills. 14-day waiting period?! That’s even worse than California’s!

  2. Clifton Rodger Curry

    More lies and Propaganda from Queen Grisham. Maybe the reason for less gun crime is because law enforcement is being allowed to do their job. I say again that The Wicked Witch of Santa Fe doesn’t really care about kids being killed or she wouldn’t be Promoting the Murder of unborn babies in the name of health care. It’s all about power and she Wants more power to control We The People. She only cares about moving up the political ladder and she’s making a Mockery out of NM and the Taxpayers who pay her salary to get what she wants. Rest assured Queen MLg that one day you will Stand Bfore the Judgement Seat of Jesus Christ and give an account for all your actions and I pray that you turn to Jesus before that day or Sadly you will burn in Hell along with millions of others who Rejected Jesus and served Satan

  3. John, when you’re in the Round House, repeat Charlton Heston’s famous words about not surrendering his weapons: “From my cold , dead hands.”

  4. Given the recent spate of US Supreme Court decisions one would think these clowns are educated enough (Oh, shoot, they probably went to school in NM) to realize about 99% of their proposals have already been shot down as unconstitutional. I’m really weary of our tax dollars being spent on un-winnable legal cases.

    1. Yep, guess it is time for me to get a gun.
      By the way…illegals working for Lowe’s installation go pros. Being forced by Lowe’s to use folks who don’t speak English to for install of purchases. That is not right. If non English speaking that means they are persons of hi risk to me. How can I expect the job is being done properly or that my home is not being “cased” for invasion at a later point. When I complained I was told if I require ID and to know everyone speaks English then they won’t get my equipment installed. I am boycotting all business which use this cohersion practice. Considering what types of corruption is going on in America …how do I know that the FBI or other “power players” won’t confiscate my property because I may have (unknowingly) allowed illegals to work on my property? These folks don’t have green cards ( yet.. Biden is making a big push to give all illegals a green card) that still does not assure me these folks have been vetted. Oh the nonsense keeps rolling along …I am boycotting Lowe’s

  5. Publish their names over and over as in out them. Twitter accounts, e-mails etc. Help us create a campaign of no to their destruction of our Constitutional Rights.?

  6. People use cars for violence too! Are we going to have a 14 day waiting period to buy a car? Are we going to sue GM, Ford and Chrysler if someone misuses one of their products? Are we going to raise the age limit for a driver’s license or a car purchase to 21? There is absolutely no difference in the two. One can be used for wrong just like the other. One can have accidents associated with it just like the other. Our Founding Fathers knew what they were doing! We need to be able to defend ourselves against a corrupt government! And don’t think that our government (especially our state government) isn’t corrupt and that they wouldn’t impose martial law on us over anything they want. Just look what they did with the lockdowns! That was just a test run….

  7. This bunch of libs in Santa Fe are so irrational that they don’t recognize that Heinrich’s GOSAFE Act will go nowhere. And they don’t give a damn that much of what they want to pass is unconstitutional and will become tied up in court battles.

    Hey Dems, quit wasting New Mexico taxpayer’s funds on your frivolous pursuits.

  8. We are being invaded at the border no one knows who they are, where they are and what their intentions are. Now the Democrats want to disarm us! Heinlick and Gruesome are going too far!

  9. NM was one of the most free states in the US before MLG came along. Now we are almost up there w/ NY & Calif., one of the most oppressed. That left-wing, marxist, communist b**** is a lame duck Gov., so what’s she got to lose. She’s throwing everything against the wall to see what’s sticks

  10. The inmates are running the asylum. Every democrat should show their good intentions on this subject and voluntarily disarm their self with pictures to show their faith in this cause. Have it published in the newspaper along with their name and address. Just to show their sincerity.

  11. These laws are dead on arrival. The SCOTUS has all ready ruled some of these unconstitutional and will strike down the rest. 90 + years of dem control and this is what we have devolved to.

  12. Citizens are approaching this problem bass-ackwards. The U.S. Constitution is The Law of the land, when state law tries to usurp fed law, the fed reigns supreme. These “elected leaders” have sworn an Oath to uphold the law yet they refuse to abide by their oath.

    The Bill of Rights does NOT grant any rights to citizens, the Bill of Rights are LIMITS ON THE GOVERNMENT. Get a copy of our Constitution and the Bill of Rights and read them, it’s in plain language – use the brains God gave you!

    Our rights are natural, inalienable rights endowed by Our Creator – granted at birth and revoked only by death. These are God Given Rights! They require no license or permission from any government paid stooge or flunkey! The problem is “We the People” have allowed these “elite geniuses” to con us into believing their twisted expansion and interpretation of the plain language of our Constitution. It won’t be easy to take We the People’s power back from these elite usurpers – nothing worthwhile is ever easy. But it can be done.

    File suit against the traitors who refuse to honor their oath to “Protect and Defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Demand they follow the plain language of the document they swore an oath to support or demand they resign. Restore our Constitutional Republic, and as said by a gang of old white men some 247 years ago – To this we pledge our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor…

  13. Citizens are approaching this problem bass-ackwards. The U.S. Constitution is The Law of the land, when state law tries to usurp fed law, the fed reigns supreme. These “elected leaders” have sworn an Oath to uphold the law yet they refuse to abide by their oath.

    The Bill of Rights does NOT grant any rights to citizens, the Bill of Rights are LIMITS ON THE GOVERNMENT. Get a copy of our Constitution and the Bill of Rights and read them, it’s in plain language – use the brains God gave you!

    Our rights are natural, inalienable rights endowed by Our Creator – granted at birth and revoked only by death. These are God Given Rights! They require no license or permission from any government paid stooge or flunkey! The problem is “We the People” have allowed these “elite geniuses” to con us into believing their twisted expansion and interpretation of the plain language of our Constitution. It won’t be easy to take We the People’s power back from these elite usurpers – nothing worthwhile is ever easy. But it can be done.

    File suit against the traitors who refuse to honor their oath to “Protect and Defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Demand they follow the plain language of the document they swore an oath to support or demand they resign. Restore our Constitutional Republic, and as said by a gang of old white men some 247 years ago – To this we pledge our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor…

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